Chapter Twelve

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'Okay Dave, lets start this off easy. Is your name David Julian Dobrik?' Jason started.

'Yes.' David said as he rolled his eyes slightly. He looked around the room nervously at all his excited friends waiting to ask him juicy questions. His eyes landed on Natalie and he calmed instantly.

'Wow man what's happening right now. His heart just skipped a beat!' Jeff announced from behind Jim where he was looking at the computer screen. David quickly looked away from Natalie and blushed while looking at the floor.

Jason and Ilya shared knowing glances before Jason continued with asking questions.

'Who is your best friend?' He asked. David looked to the ceiling, knowing that there isn't one answer to this question that wasn't going to offend someone.

'Do I seriously have to answer this? Common! That's not fair!' David tried to object. All his friends protested and he finally caved and spoke to answer.


'Truth.' Jim confirmed his answer and David blushed slightly at his admittance. He didn't care that Natalie knew he thought she was his best friend. He was worried some of their friends would pick up that something was going on between them.

Zane sat up a little straighter and got ready to ask some of the questions him, Carly and Erin had prepared.

'Would you get back with Liza if she wanted to?'



Natalie smiled at that. She was never nervous about David leaving her for Liza if or when she wanted them to get back together, but it was nice to get a confirmation.

'Do you have a crush on someone right now?' Carly asked next.

'No...' David stated, sounding more like a question than a statement.

'Lie.' Some of their friends turned at looked at Natalie who was trying her best to play it cool. Jeff gave a small smirk. He was convinced they liked each other, he just needed to figure out how to get them together.

'Who is one person you wished would move to LA?'



'Would you rather eat chipotle for every meal for the rest of your life, or never again?'

'Uhm, never again.'


'Besides Erin, who in the friend group do you think will get married next?'

'Heath and Mariah.'


'Would you shave your head for a million dollars?'



'Do you like Natalie?' Jeff piped up. Trying to initiate his plan to get these two together, not knowing they already are.

'Yeah, like I said, she's my best friend' David laughed. Trying to play it off.


'Fine, do you want to date Natalie?' Jeff corrected his statement.

'No.' David said while taking deep breaths.


David looked everywhere but at Natalie. He tried to laugh it off like there was a system malfunction or something. He gave a panicked look to Ilya, as if asking for an out and Ilya was quick to change the subject.

'Is it true you cheated off me for the SATs?'

David let out a grateful laugh and said yes. Everyone quickly started laughing along when he added,

'I probably would have done better if I just put in random answers though.'


The rest of David's questioning went by smoothly. They managed to stay clear of any other relationship type questions. Jeff was just about to suggest Natalie have a turn when her phone rang with a business call.

Their time with the machine was almost up so Jeff knew he missed this window of trying to get David and Natalie together. He needed to come up with another plan. Maybe he could try and make David jealous? He felt that if he could get David jealous enough he would admit to Natalie his feelings for her, and then hopefully Natalie wouldn't be too shy and she would admit hers back to David.

Natalie came back into the room just as Jim was leaving. She said goodbye and thanked him for coming before settling in one of the bean bag chairs next to the couch. Jeff and David were in the kitchen grabbing a drink when Jeff started talking to David.

'Yo man, has Nat said anything about me lately?' Jeff asked. Trying to set up the ground work for Operation Make Dobrik Jealous.

'No? Should she have...?' David questioned in return. Confused at what Jeff was trying to say.

'I just have a feeling she likes me. And I'd have to be stupid not to like her! I think I'm going to try and take her out!' Jeff watched as David's eyes grew in shock while he listened to Jeff speak.

'I don't know man. Do you really think that's a good idea? I mean she turned down Ilya yesterday. Maybe she's not looking for something right now?' David countered. He knew from his talk with Natalie last night that he had nothing to worry about, but there was still an unsettling feeling when someone openly tells you they are going to try and date your secret girlfriend. Especially when that someone is Jeff.

'But maybe she turned him down because she's into me!' Jeff spoke again, trying to keep a straight face.

'You wouldn't have a problem with me and Natalie, right Dave?' Jeff was goading now, but he didn't care.

'Nope. Why would I?' David asked in return. His voice going up a couple octaves, making it obvious he was lying.

'Great! Watch this!' Jeff said as he turned to walk towards the living room, rejoining all of their friends. He couldn't help but let out a low laugh at how well his plan is working already.

Jeff walked up to the bean bag chair Natalie was sitting in, he took a lazy look around the room and lowered his voice so only Natalie would hear him.

'Mind if I sit there too? Everywhere else is too squishy' he said with his award winning smile.

'Uhm? Sure?' Natalie said. She raised an eyebrow and scooted a little to the side so there was more room for Jeff to sit beside her. He made himself comfortable on the bean bag chair and threw his arm to rest behind Natalie's head. It all looked innocent enough, but Natalie sought out David's eyes from across the room and gave a questioning look.

David would like to think he was a calm, cool and collected person. He would also like to think that he was confident enough in his relationship with Natalie, however short it had been, to not be jealous. All that went out the window when he saw Jeff lean in to whisper in Natalie's ear. Natalie still looked slightly confused at the situation but threw her head back in a laugh at whatever Jeff told her.

'NATALIE I NEED CHIPOTLE!' David heard himself yell before he even knew what was happening. He blushed at his sudden outburst and watched as Natalie gave him a little smirk and then stood up, leaving Jeff alone on the bean bag.

'Sure Dave. I'll run out and get some now.' She said in her calming voice.

'Why don't I come with you. We need to make that call to uh, SeatGeek. Yeah SeatGeek.' David said back, hoping he sounded more put together than he did in his head. He just really wanted some alone time with Natalie.

'I don't remember a call to SeatGeek needing to happen today?' Natalie asked, not quite picking up on David's jealously and need for alone time.

'I was just texting Ian, I'll fill you in in the car!' David rushed out.

'THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!' They heard someone call out from the living room. David blushed as him and Natalie walked towards the door.

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