Chapter Forty Three

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'Where are you taking me Dave?' Natalie giggled as David lead her by their joint hands through the bar and towards the exit.

'Do you trust me?' David stopped right by the door and Natalie ran into him. He steadied her with his free hand and Natalie smiled up at him.

'Completely,' she said and accepted the kiss David planted on her lips.

'Then let's go,' he said and guided her to his car.

'Will you tell me where we're going now?' Natalie asked when they were driving down the busy streets of LA.

'We're almost there,' David reached a hand over and placed it on her thigh and Natalie turned in her seat to face him more.

'I love you,' she told him plainly, looking at him in admiration.

'You're okay,' he said back with a laugh and Natalie scoffed and reached over to shove him.

'Dick,' she said but placed her hand over David's resting on her thigh and stroked it with her thumb.

'Okay, we're here,' David said as he pulled into a parking stall outside the observatory.

'Griffith? Why are we here? Isn't it closed?' Natalie asked but got out of the car to follow David. She saw a man standing by the door.

'Hey Caleb, thanks so much for doing this,' David shook the mans hand.

'Of course David,' the man, Caleb, replied and unlocked the door to the observatory.

'Dave? What's going on?' Natalie questioned but was only met with David giving their joint hands a squeeze. Natalie hugged his arm to her and followed him as Caleb lead them through the observatory and toward a door labeled Zeiss.

'I know it's not Garfield Park, but I wanted to show you a place to breathe right here,' he said and lead her toward the telescope and she looked through it.

'Wow,' she said and turned to look at David.

'Just so you know, you're my place the breathe around here,' she said and poked him lightly in his stomach. David grabbed her hands and moved his head around her to look through the telescope.

'Isn't it beautiful?' Natalie asked him and David turned to look at her.

'Yeah you are,' he said, making Natalie blush.

'Dave,' she tried to argue but was pulled into a long kiss instead.

'How did you manage to do this?' She asked once they broke apart and she looked through the telescope again.

'I may have messaged the official Instagram of Griffith Observatory and they happily put me in touch with Caleb,' he said with a small smile.

'How? Why? When?' Natalie stared at David with a smile on her face as she shook her head with each question she asked.

'Well I started talking to Caleb a couple weeks ago, and then I texted him tonight when I was getting the flowers,' David shrugged like it was no big deal.

'You're amazing,' Natalie said and leaned up to kiss him again.

'I want to show you something,' David said and gave Caleb a little nod while he repositioned the telescope.

'Okay, look again,' David said and Natalie placed her eye on the telescope and looked toward the sky.

'What is that?' She asked while still looking through the telescope.

'Those are the rings of Saturn,' David said and Natalie gave him a little look and smile before looking through the telescope again.

'They only appear every 15 years, and coincidently, it was 15 years ago that I met you,' David continued and Natalie took her head away from the telescope to look at David fully.

'You see, we were moving in and you were getting the mail. And even though I was in third grade, I think I knew in that moment you were the girl I was going to love forever,' David wiped his sweaty palms onto his pants before reaching into his pocket.

'And I might not be able to give you the rings of Saturn, but I hope this is just as good,' David knelt down on his knee and pulled out a ring. Natalie covered her mouth in surprise and started nodding her head.

'So, Natalie Mariduena,' David was cut off.


'Let me finish,' David laughed and Natalie nodded her head again.

'Yes!' She said again.

'Nat,' David warned.

'Yes! I'm sorry! Yes!' She said again causing David to laugh more.

'Natalie Mariduena, will you marry me?' He rushed out so Natalie wouldn't interrupt him again. And Natalie sat there nodding her head.

'Can I answer now?' Natalie joked and David rolled his eyes. Natalie smiled brightly and leaned in to kiss him.

David picked her up and spun her around before putting her down and sliding the ring on her finger.

'Oh my god,' Natalie said with a smile while looking at the ring.

'I may have had that for a couple months,' David admitted.

'I love you,' Natalie said and kissed David again.

'I love you too.'

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