chapter 21

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You were in your baby room wearing a stitch onsie the covers your feet and hands Mark was downstairs on the phone. You couldn't really here it because you had you Bluetooth speaker playing your playlist (best song from 2012 and 2013). While listening to your playlist you were putting a puzzle to gather 300 piece's it was a picture of a puppy and kitty next to each other. Your almost half way done with the puzzle when Mark comes In to your room. " Hey baby what's you doin"? "I'm doing my puzzle. See!". You show him the cover of the puzzle box. " Oh that cute hey I'm need to tell you something real quick ok". You nodd you head he sits down legs cross and you right in front of him. " Ok so I'm gonna be gone a week for packs ok so I called. Friend of mine to babysit you while I'm gone ok?" You think for a Second. " Who's your friend". He moves a stran of hair out of your face " his name is Sharon Nathan sharp he's gonna take good care of you while I'm gone ok and I want you to be nice to him. Plus he also has daddies number so if you are beening bad he will tell me and you'll be In big trouble when I get back ok". You nodd your head. " Good" Mark's says he kisses your forehead and gives you a big hug. " Ok he's on his way here now he should be here any minute now" Mark says while getting up. You get up also and walk over to your window and look out side to see a black car parked by Mark's white Tesla " Daddy his here you say". " Mark runs out of your room to greet him by the door. You go back to solving your puzzle. You hear the door open follow by Mark's voice and Mr Sharp's voice also. You hear then waking up the stairs just chatting up a storm. " And this is y/n." You look up to see Mark leaning on the wall. Then you see a beautiful dark haired man apear from behind mark. Mr sharp is wearing a black shirt with Flowers on it and black riped jeans. Mr sharp is kinda skinny compared to Mark. " Hey I'm Nathan but you can call me Nate". He knlees down to my level and stick's out this hand waiting for me to shake it, which do. "Nice to meet you Nate". I giggle. He smiles and gets up " she's a cutie" Nate says to Mark while his puts his hands in his pockets. ,"Yay she is...anyway you can stay in my room I already packed my clothes so there are a few draw empty for ya". Nate thanks Mark and he wakes out of the room with him still chatting.

Time skip
I was down stairs giving daddy a hug good-bye for he went off to packs to meet his fans. ( IDK if that how you spell it so if it's wrong sorry) " now you be good for me you hear me Missy" Mark says in my ear. I nodd my head. He whispers good in my ear. Mark let's go be gives Nate a hug then says his goodbyes and heads out the door. I turn to Nate " can I help you cook dinner to night Nate" he looks at me and smiles " yes you can". He takes my hand and we head in to the kitchen.

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