Chapter Forty Eight

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'Hey,' Ilya said as he approached the front porch of Natalie's mom's house and saw her sitting on the step.

'What are you doing here? It's 2 in the morning,' Natalie asked as Ilya sat down next to her.

'Reggie called me,' Ilya stated and Natalie nodded her head.

'He didn't have to do that,' she answered.

'Well, he's worried about you,' Ilya took note of Natalie. She didn't look like she had been crying but she did look distressed. Natalie brought her hands up to rub her temples and Ilya noticed the ring sparkling on her finger.

'So, the ring,' Ilya said and Natalie brought her hand away from her face and looked at it.

'Yeah, David proposed,' she said calmly, not looking at Ilya.

'Looks like it, congrats I guess,' he answered, Natalie nodded again and the two sat in silence.

'So what's going on Nat?' Ilya finally asked after the silence stretched just a tad too long.

'I want to marry David,' she said.

'Okay,' Ilya answered.

'I want to be with David,' Natalie continued.

'Okay,' Ilya answered yet again.

'I love David,' Natalie said and Ilya nodded his head.

'So why are you here?' Ilya asked and Natalie sighed.

'I freaked out Ilya,' she admitted and Ilya waited for her to continue.

'I pushed him away, like I always do. And I realize now it's because I've never seen a successful marriage and part of me thought if I got married it would mean we would end. It's stupid,' she added.

'Well it's not that stupid if you freaked out about it,' Ilya said and Natalie gave him a grateful smile. They sat in silence once again.

'So David tells me you're in love,' Natalie changed the subject and gave a cheeky smile in Ilya's direction.

'I don't know about love, but she's pretty great,' Ilya replied.

'I'm happy for you Ilya,' Natalie replied and it was Ilya's turn to flash a smile.

'Thanks Nat, that means a lot. I'd say you guys should meet while you're here but something tells me you're not staying that long,' Ilya said and Natalie smiled again.

'You would be right about that. I booked a flight out at 6 am, so I should be home before David wakes up tomorrow,' she blushed.

'Well, why don't I give you a lift?' Ilya said and stood up. He held a hand out to help Natalie up and she tentatively took it. She opened the door to her mom's house slowly and quietly before grabbing her suitcase that never made it past the front entrance. She took note of Reggie asleep on the couch and sent him a text explaining where she went.

As they drive to the airport Natalie posted a picture on her Instagram of David. It was one of her favorites of him. They had been watching a movie one night and eating pizza on the couch. David dropped his slice and she had gotten a picture of his face while he watched it fall. It was crazy and funny and messy and weird and perfectly them. She posted a simple caption, but hoped when David saw it he would know.

natalinanoel: my everything

The flight wasn't anything exciting. Natalie felt the tiredness of her body set in but the excitement of seeing David kept her awake. She knew he would probably be sleeping by now, but a part of her hoped he would be awake when she got there. She couldn't help but play with the ring around her neck. After fidgeting with it she finally unclasped the necklace and moved the ring to her finger. A smile spread on her face while she looked at it glittering.

The house was dark when she pulled up. She tried to be as quiet as possible when she walked in. She left her suitcase by the door and tip toed to David's room. His door was open and she slowly took off her shoes and jacket and crawled in beside him.

'Nat?' He whispered huskily when he noticed someone getting into his bed.

'Shh, just go back to sleep,' she said as she shifted so she was closer to him.

'What are you doing home? Is everything okay?' David asked. More awake now, but still fighting the sleep trying to overtake him again.

'Everything is perfect. I shouldn't have left. We can talk more in the morning,' she said and nestled her head onto his chest.

'I missed you,' she heard him whisper and she smiled slightly. She lifted her head and placed a kiss against his jaw.

'I missed you more,' she replied just as quiet.

'David?' She asked and he let out a soft hum to acknowledge her.

'I'm sorry,' she said and David tightened his grip around her.

'Don't be,' he mumbled out and Natalie knew he was almost back asleep.

'I love you,' she said and placed her head back on his chest, nuzzling closer to him, and wrapping an arm around his torso.

'Is it enough?' He asked, barely audible. Natalie would have thought she imagined it if she hadn't felt her hair against his lips move when he spoke.

'You're more than enough. You're everything,' she whispered back.

'I should have known from the start,' Natalie added and was met with a soft snore from David. She smiled and slipped a hand under his shirt and rested it on his stomach to feel him breathe.

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