Chapter Forty Nine

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David stirred slightly as he began to wake up. He felt pressure on his chest and his eyes opened, confused as to what it could be until he saw Natalie's mess of hair resting there. He smiled and placed a kiss into her hair and Natalie hummed, her eyes fluttering open.

'Morning,' she whispered and tilted her head up to look at him.

'I thought it was a dream,' David whispered back as he smiled.

'What?' Natalie asked, mirroring his smile.

'Last night, you,' David replied and Natalie shuffled up to kiss his jaw.

'Not a dream,' she said and brought her left hand out from under David's shirt to rub her eyes. David took note of the ring on her finger and his smile almost split his face.

'You're wearing it,' he said and Natalie looked confused for a moment before remembering the ring and looking at her hand. She shyly smiled up at him and then moved to a sitting position beside him. David followed suit and propped himself against his headboard.

'Okay, I talked with Reggie, and I think I figured out why I freaked out. And I'm going to tell you. But it's so stupid. So don't think less of me okay?' She asked and David raised an eyebrow before nodding his head.

'My parents are divorced,' Natalie started and once again David nodded.

'And both their parents are divorced,' she continued and David nodded again before reached a hand to Natalie's fidgeting fingers. She smiled down at his hand and clasped it in between hers.

'So, for some reason, I had rationalized in my head that if we got married it would mean we would break up,' she said quietly, embarrassed by how ridiculous it sounded.

'What?' David asked. Natalie dropped his hand and moved hers to cover her face.

'I know it's so stupid,' she said.

'Come here,' David said and Natalie peaked between her fingers before leaning into David for a hug.

'I was totally fine, and then Carly said that thing about being in the honeymoon phase and how so much changes and alarms started going off in my head about how marriage leads to breaking up,' she spoke once her and David broke apart.

'Do you still think that?' David asked, nervous for the first time since Natalie came home.

'A little, but I'm going to work on it. I want to break the cycle. I know we can break the cycle,' she told him and David let out a breath he was holding.

'You're it David, you're my person,' she added and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his lips. David smiled into the kiss.

'I love you,' David said as they broke apart.

'I love you too,' Natalie whispered as she went in for another kiss.

The two of them laid cuddle up for a little while longer. Natalie thought they were getting a suspicious amount of quality time without interruption but she didn't want to question it. She was happy to get this time with David. She looked up and studied his features while he rested a bit more.

'Dave?' She said as she looked up at him from when she was nestled into his side. His eyes were closed still and she watched him flutter them open.

'Yeah?' He asked in a whisper, almost like he was scared to break the peacefulness of the room and the moment.

'I'm really sorry I keep putting you through stuff like this,' she whispered back and David turned to look into her eyes. He stared for a while, and Natalie felt like he was reading her soul.

'Don't be. You're more than worth it,' he smiled slightly and Natalie mirrored it. She leaned in for another kiss and was quick to deepen it. She propped herself up and swung a leg over his lap so she was straddling him. David smiled and sat up a little straighter so their lips lined up easier. Natalie pulled away slightly and stared into his eyes from her spot on his lap. She was just about to lean in again when David's bedroom door swung open and Jason walked in.

'Hey Dave, wake up dude– whoa! Nat you're back!' He said, unfazed by their current position. Natalie let out a surprised squeak at the sudden noise and went to scurry off of David when he held her in place by the hands on her hips.

'Uhm, Jason might get a bit if a show if you get up right now,' David whispered to her and Natalie's eyes widened as she looked down at David's lap, and her place on it, to realized what David was talking about.

'Oh,' she said and blushed before a giggle escaped her lips. And she brought her hands up to to her face to cover it slightly.

'Did you just? Aweh, come on guys!' Jason said exasperated, having heard David despite his whisper.

'Okay, yes. I have a boner. Natalie is literally sitting on my lap, making out with me. What do you expect? Sue me,' David rolled his eyes and Natalie leaned forward to hide her face in David's chest, still laughing at the situation.

'Is there something you needed Jason?' David asked.

'I was just bringing you my old phone to use since yours broke last night,' Jason said and held up the iPhone box in his hand.

'You're phone broke?' Natalie's head popped up off of David chest and she looked at him.

'Yeah, I dropped it and the screen smashed,' David told her and she smiled brightly.

'That's why you didn't answer my call,' she said, more to herself than anyone else.

'You called?' He asked and Natalie nodded.

'Yeah, you didn't answer so I thought you were mad or something for a little bit,' she said, forgetting Jason was even in the room now.

'No, my phone broke. I understood. Well not really, but I wasn't going to be mad that you needed time,' David responded and Natalie smiled at him.

'You're literally perfect,' she said and leaned in to kiss him. Jason gave an awkward cough.

'Okay, so I'm just going to leave this here and be on my way,' Jason said while placing the phone down on the floor where he stood and turning to get out of the bedroom quickly. Natalie blushed again and David let out a laugh.

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