Chapter Fourteen

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Carly and Erin walked out the door on their way to David's Tesla as Natalie made her was into the house. She looked around and noticed only Joe and Jeff were still there. She smiled at the two, went into the kitchen to grab some water and made her way to the couch with her laptop to get some work done.

'Oh shoot! I didn't realize it was so late already, I need to go let Bobby out! I'll see you guys later!' And just like that, Joe had left and it was only Natalie and Jeff in the house.

Natalie looked up over her laptop screen when she felt eyes on her. She noticed Jeff staring at her, as if he was studying her.

'It's creepy to stare.' She said while closing her laptop a little bit and give Jeff more of her attention.

'I can't help it. You look extra beautiful lately. Almost like you're glowing...' Jeff flirted.

Natalie rolled her eyes and moved the laptop aside, sitting up a little straighter to talk to Jeff more directly.

'Look, Jeff, I don't know what you're trying to do, but,' Natalie was cut off by Jeff speaking.

'What? I can't tell you you're beautiful now? That can't be a secret.'

'Okay what is going on?' Natalie questioned, growing more confused as the conversation went on.

'Want to go out?' Jeff asked boldly.

'I just got home. If you need something just text Jason or David to pick it up on their way back,' Natalie responded, clearly oblivious to the context.

'Natalie. Do you want to go on a date?' Jeff tried again.

'What? With you?' Natalie asked. She was pretty sure her mouth was hanging open at the surprise of the question.

'Yes, with me. To clarify, I, Jeff, would like to take you, Natalie, on a date.'

'Uhm, look Jeff you're really sweet but no thank you.' Natalie said shyly. She always felt a little bad turning people down.

'How come?' Jeff countered. He had a little smirk on his face, if he was lucky he could get her off guard enough to admit her feelings for David.

'What do you mean how come? Do you really want me to describe why I don't want to go out with you?' Natalie asked in response. Her phone chimed with a text message, and she picked up her phone to answer.

'Carly wants to know if we want anything from Starbucks?' Natalie asked.

'Why won't you go out with me?' Jeff asked again and Natalie raised her eyebrow in question.

'I don't think I want anything. Do you?' She asked him again. Trying to ignore his previous question.

'How come?' Jeff tried again.

'Jeff, come on. You know why.'

'No I don't. Tell me!'

'Jeff,' Natalie was interrupted but Jeff speaking quickly.

'Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell meeeeee!'

'BECAUSE I'M DATING DAVID!' Natalie finally yelled. She immediately realized her confession and covered her mouth with her hands.

'Wait what?' Jeff smiled.

'I knew you liked him but I didn't know you guys were dating!' He yelled back in excitement.

'It's sort of new, and a secret. And I'd like to keep it that way,' Natalie sent her message to Carly and then typed David a quick text.

'Please.' She added hoping that Jeff would be okay keeping this to himself.

'Of course!! I can't fucking believe it! All this work I've been doing to try and get you and David together and you already are?! What are the chances!'

Natalie finally put together the pieces of all the Jeff was saying.

'So you did all that on purpose? Telling David you liked me and the flirting and the asking me out?' It was like a lightbulb had gone off in her head.

'Well when you put it like that it sounds like we're in middle school. I was calling it; Operation Make Dobrik Jealous.' Jeff said back with a confident smile.

'Oh yes, that makes it way more mature.' Natalie sarcastically replied. Her phone chimed again and she picked it up.

David: for someone who "doesn't want people to know" you sure seem to be telling a lot of people ;)

Natalie: smart ass

Jeff watched as Natalie was on her phone. He could tell she was texting with David because she had the smile that she reserved for him. It was slightly softer than her normal smile. It showed comfort and love.

After Natalie finished texting she put her phone down and picked up her laptop to resume the work she had started earlier. Jeff stayed and played around with his phone until Jason and Ilya came back.

The four of them were sitting in the living room talking about nothing in particular when more people started showing up. Natalie loved these nights. Nothing was planned but they all ended up together in a low key environment. There was no pressure.

Soon everyone from earlier in the day was back over. All hanging out and having fun. David seemed to be extra hyper. Maybe it was all the caffeine he had because of the Starbucks mukbang. Or maybe it was the high of knowing Natalie had let one more person in on their secret. Whatever the reason David was up and moving around the house. One minute he was playing pool, the next we was in the backyard talking about having a fire. The next thing Natalie knew David came in from the garage with a nerf gun.

Natalie couldn't help but smile at his craziness. It was one of the reasons she liked him so much. He always brought out a fun side in every person he knew.

After a while people slowly started to leave their house. Only David, Matt, Zane and Todd were left going wild. Natalie had been laying on the couch but she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore and decided it was time to go to bed.

She got up off the couch and said her good nights, and went to her bedroom. It felt weird to be in there. She hadn't slept in her own bed in almost a week. She was just about to crawl into bed when there was a knock at her door and it swung open. Natalie jumped and let out a little scream at the sudden intrusion only to see David walking up to her laughing with his arms in the air.

'I'm sorry! I didn't know that would scare you so much,' he said while walking the remaining distance between them. He wound his arms around her waist and Natalie put hers around his neck, accepting the kiss he was leaning in for.

'I just wanted to say night! I don't know how much longer we'll be, but I'm not very tired. They've been drinking too so they'll probably all crash here,' David let out a little pout and Natalie reached up to kiss it.

David smiled into the kiss and deepened it. He finally pulled away when they heard a loud crash come from the living room. Natalie stood there with her eyes closed for a few extra seconds, wanting to stay in that moment longer.

'I'll miss you tonight.' She finally said. David gave her another peck before he disappeared out the door and into the living room with the others.

Natalie had just gotten under her covers and comfortable when she noticed a text on her phone.

David: I'll miss you more

She smiled as her eyes slowly closed. She could still hear the chaos happening in the living room and she didn't even care. Life was pretty much perfect in that moment.

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