Chapter Twenty Four

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Hi! Just wanted to hop in a say thanks for everyone who's reading! This is my first time ever writing something like this and I was a little nervous at first, but all the support has been greatly appreciated!
- J

Natalie sat in the back of the Uber sobbing. Jason and Corinna would exchange glances of concern in her direction quite frequently but nobody said a word.

When the Uber pulled up to the hotel everyone was staying in Jason ran out to check them in and Corinna took Natalie to the bathroom.

'Nat, it's going to be okay, it was just a stupid fight,' she tried to comfort her. Natalie's tears had stopped but she sat there emotionless. Every once in a while she would let out a little whimper.

'I don't want to make this worse... but why is it such a big deal that people know about you guys?' Corinna asked cautiously.

'I wanted it to be a surprise,' Natalie said and started digging through her bag. She pulled out a SD card and handed it to Corinna.

'I think I need some air. Just tell the desk to leave a card for me, I'll pick it up later,' Natalie rushed out of the bathroom and through the front doors of the hotel. Corinna tried to chase after her but couldn't keep up.

Corinna went back into the lobby and joined Jason at the front desk. She informed them to leave a key behind for Natalie, and her and Jason made their way to the suite everyone was staying in.

The elevator doors were just about to close when a hand stopped them and David appeared. He took a step in the elevator and looked around.

'Where's Nat?' He asked when he noticed it was only Jason and Corinna in the elevator.

'She left, she said she needed air,' Corinna said as the doors closed and the elevator started its ascent to their floor.

'What? Why did you let her leave! I need to talk to her!'

'I'm sorry Dave, she handed me this and said something about a surprise and then she ran out,' Corinna held up the SD card and David took it in his hands.

'What's on this?' He asked and both Jason and Corinna shrugged their shoulders.

The elevator doors opened and David rushed to their room. He pulled his laptop out and went to put the SD card in to see what was on it.

'Dave are you sure that's a good idea?' Jason asked over his shoulder. It was too late though, a video started playing.

'Hey Guys!' It was Natalie that spoke on the screen.

'You'll have to forgive me, this isn't really my area of expertise, but this guy, right here,' the camera panned to David asleep on the cloud couch.

'This guy is pretty important to me,' the screen went black for a second and then pictures and videos of David and Natalie started playing. There were clips that had been pulled from the vlogs, but also clips David didn't even know existed. He soon recognized accidentally in love playing over the videos and laughed. He made Natalie watch all the Shreks every week for a whole year when they were in junior high.

It started innocently enough, but then there would be a picture of them kissing, or David walking in front of Natalie with their hands joined together. Then there was a clip of David saying he loved her, and another Natalie saying it to David while he was making funny faces at her.

'I don't think it was an accident, but I'm definitely in love,' Natalie appeared just as the music was coming to a close and waved before blowing a kiss into the camera.

David had the biggest smile on his face as he sat looking at the now blank screen.

'Wow,' Jason said from behind him.

'Okay, that was the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen,' Corinna spoke up as well.

'I need to find her,' David spoke and the group heard a key enter the door. All three of them held their breath.

'WHATS UP PARTY PEOPLE!' Zane yelled as he walked into the room with Carly and Erin in tow. David, Jason and Corinna all sighed. They were hoping it was Natalie.

'Whoa, I haven't seen Zane bring down a room like that since he cracked his head open,' Carly joked as the door swung to a close.

'I gotta go,' David said and ran out of the room.

'Dave! Where are you going?' Zane called out after him but David didn't reply. He was going to find Natalie, he couldn't wait another second.

'Okay, did we miss something?' Erin asked and Corinna and Jason laughed.

'Boy, has it been a fucking day!' Corinna said and her and Jason explained everything that had happened.

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