Chapter Sixteen

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It was just shy of a month later and David and Natalie were proud to say no one else caught on about their relationship. There were a couple close calls, like when David called Natalie on speaker from the Tesla full of people and she answered with,

'Hey Babe.'

Or when the whole squad was hanging out at David's house in the living room and David reached for Natalie's hand to hold without thinking about it.

Or when Natalie was leaving the house to go run some errands and placed a quick kiss on David's cheek as she ran out the door.

Or when David would shoot a glare at any guy who got a little too close to Natalie.

All things considered they were getting into the groove of being in a relationship. Natalie figured they were able to have so many close calls without being discovered because of how their relationship had always been.

There had always been an underlying affection for the other between the two. Even when they were in relationships with other people, David and Natalie always gravitated to each other. They had managed to find and love other people, but they both knew the other had part of their heart.

David and Natalie were laying in his bed one morning when he got the text about the boys trip. David was laying on his back, with his phone resting on his stomach, and Natalie on her side with her head resting on his chest. They had been scrolling through the Instagram explore page when the notifications popped up.


Jeff: boys trip this weekend to Vegas!

Zane: ya baby!

Jason: do we have to invite Scott?

Scott: dick!

Natalie laughed while reading all the messages.

'Thank god. I was getting sick of you! Looks like I'm on my own for the weekend!' Natalie said with a smirk.

'Baaaaaabe,' David whined back as he let out a chuckle.

'Won't you miss me?' He asked while giving a charming smile.

'No! I fucking hate you.' Natalie replies sarcastically. She propped herself up and gave David a lingering kiss.

'Just kidding,' she mumbled against his lips and then leaned in for another kiss.

A couple hours later the couple had finally gotten out of bed and made their way into the living room. Carly and Erin showed up and the four of them were hanging out when Todd and Scott walked in talking about the boys Vegas trip.

'Hey! Let's have a girls night this weekend then!' Erin perked up.

'Oh my god cute! Yes!' Carly agreed.

Natalie smiled at the idea.

'Okay, I'm in!' She agreed, and the three girls starting planning what they would do.

The boys left for Vegas on the Friday afternoon. They were planning on spending Friday, Saturday and Sunday night in Vegas, and then head home Monday morning.

Natalie spent her Friday night relaxing. She was cuddled on the couch in one of David's sweaters watching a movie when her phone rang.

She looked at the time and saw that it was 1 in the morning, before looking to see who was calling. Her face lite up and she quickly answered her phone.

'Hey!' She greeted David eagerly, holding the phone to her ear.

'Hey beautiful,' Natalie could hear the smile in David's voice as he spoke. It was loud wherever he was, she figured him and the boys were at some club.

'I miss you. What are the chances of getting you to come to Vegas?' He asked and Natalie rolled her eyes.

'I miss you too, but you should enjoy your boys trip! Plus I have a girls night tomorrow! So as much as I would love,' Natalie was cut off by a knock at the front door and the doorbell ringing.

'Was that the doorbell?' David asked. Concern working its way into his voice.

'Who's there? Are you expecting anyone?'

'No....' Natalie poked her head up over the couch and quickly ducked back down.

'I think it's fans,' Natalie told David. She tried to make herself as little as possible on the couch so they wouldn't see her and hopefully leave.

'Fuck, Nat I'm so sorry.' David genuinely said. Natalie heard him shout something away from the phone and listened in silence as he walked out of the noise and into more quiet area.

'Are you okay? Want me to send someone over?' He asked once he had made it into a noiseless place.

'It's okay. Just don't hang up okay?' She pleaded. Still curled up on the couch as another knock came from the door. Natalie let out a little whimper and David grew angry.

'WHY DO THEY STILL COME TO OUR FUCKING HOUSE?' He yelled. David immediately regretted losing his cool and his voice softened.

'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I just wish I could be there with you.'

'I wish you were here with me too.' They stayed silent for a little bit. Both taking comfort in hearing the other breathe.

The two chatted about nothing in particular when Natalie noticed it had been like twenty minutes without a knock. She took a chance at a looked at the door.

'I think they're gone,' she told David and she quickly got up and made a run for her room.

'Are you okay?' He asked for what seemed like the millionth time.

'Yeah. I'm in my room now. Sorry for being such a baby.' She told him.

'You have nothing to be sorry about. I'll take any chance I get to talk to you.' He said back, putting a smile on Natalie's face and calming her nerves.

'You haven't even been gone a night. Why do I miss you so much?' Natalie finally asked him. Causing David's heart to swell.

'Probably because I'm so lovable,' David replied.

'Hmm, I don't think that's it.' Natalie retorted.

'Dave there you are! You've been gone for like a hour! Is everything okay?' Natalie could hear Jason ask through the phone.

'Yeah, all good, some people showed up at the house so I'm just making sure Nat is okay,' David answered him.

'Is she good?' Natalie heard Jeff ask with concern.

'Yup! They're gone now!'

'Okay well we're heading back to the hotel, so hang up the phone with your girlfriend so we can leave!' Todd yelled. David's eyes bugged a little, wondering if Todd knew about him and Natalie when Todd started laughing.

Todd reached out to Jeff for a high five and Jeff was eager to return it and play off his comment like some funny joke.

'Classic dude!' Jeff told him with a laugh.

'So funny Todd,' David replied sarcastically.

'You guys go ahead I'll catch up,' he told the group and waited until they left the room.

'Okay, I better go. Are you sure you're okay?' He asked her again.

'Yes Dave, I'm fine. I promise.' Natalie confirmed for him.

'Okay. I love you. Have a good sleep.'

'I love you too David. Miss you.'

'Miss you more. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night Babe.' David hung up his phone and ran to catch up with the guys.

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