Chapter Fifty Two

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Natalie seemed to be procrastinating getting ready and David knew it. He laid on the bed in her room, although it wasn't used much anymore, as Natalie sat in front of her mirror and slowly put her make up on.

'Come on Nat, were already late,' David whined causing Natalie to shoot a little glare into the reflection of the mirror.

'Maybe it wouldn't be taking so long if you didn't keep interrupting me to complain,' she sighed and looked at her appearance once more, seeing if there was anything else to add or change.

'Besides, beauty can't be rushed,' she added and David grinned and looked into her eyes via the mirror.

'Like you need anything to make you beautiful,' he mumbled under his breath, earning a grin from Natalie who had heard him.

'Okay, I'm done,' she said as she got up from her spot and started walking to the door. David took the time to admire her legs, he hadn't realized how high the hemline of her skirt was.

'Are you coming?' Natalie said over her shoulder and David gave his head a little shake before jumping off the bed and following Natalie out of the room like a little puppy.

As Natalie and David walked into the garage Natalie grabbed the keys out of David's hand and walked toward the driver seat of the Tesla.

'What are you doing?' David asked with a smirk and Natalie smiled sweetly at him.

'Driving,' she said simply and got into the car. David gave his eyes a little roll and climbed into the passenger seat.

'Why are you driving?' David asked once Natalie pulled out of the garage and they started the journey to the club.

'I don't really feel like drinking, so I can DD tonight and you can have a couple drinks if you want,' Natalie replied, flashing a quick smile in David's direction.

'Really?' David asked and Natalie nodded her head.

'Just don't be annoying,' she said, sparing another look in his direction before quickly adding onto her statement.

'Sorry, forgot who I'm talking to. When are you ever not annoying?' She said and David let out a laugh before leaning over the console to plant a kiss on Natalie's cheek, which she happily leaned into.

'Dick,' David said with a smile on his face after the retuned to be fully seated.

'Love you,' Natalie smiled sweetly and maneuvered the car into a parking stall. She turned her head to look at David before getting out of the car only to find him already staring at her.

'What?' She asked and brought a hand up to her face as she moved her gaze into the review mirror to see if she had something on her face.

'Nothing,' David said and got out of the car. Natalie looked again in the mirror, not seeing anything out of place with her appearance. Her car door opened and David held out his hand for her to hold while getting out of the car.

'Seriously, what?' Natalie asked again as David shut her door and the two joined hands while they made their way to the door of the club.

'It's nothing, I just love you,' David admitted looking straight ahead. Natalie gave his hand a little squeeze and he turned to look at her.

'A lot,' he added and Natalie smiled up at him. She gave his hand a little tug so he would stop walking and leaned up to place a kiss to his lips. David wasn't going to complain about it. He was ready to deepen the kiss when a honk sounded loudly behind them causing Natalie to jump slightly and bite his lip.

'GET OFF THE FUCKING ROAD!' A scream could be heard from the car while it sped past them, honking a few more times.

'Oh my god I'm so sorry. Are you okay?' Natalie said as soon as they were standing on the sidewalk and pulled David's lip into a pout to see how bad it was.

'Do I look tough?' David asked and Natalie rolled her eyes.

'The toughest,' she said sarcastically and lifted onto her tip toes to kiss his lip lightly.

'Come on,' she said tugging at his arm again, this time to get him to start moving.

It always surprised David how easy it was to find his friends in the club. He didn't know if it was because they had been friends and going out for so long, or if they were just that obnoxious, but it took all of 30 seconds for him and Natalie to spot the group.

As Natalie and David approaches their friends it didn't come as a very big surprise to see shots lined up on the table they surrounded. Zane let out a cheer when he saw Natalie and shoved a shot into her hand. She laughed and passed it to David earning a grunt from Zane as he tried to give her another.

'I'm DD tonight,' Natalie yelled over the music.

'The fuck?' Zane yelled back and placed another shot in her hand which she once again passed to David.

'Ease up, he's a lightweight,' she joked and David wrapped his arm around her, coughing slightly when the burn of the alcohol hit his throat.

'I resent that,' David argued, making Natalie tilt her head up to smile at him.

'Resent all you want, we all know it's true,' she said and David rolled his eyes. He placed a quick kiss to her smirking lips and said something about going to the bar to get some more drinks, asking what she wanted.

'Water please,' she smiled at him and watched as he disappeared into the crowd.

'Water? Okay baby, what the actual fuck,' Zane yelled over the loudness of the room and Natalie laughed as she watched him sway.

'I told you, I'm the DD,' she answered and Zane snapped his fingers.

'Are you pregnant?' Zane screamed, causing some heads to turn in their direction.

'NO!' Natalie answered quickly.

'Look at me,' Zane said and Natalie tried to focus on his eyes. A task made difficult by their inability to focus due to his current drunken state.

'Are you pregnant?' Zane asked again and Natalie rolled her eyes.

'No, Zane. I'm not pregnant,' she answered again and Zane looked at her for a while.

'Checks out,' he said causing Natalie to smile.

'LETS GET DRUNK BITCHES!' He yelled and Natalie let out a laugh, allowing Zane to drag her onto the dance floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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