Chapter Six

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Natalie was surprised at how smoothly her and David were able to transition from best friends/boss and assistant to boyfriend girlfriend/boss and assistant. She had to admit that since they hired Taylor she wasn't doing as much assisting as she was just hanging out and being apart of David Dobrik LLC.

The day went by fairly quickly. Not much work was done the day before because of the earthquake so it was busy.

David, Natalie, Jason, Jeff and Zane were all in the Tesla on the way back to David's when Zane started cheering from the back seat!

'OH BABY! Party tonight at Stassie's house!' He said with excitement!

'Just what you need Zane, an excuse to get drunk,' Jeff joked from beside Zane. The Tesla laughed and started planning the night.

'I think I might sit this one out,' Natalie piped up from the passenger seat.

'What? Nat, no! You have to come,' David said quickly.

'Yeah Nat, David was so panicked yesterday I doubt he's ever going to let you out of his sight again!' Jason cracked. David blushed from the driver seat, and it didn't go unnoticed from Jason and Jeff.

'Ugh, fine! I'll come! But only if Dave agrees to drink! Jeff can drive, you don't mind driving do you Jeff?' Natalie gave Jeff her award winning smile and he immediately agreed to be the DD for the night.

A low growl came from David, that only Natalie could hear.

'Are you sure that's a good idea..?' He asked her, trying and failing to be quiet.

'Why wouldn't it be a good idea Dave?' Jeff said with a smirk. He had a feeling these two were hiding something and decided it would be his mission to figure out what. Although he had a pretty good idea.

'No reason.' David answered swiftly. 'Zane, tell everyone to come to my place and we can pre drink and then head to Stass's place later'

When they arrived at David's he was surprised to find Carly and Erin already there.

'What's this I hear about David getting drunk tonight?' Erin said with a smile.

'That's the only way Nat said she would go, so of course David said yes!' Jeff replied.

'OH MY GOD CUTE!' Both Carly and Erin screamed at the same time.

David rolled his eyes at their reaction and made eye contact with Natalie across the room. She gave him a secret smile and he nodded his head towards his bedroom indicating for her to follow him in there. He walked into his room and a couple minutes later Natalie snuck in and shut the door behind her.

'What's up?' She asked.

'Are you sure it's a good idea for me to drink tonight? I'm nervous enough about Ilya coming tomorrow to confess his love for you again.'

'That's why you should Dave! You work so hard, you deserve a night to let loose. Maybe it will take your mind off Ilya for a little bit!'

'But what if I say something about us tonight? Or what if I can't keep my hands to myself?' David questioned. Natalie could tell he was really worried about it and gave a small chuckle.

'You'll be fine! Would it make you feel any better if I stayed sober? I can be on boyfriend patrol and make sure you don't do anything stupid or slip up about us... why are you looking at me like that?' Natalie starred at David who had the biggest brightest smile on his face.

'You just called me your boyfriend,' he teased her.

Natalie blushed, 'I didn't mean to assume anything. I guess we never really talked about what we are..'

'Nat, calm down. I loved it!' David said still smiling. 'But I do have one thing to ask you.'

'What's that?' Natalie asked.

'Will you be my girlfriend?' David said with a cheeky grin. Natalie blushed, smiled and playfully hit his arm.

'Ugh, if I have to, dork.' She smiled up at him and accepted a quick kiss.

'This means that you're mine you know?' David continued. 'You're not allowed to be with anyone else! Not even Jeff, I know he's the best looking guy in the vlog squad according to posts I get tagged in on Instagram everyday but,' Natalie laughed and interrupted.

'Jeff's got nothing on you Dave.' She answered and leaned up for another kiss. This one lingered and was only broken up but a knock at David's bedroom door.

'Dave are you in there?' Jason called from the hall. 'I've been looking for Nat but I can't find her! We know what we want to eat for dinner!'

Natalie rolled her eyes and went to open the door. David quickly stopped her.

'How are we going to explain what we were both doing in my room?' He asked slightly panicked.

'David, we've literally been in rooms by ourselves thousands of times. Just don't make it seem weird and no one will think it's weird,' Natalie giggled. She opened the door and walked into the living room.

'So where are we getting dinner from?' She said with a smile and was met with all of their friends answering at the same time. She turned her head and smiled at David, happy that she proved her point.

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