Chapter Thirty Six

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Natalie woke up to the captain talking over the speaker, David had his head on her shoulder and she tried her best not to wake him up. She looked around and felt for her phone to check the time.

David let out a little groan when Natalie tried to reach a little too far for her phone and she stopped her movements. David settled into her a little more and let out a little sigh in his sleep. Natalie smiled at him as the captain once again spoke over the speakers.

'We are now beginning our decent into Los Angelos, please make sure your seats are in their up right and locked positions.'

Natalie ran her hands through David's hair and softly called his name. He let out a hum and tried to cuddle into Natalie further.

'Dave you have to put your seat up, we're almost home,' his eyes slowly opened and he blinked up at Natalie.

'Hey,' he said in a gruff voice and leaned up to kiss her.

'Hi,' she smiled back at him and David sat up to put his chair up. He ran a hand over his face and rubbed his eyes.

'I can't believe I fell asleep,' he said and Natalie reached for his hand.

'Well we barely slept last night, you must have been tired,' she replied and leaned into him a little.

'The more I think about it, I'm really happy everyone knows about us,' Natalie added once she was comfortable against David.

'Yeah?' David said with a smile.

'Yeah,' she smiled up at him.

'Speaking of everyone knowing, I have a surprise for you when we get home,' David said.

'Really?' Natalie asked and she sat up to look into his eyes.

'Yes really,' he said as the plane started to taxi to their gate.

'What is it?'

'You'll have to wait and see,' David leaned into to peck her on her lips and everyone stood up to get off the plane.

David wrapped his arm around Natalie as they walked to the baggage claim with all their friends. They were all laughing and talking and Natalie finally remembered to check her phone.

She turned her phone on for the first time since the night before and checked all her unread messages. She quickly replied to her mom asking if they had gotten back to LA safely, and then went onto Instagram.

She noticed her followers had gone up, and she had a bunch of notifications and tags. Natalie's eyes widened and she quickly scrolled through her feed. Most of the posts were about how happy people were for David and Natalie. There were edits and posts about little hints of them dating going back years. There were pictures of them from high school, and as recent as the leaked pictures of them in Chicago the week before.

Natalie smiled and showed David her phone. He took the phone from her and started scrolling on his own. Natalie wrapped her arms around his torso and looked at her phone with him.

Their friends smiled as they watched the couple. Corinna took her phone out and snapped a picture of the two cuddled up, oblivious to the outside world. She posted it to her Instagram story and it immediately started to blow up.

David looked up from Natalie's phone and to Corinna, he smiled at her and their friends all started making kissy faces at the couple. Natalie rolled her eyes but looked up at David who happily leaned down to kiss her, making all their friends coo and aweh.

They all got their bags and went outside to where Taylor was waiting with the Tesla. The group piled in and began the drive back to David's house.

Most of the group went their separate ways when they arrived back at the house, it was only David, Natalie, Zane, Taylor and Carly sitting in the living room.

'So you guys are public, how does it feel?' Carly asked from her spot on the couch.

'So much regret, I think we're going to break up now,' Natalie said with a serious face and everyone's eyes widened.

'What the fuck?' Zane said. Natalie and David shared a little look and then bursted out laughing. David started coughing from laughing so hard and Natalie got up to get him some water.

'Here babe,' she handed David the water and he drank while everyone else laughed.

'It feels great actually! Everyone online has been pretty supportive which is nice too,' Natalie told their friends after everyone calmed down a little bit.

'Oh Nat! That reminds me! Your surprise!' David said excitedly and went to get his laptop from his backpack in his room.

'Yay! I love surprises!' Natalie clapped her hands and waited for David to come back into the room.

'It's this weeks vlog,' David said and sat beside Natalie, setting up the TV to mirror his laptop screen.

'You're showing me the vlog?' Natalie said a little disappointed. David turned to look at her and gave a reassuring smile.

'Just watch, okay?' He asked and Natalie nodded her head and settled to look at the TV.

The vlog opened with a screen recording of Natalie's Instagram story where she called David her boyfriend. It cut to David's intro song and vlog number before Natalie's video started playing.

Natalie turned her head to look at David, he was staring at her already. They made eye contact and a smile grew on Natalie's face that David quickly mirrored.

Once Natalie's video finished playing the screen cut to black before more videos of Natalie and David started.

'This is my girlfriend, Natalie,' a voiceover started and it showed videos of the two of them through David's point of view.

'We've been dating for a few months now, and I am so completely in love with her.' There was a video of Natalie dancing in the kitchen, and one of her sleeping, cuddle into David's side. A clip of Natalie eating and one of David tickling her while she had her head back laughing. It ended with a picture of David and Natalie kissing, and Natalie remembered it from the day the whole group found out about them.

The screen turned to black and the words 'I love you, Nat' flashed on the screen before all the outro clips played.

Zane, Carly and Taylor all started gushing about the vlog as soon as it ended. David was looking at Natalie whose mouth was hanging open and she blinked at the screen. She finally turned her head to look him and David saw that her eyes were slightly watery.

'You did that for me?' She asked him and David gave a nervous nod. They were in their own little world and couldn't hear their friends talking about how cute it was.

'That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me,' she said and moved closer to him, placing a tender kiss on his lips.

'Well you did most of it,' David admitted.

'I just added to what you did,' he accepted another kiss from Natalie and she looked into his eyes smiling.

'I love you,' she whispered to him and David smiled.

'Love you too. Want to do the honors?' David asked and she excitedly nodded her head. He handed Natalie the laptop and she pushed the upload button.

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