Chapter 36: Quidditch Cup

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Skipping World Cup. Read the 4th HP book for details

I groaned, it is too quiet inside the castle in the summer. My days were spent memorizing the textbooks for 4th year. Hogwarts I found out does not have a ban on the underage using magic in the castle.

I expanded my scholorly self, and talked with a few professors to understand the thory behind some old spells and a few new. Remus and I still stowed away during our monthly full moon. I am always thanking Snape and his potion brewing abilities. Although the dark man is cold, he still approves of my abilities.

I hope to gain a Transfiguration, Potions and Charms Mastery. That way I can be whoever I want.

"Emily its time to head to the Weasleys now!" Remus called

I came down into the classroom and smiled, "thanks. This past full moon was rough. See you later." I hugged him before stepping into the floo.

When I came out, I stumbled into the arms of my boyfriend. "Hi Emily."

I answered by giving him a brief peck on the cheek. "Hello to you too, where is everyone else?"

"In the kitchen, we're having lunch." Harry smiled.

When I came into the room.I mentay gasped when I saw two tall red haired men before me. I had to restrain myself from crying. "Hello."

"Hi are you Emily?"

I nodded at once. "And you are..." I turned to the lean long haired man.

"Bill. I work for Gringotts." He shook my hand.

"Never wrong working for a bank." I smiled slightly.

"The goblins can be harsh, but it pays well. I've lived in Egypt since graduating Hogwarts." Bill explained.

"Im Charlie." The other stocky man held out his hand. I shook his hand and mentally marveled at the callouses.

"Hello you two. So youre joning to the Quidditch Cup?" I asked

"Yes, we played at school too. I was Seeker." Charlie answered.

"I was Chaser." Bill answered.

"Nice, Im not a a quidditch player though, but I enjoy the game." I replied.

"Come sit down." Mum smiled and I couldnt help but feel jealous. Why couldnt Mum love me as Emma?

We ate, talked and joked well into the night. Before going to bed, the older twins ushered me away.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to tell Charlie and Bill about you?"

I glared at George and shook my head. "Now shut up, someone could hear us!" I hissed.

"Chill Em, we warded the door. No one can eavesdrop." Fred revealed his laidback smile.

"I hope you two are right. I was inches away from sqeezing the life out of Charlie and Bill." The tears I refused to fall were now showing.

"Emily, all will be ok." George soothed kissing my forehead.

"Am I selfish hiding like this?" My voice trembled.

"Not at all, Emily. You had to be a Slytherin here. She was terrible to you and you had to get out. Thank you for entrusting us though." Fred took hold of my hand.

The door flew open revealing my twins guilty face. "What did you trust them with?" Ron glared at our brothers.

I smiled, "never mind Ron. Thank you both. You two know how to make a girl feel better." I then followed Ron out of the room.

"What are you playing at?" Ron glared at me.

"Excuse me?!" I raised an eyebrow. "Im entitled to talk with whoever I damn please! So, lay off Ronald!"

"Emily, is Ron on your nerves?" Ginny asked coming up to us.

"Yes! Annoyingly so. Best way to deal with it is to ignore him." I huffed.

"My older sister used to tell me that. But she died when I was 3. Its a shame I never got to know her." Ginny sighed.

"Yeah, it is too bad." I responded.

"I remember she used to love Herbology and...suddenly she was dead. Dont tell anyone, but I still believe shes alive somewhere." Ginny whispered.

"What gives you that impression?" I asked.

"I heard Dad and Ron talking about her. Do you think we have too much expectations for Emma to still be alive?" Ginny asked.

"No, we all need something to believe in. I need to believe my family is better off without me. I havent seen them since my mum kicked me out." I sighed.

"Im sorry Emily." Ginny stated.

"No big deal, my mum was of the past." I replied. Our mum.

I shared a room with Ginny and Hernione. I fell asleep and was up before Mum woke us.

"Oh good morning Emily, can you help me wake Hermione and Ginny?" Mum asked.

I nodded at once. It was easy to wake Hermione, but Ginny was a challenge.

Hermione sighed, "Ginny, do you want to miss the Quidditch Cup?"

At that, the younger girl sprang up. "Im up!"

As I walked downstairs, I was stopped by Charlie. "Oh hi Emily. Sorry." He chuckled moving to the left and me to the right.

"Sorry." I mumbled and once again we moved in sync only to block each other again.

"Ladies first." Charlie smiled.

"Thanks. Are you joining us?"

"Yeah, Mum wanted me to sleep in, but I saw no point. Im apperating while you inderage lot take a portkey." Charlie explained.

"Oh, portkeys dont agree with me." I lied at once. I only wanted to spend so.e time with my older brother.

"Maybe you can Side along Apperate with me. As long as Dad says its ok." Charlie replied.


"We can do it! Now take my hand and hold on tight." Charlie flashed me a smile.

I took his hand and tightened my hold before Charlie twisted away. "That feels so better than portkey." I sighed in satisfaction.

"Glad you trust me."

We met up with my friends and family and got into our tent.

By that time, we were trecking towards the pitch. The game lasted 4 hours and it was amazing.

I went to bed happy. Despite the voices shouting, I remained sleeping.

When I awoke, I looked around to find everyone was gone. What in Merlin happened?!

Before the panic could settle in, I heard voices. "Emily, are you in there?"

I poked my head out to find Bill, Charlie, the twins and Ginny returning. Ginnybwas shaking and ran into me. "What happened?" I demanded.

"Death Eaters, dont know where Dad and the others went to." Charlie looked worn out.

I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Your dad seems more than capable of finding the others."

"Thanks Emily."

We all gathered in the girls tents to reassure one another. Bill and Charlie took turns watching for danger.

I was relieved when everyone returned safely. We all seporated and went to bed.

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