Chapter Nineteen

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The group held their breaths as the first bus approached. They raised to their feet and watched through the window as people started getting off the bus. One by one a new person walked through the big doors of the room and were greeted by the happy, smiling, relieved faces of their loved ones.

There was a pause in people departing the bus, and the door to the bus closed and started driving away. Natalie gave out a little cry and the some of the boys panicked a little more.

Scott pulled his phone out and tried calling David again. But, like before it went straight to voicemail.

'Don't worry there are a bunch more busses, the agent I talked to said there should be six.' Jason informed them and they watched another bus drive past, heading for a different room with different people waiting.

Natalie finished her water and began fidgeting with the empty bottle. Another bus drove past them, and she mentally noted that was three. Half the busses.

A fourth bus pulled up ten minutes later and more people got out. Happy reunions were happening all around and Natalie's eyes stayed focus on the door. She dropped her water bottle and focused on breathing.

The amount of people in the room began to dissipate, and a fifth bus drove past them. Natalie looked up to the roof and blinked her eyes trying to stop tears from falling. She could hear the boys talking but couldn't register anything they were saying. It was a little after 1 am and Natalie should be tired but she was wide awake.

A sixth bus pulled up and the group held their breathe as the doors opened and people started to make their way into the room. A pin drop could be heard. This was the last bus. If someone didn't get off this bus it meant they weren't coming back. They watched a couple more people exit and finally Natalie saw David step off the bus.

She started crying in relief and began running towards him. When she got even remotely close to him she flung herself into his arms. Natalie wrapped her legs around his waist as David stumbled back a bit at the force she threw herself at him.

Natalie grabbed his face in both of her hands and began peppering kisses all over it. She finally pressed a long kiss to his lips and David slowly lowered her so she was standing on her tip toes into the kiss. The kiss finally broke, and the two rested their foreheads against each other and David began to wipe away some of the tears that were still left on Natalie's face.

'Uhm, did I miss something?' Zane asked in confusion at the two of them.

David finally noticed all the boys around him and Natalie. Natalie buried her head into his chest and wrapped her arms around his torso, locking her hands there. David wrapped one arm around Natalie and used his other to greet his friends.

'Gave us a good scare there Dave,' Jason told him and they clasped hands and went in for a little hug.

Natalie peaked her head out from where it had been buried in his chest and just stared at David. Studying him and marking sure he was okay. He looked down at she sheepishly while he addressed Jason.

'Sorry about that. My phone was off when the plane landed and everything got jumbled around so I couldn't find it to make a call.' He placed a kiss on Natalie's lips that she happily accepted.

'Okay, are we going to talk about this?' Heath asked with confusion. He used his hands to motion toward David and Natalie all cuddled up in front of them.

'Uhm, David and I are sort of dating,' Natalie told them.

'WHAT! Oh my god this is totally new information that I didn't know anything about!' Jason faked shock.

'Jace you've known for weeks,' David dead panned, he had slipped his thumb under the hem of Natalie's shirt and was lightly stroking the skin on her lower back. Natalie hummed in content and let a laugh slip out at the boys reaction.

'I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP WITH YOU TWO!' Zane yelled. He was finally coming to the realization of all the weird things he had seen the two do over the past month and a bit made more sense now.

Natalie let out another laugh and a yawn worked its way out of her mouth as well.

'Hey, do you guys mind if we start making our way home? I'm beat,' David suggested and the group was happy to agree.

David grabbed Natalie's hand and interlocked their fingers when they made their way to the Tesla. Natalie wrapped her free hand around his arm and hugged it to herself, scared he would disappear if she let him go for a second.

They agreed Jeff would drive and everyone piled in. Natalie and David sat in the very back huddled together and the rest of the boys were in the front two rows.

'Are you sure you're okay?' Natalie lowered her voice and looked into David's eyes.

'Yeah. I'm fine. I'm a little shaken up, and tired. When I booked the flight last night they didn't have any first class left so I just got a normal ticket. And I think that...' David trailed off, not wanting to admit that today could have turned out a lot worse that it did.

Natalie leaned up and started kissing him slowly. Trying to pour all of her emotions into the kiss. She wanted him to know how much she loved him, and how worried she had been, and how happy she was that he was safe.

'Hey lovebirds. If you're done making out back there, were here!' Jeff smirked into the review mirror and watched Natalie and David break apart and blush.

'So I guess some more people know about us,' Natalie said as her and David made their way into their home.

'Pretty much everyone at this point.' David answered.

'I guess our secret relationship isn't that much a secret anymore,' Natalie waved goodbye to the boys and pulled David towards his room.

'Last chance to ditch me,' he tried to joke. Natalie swatted at his arm and laughed.

'If you think for a second you can get rid of me that easily we need to take you to the brain doctor again.' She joked. The two changed into more comfortable clothes and fell into David's bed. Natalie didn't think it was possible to be physically closer to David, she was practically lying on top of him.

'We can tell the rest of the girls tomorrow maybe?' She suggested and looked up into David's eyes.

He smiled and gave his head a nod. His eyes were already closed and Natalie could feel his breathing start to even out.

'Dave?' She asked.

'Mmm,' David replied. Cracking his eyes open just a bit to look at her.

'I was so scared tonight.'

David's eyes opened fully and he hugged Natalie to him tighter.

'I'm okay Nat, I'm right here,' he told her, placing a kiss into her hair.

'I love you. Like I am head over heels in love with you. I think a part of me always has been. And I know I will love you forever. I'm so happy you're here with me and safe.' She told him. David's heart glowed at her admittance. Natalie didn't always show her emotions so openly and he melted every time she did.

'There's nowhere I'd rather be,' he replied, leaning down and placing a lingering kiss to her lips.

'I love you,' he told her simply. The pair closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep, clinging to the other.

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