Chapter Forty Two

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Hello again! Wanted to jump in and say another THANK YOU so much for everyone who is reading and loving this story! With that being said, I think this story will be wrapping up in the next couple of chapters. But I've been toying with the idea of a one shot book where each chapter is based off a song. So if that is something you'd be into let me know in the comments / if you have any ideas for songs you'd like turned into a datalie one shot also shoot a comment!

- J

'Who are you texting?' Natalie asked Zane when she saw him smile at his phone.

'What? No one,' Zane replied quickly. Too quickly for Natalie's liking. She made a fast move to grab his phone but Zane reacted faster and pulled it away.

'It's Matt, he's scouting out some girls at Saddle Ranch for me,' Natalie gave a puzzled look, not quite believing him but deciding to let it go.

'Should we get our bill?' She asked and turned to try and find the waiter.

'Let's get another drink,' Zane suggested when the waiter finally appeared at their table. He told him to bring another round and the waiter nodded his head and scurried away.

'Are you sure? Won't we be late?' Natalie raised an eyebrow and a drink was set in front of her.

'Oh no hunny, we'll be right on time,' Zane smiled at her and held his glass up to cheers.

It was about fifteen minutes later when Zane got a text from David.

David: ready whenever you guys are

'Let's grab our bill,' Zane pulled his wallet out and flagged down the waiter. They paid and began walking towards the door. Natalie pulled her phone out to text David that they were on their way, but looked up when Zane gave her a soft elbow into the side.

'What was that,' she stopped mid sentence when she saw what was in front of her.

'What?' A smile grew on her face and her mouth opened in surprise at the sight of David leaning up against his Tesla with a bouquet of flowers.

'Hey,' he said in a low voice when Natalie got closer to him. She leaned in to kiss him.

'Hi,' Natalie looked up to him and stared into his eyes.

'I'm just going to meet you guys there,' Zane said but neither were paying attention.

'What's this for?' Natalie accepted the bouquet and another kiss from David before going in for a long hug. She rested her head against his chest and listened to his heart beating quickly.

'It's just because I love you. And I'm so happy I get to be your boyfriend,' he looked down at her and she propped her head up against his chest so they were looking at each other again.

'You're cute,' she said and stood on her tip toes to kiss him again.

'You're cuter,' he mumbled against her lips. When they pulled apart Natalie gave her flowers a sniff.

'Not that I'm complaining, but really, what are these for?'

'Nothing. Liza was just talking about how I look so happy, and I am. You make me really happy. And I want to show you that more,' he opened the car door for her and she flashed him her smile and got in.

'So how was your dinner with Liza? Are you sure these aren't breakup flowers?' She asked David when he slid into the driver seat and started the Tesla.

'Very funny. No, she was just talking about how she always thought we would get back together eventually, and that she knew that wasn't going to happen anymore so she wanted closure,' Natalie nodded and reached her hand towards David to hold his.

'Actually, she called me out about liking you while we were together,' he added and Natalie's head whipped to the side to look at him.

'What? Oh my god. Should I talk to her? She probably hates me,' Natalie began to panic.

'Relax. She's not mad at anything or anyone. She's actually coming out tonight with all of us. You'll see,' he gave her hand a squeeze and Natalie relaxed slightly.

When they finally arrived at the bar their friends were in a full party mode. Natalie thought she would feel a little more drunk because of all the drinks her and Zane had at dinner but she felt surprisingly put together.

'What took you guys so long?' Zane said with a sly smile and some of their friends snickered while he wiggled his eyebrows at the couple.

David rolled his eyes but pulled Natalie closer to him as they greeted the rest of their friends. Soon everyone was back to drinking and dancing. Natalie had been with the girls talking when Liza walked up to their group.

'LIZA!' All the girls cheered and rushed to hug her.

'Hey!' She replied brightly and they all began talking excitedly. Natalie had yet to say anything to Liza, but she was dying to talk to her. After most of the girls calmed down and began chatting normally, Natalie turned to her.

'Hey, I, uh, wanted to say thank you. For being so cool about David and I,' Natalie spoke quickly and nervously, she sparred a glance towards David. She couldn't help but smile when she saw him. He had his camera out and was filming the boys acting drunk.

'It's nothing, really. I'd have to be an idiot to not see what you guys have. I'm happy for you guys,' Liza smiled warmly at Natalie who returned it. They hugged each other and joined the other girls in their discussions again.

It was later in the night and Natalie was at the perfect level of tipsiness. Everything was funny, and she couldn't stop smiling. A fast song she slightly recognized came over the speakers and she set out to find David.

'Hey,' she said and wrapped her arms around his torso once she located him. She took the camera that he was holding, and placed it on the table.

'Excuse us boys, I'm stealing him for a second,' she informed the group and heard slight protests for Scott and Todd but dragged him towards the dance floor anyways.

'Nat, what are you doing?' He said with a smile once they were in the middle of the dance floor and Natalie wrapped her arms around his neck and he snaked his around her waist.

'I'm dancing with my boyfriend, what does it look like I'm doing,' she leaned into him and looked up at his face. His features softened at the sight of her and they slowly began swaying to the music.

'I don't think we're doing this right,' David laughed. His forehead was resting against hers, and they swayed slowly even though a fast song was playing.

'I don't care,' Natalie replied and kissed him softly. David stopped moving and brought his hand up to her cheek, angling her face so he could deepen the kiss.

David and Natalie were in their own little world. They didn't care that they were in the middle of the dance floor. They didn't care that they weren't even dancing. They didn't care that they were making out in front of a bunch of people.

'How are you doing?' Zane asked Liza when he noticed her staring at the two from her place at their table.

'I'm good actually,' she said and accepted the drink he held out for her.

'Those two are literally perfect for each other hey?' She asked him after taking a sip.

'Yeah, they are,' he said, watching her, making sure she was actually okay.

'I'm happy that I get to be apart of their love story, even if it was as an obstacle,' she smiled when she saw David reach for Natalie's hand and pull her off of the dance floor and towards the door of the bar.

'You'll find that too, y'know,' Zane said and Liza turned her attention to him and smiled.

'I know.'

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