Chapter Forty One

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Natalie decided that while David was out with Liza, she and Zane would go for dinner. All their friends were going out that night, so a little pre gaming wouldn't hurt anyone.

'So do you know what Liza wanted?' She asked Zane once they had made it to the restaurant and ordered.

'Not really, she looked disappointed when I showed up, but never mentioned anything about why she wanted to see David,' Natalie slowly nodded her head as she listened to Zane talk, and she pursed her lips slightly.

'Are you sure you're okay with them out at dinner right now?' Zane asked and Natalie let out a sigh.

'Honestly, not really. But I trust David. I know I have nothing to worry about, and Dave and I had that huge fight, and he was so good about everything, but I still wish she never asked him,' Natalie took a sip of her drink and then added on.

'Does that make me a bad person?'

'Of course not,' Zane reaches across the table and held her hand, trying to comfort her. Natalie flashed a smile and took another sip of her drink.

'Well, I think we should get some shots,' Natalie announced as the waiter approached their table. He quickly took their order and returned with their shots. Zane knew this could get sloppy fast, but he also knew Natalie needed this. So he happily downed the shot in front of him and ordered another round.

Across town David was walking into the restaurant he was suppose to meet Liza. He saw her already seated at a table and walked up to it. She stood and opened her arms, signifying she wanted a hug and David leaned in for an awkward embrace.

'Hey, thanks so much for rescheduling,' Liza smiled brightly in his direction as they both took their seats.

'Actually that was all Nat, I just go where she tells me,' he smiled back, thinking about Natalie and pulled his phone out of his pocket to place on the table beside him.

David and Liza proceeded in small talk until their food came. And even when the food was there they were mostly silent. Once they were sitting in front of empty plates David decided to get to the point.

'So how come you wanted to meet up?' He finally asked the question he had been dying to know all night.

Liza went to answer when David noticed his phone light up with notifications. He raised an eyebrow and directed his attention to his phone. David was greeted with a gossip mag article.

David and Natalie on the outs already?

David seemed to have picked things up with old flame Liza Koshy while Natalie was seen out with a mystery man. Is this the end of #datalie? Are #diza fans thriving? More in the link in our bio.

David rolled his eyes as he swiped through the pictures attached. It was a picture of him and Liza hugging when he got to the restaurant, and another of them at the table. Then it was a picture of Natalie with some guy who's back was to the camera, but he had an arm stretched across the table and was holding her hand. He took a screen shot of the article and sent it to Natalie

David: something you want to tell me?

Natalie: my mystery man and I are very happy that you and Liza are back together 🙄

He smiled at the picture of Zane she sent along with her message and finally realized he wasn't paying attention to Liza at all.

'Sorry, just got a bit distracted, what were you saying?' He directed his attention back to her and although she looked a bit discouraged, she began talking again.

'I wanted to get together just because it's been a while since we broke up, and I don't know. Apart of me always thought we would get back together once I sorted things out. And now you're with Natalie, I guess I just wanted some closure.' She said in an even tone.

'Closure? You broke up with me?' David was confused but kept his cool while answering Liza.

'Liza, we broke up almost three years ago, and I have to admit, for a long time I thought we were going to get back together too, but then a year past, and then two, and nothing.'

'I understand that. And I think it's quite obvious how much you love Natalie.' Liza was cut off by David.

'I do love Natalie.'

'I know. I guess I just wanted to see you. Say no hard feelings. And now I can finally move on too,' she took a sip of her drink and focused her attention to a confused looking David.

'Why would there be hard feelings?'

'Just that, I always thought you had a little crush on Natalie when we dated. Nothing major, but the way you would talk about her and stuff. And now that you guys are together, it kind of makes it seem like I was some replacement or place holder for when you couldn't have her. I don't know. I'm not mad about it or anything,' she gave him a tight lipped smile.

'I'm not going to deny that apart of me always liked Nat in a little way. But you were never a place holder. I did love you Liza. And yes it wasn't meant to be, and yeah we broke up and everything but I'm very thankful for our relationship.'


'Deadass. I wouldn't be who I am today without you. And I'll always be happy about the time we had together. Just because I'm with Natalie now doesn't mean I don't appreciate everything we had. I hope this is the closure you need. I want nothing but the best for you. And I hope one day you find what I have with Nat.' He smiled as soon as he mentioned her name and Liza smiled at that.

'You know you can't say her name without smiling right?' She said with a little laugh.

'I so can,' he said and took a drink of his water and then relaxed his face into a serious expression.

'Natalie,' a small smile worked its way onto his features and he rolled his eyes and tried again.

'Nat,' a bigger smile appeared and Liza laughed at his efforts.

'Natalie,' he tried for a final time, but when a smile grew across his face he threw his hands up in defeat.

'I give up,' he said with a bright smile and Liza laughed.

'I think it's cute. I'm happy you're so happy.'

'Thanks, that means a lot. I do hope you find someone that makes you happy too,' David said as their bill arrived at the table. When they finished paying Liza asked what he had planned for the rest of the night.

'Actually I think we're all going out. You should come! I know everyone misses you!' He told her.

'Yeah, that sounds like fun,' she replied and they started walking toward the exit.

'Great! I think we're just going to Saddle Ranch. Do you mind if I meet you there? There's something I want to do first,' he asked and Liza nodded her head. David pulled out his phone as he headed to his Tesla.

David: are you and Nat still at the restaurant? Don't tell her I'm asking.

Zane: yeah baby, we're just about to get our bill and head over to Saddle Ranch

David: can you stall for like 20 minutes?

Zane: easily!

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