Chapter Thirty Two

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'So where are we off to now?' Natalie asked as her and David cruised back into Chicago.

'Everyone is going to Ilya's so I figured we'd stop there, we could let them all know and then I think everyone would know about us,' David said in return and Natalie nodded her head.

They drove in silence for a little bit, both just listening to the radio. David kept looking over at Natalie and she seemed lost in thought. He reached over and grabbed her hand but she didn't seem to notice. They were almost at Ilya's when she finally spoke.

'Am I ruining your friendship with Ilya?' She asked him shyly.

'What?' David was caught off guard by her question.

'David, Ilya literally punched you yesterday because of me,' she turned to look at him, detached their hands and brought her hand to his face gently and stroked her thumb over his bruise.

'What if you guys can't be the friends you've always been because you're with me?' She continued and brought her hand back to hold his.

'I don't want to be the reason you guys aren't friends,' Natalie began to fiddle with his fingers, a sign David knew to mean she was nervous.

'Nat,' David gave her hand a squeeze. They were pulling into the parking lot of Ilya's building and David parked the car.

'Ilya will come around. He said himself he would. He's probably a little hurt right now, but he cares about you, and me, so he'll be happy that we're happy,' David put the car into park and turned in his seat to face Natalie more.

'Don't worry about it okay? I'll talk to Ilya tonight. Everything will be fine,' he leaned over and placed a kiss to Natalie's temple.

'Okay,' she said quietly. Her and David went to get out of the car and begin the walk into the building.

Natalie reached for his hand as soon as they were both out of the car and they stepped into the elevator to begin the climb up to Ilya's floor. David was fidgeting from one foot to another.

'Why are you so nervous?' Natalie asked him and brought her free arm around to hug his arm while they still held hands.

'I don't know,' David spoke and then continued.

'I guess this is it, like once they know we're public,' he told her and Natalie looked up at him in surprise.

'I thought you wanted everyone to know?' She asked and went to take her hand away from his and take a step back. David tightened his grip on her hand when he felt her start to pull away.

'I do! Don't get me wrong I do! I guess I'm just nervous everything will change,' he admitted.

'Hey,' Natalie said softly and David let out a breath and looked at her.

'Nothing is going to change between us okay?' She told him and he gave his head a little nod.

'Well except for the fact that we'll never have to hide our feelings again,' she said with an encouraging smile, trying to calm his nerves.

'You're right, I don't know why I'm nervous,' David said with a smile that Natalie happily returned.

'I'm just happy I'm not the one freaking out about our relationship for a change,' she told him as the elevator doors opened and they walked down the hallway.

'Wait!' Natalie told David as his hand was in the air ready to knock. She stood on her tip toes and placed a long kiss to his lips.

'Okay, I'm ready now,' she said with a smile and grabbed his hand while he knocked. David was shaking his head with a smile on his lips when the door swung open.

'Nat!' Reggie cheered when he saw her standing there and pulled her inside. David was pulled behind her by their joint hands and before he knew it he was standing in a room full of their oldest friends.

'Dave what the fuck is up with your face?' They heard from somewhere in the room but ignored it.

'So, David and I have some news...' Natalie started to say. The room got quiet and their friends gathered around them. Natalie was just about to continue when the door flung open and Dima rushed in.

'Sorry I'm late!' He said and was shushed by multiple people, he threw his hands up in surrender and joined the big group waiting for David and Natalie's news.

'Nat and I, we, are dating,' David said and motioned towards Natalie, taking a step closer to her.

'Okay, and?' Reggie spoke up.

'What's the news?' John said from near the back of the group.

'That is the news,' Natalie said in a confused tone.

'Haven't you guys been dating for months?' Dima asked from his spot in the crowd of friends.

'Yeah, Ilya told us when he got back from LA,' Reggie added.

'I thought Nat was going to tell us she was pregnant,' Alex said with a laugh and most of the group joined in.

'Okay, do I look pregnant or something?' Natalie turned to ask David who immediately told her no, shaking his head.

'Wait, so you guys all knew?' Natalie turned her attention back to the big group of friends in front of them. Everyone nodded their heads signifying that they had all known beforehand.

'Oh, well, never mind I guess?' Natalie said confused. Soon the chatter of the group took over again and everyone began focusing on other things.

Natalie turned to David and reached for his hand. He gave her a smile and kissed her forehead which Natalie then rested against his chest.

'That was anticlimactic,' she told him and felt his laugh from her spot resting against him.

'Well, at least we know Ilya is totally fine with us though, he wouldn't have said anything if he wasn't,' David replied and Natalie looked up at him. She reached up and placed a kiss to his lips.

'Speaking of, I'm going to go find Ilya and talk for a little bit, see you later?' He asked and Natalie nodded her head.

'See you later,' she answered and gave him another quick kiss before the two parted ways.

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