Chapter Thirty

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'You ready?' Natalie asked David as they stood on the front steps of her parent's house. David smiled and gave their intertwined hands a little shake.

'Let's do this,' he said and raised his free hand to knock on the door.

'Dave, I don't knock to go into my parents house,' Natalie chuckled and opened the door, dragging David inside by their joined hands.

'Mom?' Natalie yelled into the house and soon Natalie's mom came into view.

'Nat! I didn't know you were coming..' she stopped talking when she saw David.

'DAVID!' She yelled and went to hug him.

'Should I be offended you like my boyfriend more than me?' Natalie asked her mom.

'Your WHAT?' She yelled and Natalie held up their interlaced hands. David blushed a little and moved to stand behind Natalie.

'WHEN? HOW? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?' Natalie's mom was screaming questions at them and Natalie turned to look at David. She wrapped her free arm around the one he was using to hold her hand and dragged him forward a little bit.

'It's been a couple of months,' David said sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't know why he was so nervous all of a sudden, she was obviously taking the news well.


'Mom, please, stop yelling. This will be a lot easier if we can still hear when we leave,' Natalie joked and began walking into the kitchen trudging David behind her. They sat and the kitchen table and Natalie's mom scurried into the room to find out more information.

'Okay, okay, so a couple of months! Oh my god I'm so happy! Is it serious?'

'Well I hope Nat's serious, considering I love her,' David blurted out and blushed at his admittance to Natalie's mom.

'Oh hunny, I could have told you that years ago!' Natalie's mom said with a smile and Natalie leaned into David.

'Really?' Natalie asked and gave a secret smile to David.

'Oh yeah! Remember when you had the flu sophomore year?' Natalie slowly nodded and began to finish the story.

'And Dave came over with jello, soup and all the Shrek movies.'

'Yeah, and you threw up all over him. He didn't even go home. He just changed into some of your dads clothes and you guys kept watching Shrek,' Natalie's mom laughed as she remembered walking into the living room and seeing Natalie passed out on David while he quietly tried to lower the volume on the TV.

'You liked me even when I threw up on you?' Natalie turned to ask David and he blushed.

'Oh Nat! And remember when you had the biggest crush on him when you were going to ask him to the dance?'

'I don't think David wants to hear this story...' Natalie tried to interrupt, but David was having none of it.

'Oh David definitely wants to hear this story,' he told her mom who continued.

'You stayed up all night trying to figure out how to ask him! And even when that poor boy, what was his name again? Showed up to ask you, and you told him you had to babysit the dog so you couldn't go!'

'You told me nobody asked you and that's why I had to go with you!' David said with a smug smirk.

'Oh my god, I had a crush on you! Sue me!' Natalie said and leaned into the kiss David planted on her cheek.

'So, are you going to tell me about the black eye now?' Natalie's mom asked after a couple more minutes of reminiscing. She turned her attention directly to David who averted his gaze.

'The black eye would be from Ilya's fist..' he said with his head hung low.

'He was that mad when he found out about you guys?'

'No, we sort of had an argument yesterday, and I was talking to the girls, and Ilya overheard something and jumped to conclusions and the next thing I knew David was on the ground,' Natalie filled her mom in.

Natalie's mom hummed and the three of them sat in silence for a bit.

'I swear this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time Mrs. Mariduena, Natalie is totally safe when she's with me, I would never do anything if it meant she could get hurt.' David didn't want Natalie's mom to think he was a bad influence.

'I know that David. You're a good kid. I trust you with Nat, I know you guys are perfect for each other. And I've told you a thousands times, call me Jen,' Natalie's mom smiled.

The three of them continued to talk around the table for about an hour. Natalie loved that her mom and David got along so well. She couldn't wait to see him with the rest of her family, but she would have to wait until later for that.

'Dave we better get going, you told your mom we'd be there by 5,' Natalie told him and started to get up from the table.

David followed her up and to the door when they started putting on their shoes and saying their goodbyes. David reached over and gave Natalie's mom a hug.

'We're leaving tomorrow, but maybe you can come to LA again soon? You know you're always welcome at our place Mrs. Mari-, Jen,' he corrected himself.

'Maybe soon,' she told him and went to give Natalie a hug. David went to go start the car while Natalie and her mom said their goodbyes.

'You look happy,' her mom told her.

'I am,' Natalie smiled and went to give her another hug.

'Don't be afraid to open your heart okay? I know how you get. David's don't come around everyday, you need to let him in. Promise?'

'I know, I'm working on it,' Natalie answered and looked towards the car where David gave her a little wave from the driver seat.

'It's easy with him. I'm not scared to be myself and tell him I love him. I just feel kind of stupid, we could have been together and happy this whole time,' Natalie admitted to her mom who smiled and hugged her for a third time.

'Don't dwell on that! Just be happy you're together now and make the most of it. I love you, Nat. I'm so happy for you guys.'

Natalie ran towards the car and hopped in the passenger seat.

'Ready to go?' David asked and Natalie leaned over to give him a kiss.

'Yup!' She said and turned on the radio.

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