Chapter Twenty Three

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The plane landed without another incident and the group was on their way to David's parents house.

'So have you decided how you're going to tell your parents?' Corinna asked David and Natalie front where she was sat in the passenger seat of the Uber.

'I think we're just going to act like a couple and wait for them to say something,' David said in return.

'So, they'll never know because you guys act the exact same as you always have,' Jason joked, causing David to roll his eyes.

'Are you on crack? We hold hands and cuddle all the time,' David said, motioning to his and Natalie's joint hands.

'Yeah, but you guys have always done stuff like that,' Corinna chimed in again.

'That's why it took us so long to notice something was up with you guys. The not so subtle stares, and secret touches have gone on for years, that's nothing new. You'll have to fuck in front of your families for them to notice something different,'

'Corinna!' Natalie blushed and went to hide her face in David's chest.

'Don't be mad, you know I'm right!' Corinna raised her hands in surrender.

'Uhm, guys... has anyone been on Instagram since we landed?' Jason piped up, looking at his phone.

'No? Why?' David asked.

'Well... you might not have to tell your parents anymore..' Jason flipped his phone around to a picture of Natalie and David kissing in the airport earlier.

Natalie took the phone from Jason and started scrolling through a bunch of pictures. There was her and David holding hands, them kissing, Natalie pulling on his arm while they talked closely, and David walking with his arm wrapped around Natalie.

'No, no, no, no, no, no! It was suppose to be out yet!' Natalie said and turned to look at David as the Uber stopped in front of the Dobrik residence.

'Nat, it's okay,' David said, taking the phone from Natalie and getting out of the car.

'It's not okay David! It was our news to tell! Look at this!' She shoved her phone into his face and began pacing in front of David, Corinna and Jason.

'Datalie is trending! This wasn't suppose to happen! We should have been more careful! Maybe we can tell people it was for a bit or something?' Natalie suggested. 

'Well fuck Natalie, if it's so bad for people to think we dating, maybe we shouldn't!' David snapped and started walking to his door.

'David, you know that's not what I mean,' but Natalie was cut off by the front door slamming. Jason and Corinna looked on awkwardly as Natalie knocked on the door.

'DAVID! Open the door!' Natalie said loudly, Corinna could hear tears in her voice and Jason started walking towards the door and Natalie.

'Nat, why don't we go to the hotel..'

'NO! I need to talk to David! That isn't what I meant!' Tears were freely falling now and Corinna ordered another Uber to pick them up.

'David, please' Natalie had her head resting against the door as she cried.

'Let's let him cool off, we'll see him later,' Jason wrapped an arm around her shoulders a guided her to the street where the new Uber was just pulling up.

David sat on the other side of the door with his knees up to his chest. He could hear Natalie on the other side of the door but was too hurt to talk to her.

Why was it so bad that people knew about them?

'David?' He heard from in front of him and looked up to see Toby.

'I didn't know you were coming home!' He said excitedly and ran up to David only to notice how upset his big brother seemed.

'What's wrong?' Toby asked as the rest of David's family came into the room to see what the commotion was.

David wiped his eyes and stood up, ruffling Toby's hair.

'Nothing dude. What's for dinner?' He asked his mom and walked to the kitchen. His mom and dad shared worried glances but knew better than to ask before David was ready to talk.

David sat in silence, not really eating his food as he listened to his family talk around him.

'Oh I met the new neighbors yesterday!' Toby said with a mouthful of food.

'And they have a kid my age! I saw her riding her bike earlier! She was reaaaalllllly pretty! Maybe she'll be my Natalie!'

'What?' David perked up and started paying attention.

'My Natalie! You know? Like my soulmate!' Toby kept talking as everyone else looked to David to see his reaction.

'I need to go,' David said and stood up from the table.

'But you haven't eaten anything!' His mom called after him but he kept walking.

'Dad! Can I borrow your car?' He asked while grabbing the keys and walking out the door before he got an answer.

'I guess so,' his dad said with a little chuckle.

'So I guess it's safe to say he finally realized his feelings for Natalie,' his mom laughed.

'Apparently they're already dating, it's all over social media,' Ester chimed in while taking her final bite of food.

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