Q & A

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Q: Can we get rid of Jonathan and just keep Eli?

A: Sorry no. I've actually thought about doing that but then it would push the story into another direction that deviated from the main plot that I have in mind.

Q: Why couldn't Jonathan just get with one of his flings and leave Tracy alone?

A: Eli wouldn't have allowed it and Jonathan was too jealous. Jonathan had been selfish up to the point where he goes through with the mating ceremony so why would he suddenly be so benevolent. Personally I'm irritated with Jonathan but I do understand the trauma he went through with his friend.

Q: What happened to the rogue girl?

A: This question actually made me very happy because it showed that someone was paying attention. I forget about characters sometimes. Carrie Talts was introduced in this book and will be appearing in future stories. For now she has been taken in by John and Camilla Mason.  I will try to clear that up better in the rewrite.

Q: Why couldn't Tracy end up with Gideon instead?

A: Yes I am aware that some of you were disappointed with that. I might eventually do an AU (Alternate Universe) where Gideon and Tracy end up together instead of Tracy and Jonathan. Don't worry though... we're probably going to see more irritating relationships before the series is over... Oh and I did plan to write Gideon's story with Jonathan and Tracy's daughter later after the story of Ivory White is over. What do ya'll think of that?

Q: What was the point of making us choose who Tiffany's baby was going to belong to if you were just going to kill her?

A: When I wrote that I had writer's block and no idea of how I was going to end it. I had already planned to write Tiffany out of the story but would have to involve her to some degree later when the baby was born if it belonged to Jack. Otherwise Tiffany's character would have been retired as a happy wife and homemaker. Sadly that wasn't her fate.

Q: What's going to happen to Dameon?

A: I had pretty much planned to write him out as well and then bring him in later as an allied force. However the end has me going in another direction and... I still have no idea. He'll definitely be coming back in the second book as a much more broken and unstable character for obvious reasons. 

Q: When are you going to release the next book?

A: As of March 31, 2020, I've written approx. 16,000 words on the second book. I did not start writing until I completely finished the last chapter of this book. I want to get further along in the story before I start publishing because I might need to add to the beginning and I don't want to cause further confusion later. As you know I love going into depth on side characters' stories instead of just focusing on the main character. So it takes a lot of planning to pull it together. Hopefully I'll have something up by the 15th of April or sooner... maybe.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. I will update this section and add them to this list. Thanks so much for sticking with me. I appreciate all the votes and comments they really help motivate me.

Q&A Continued...

Q: Is there going to be 2 or 3 books for this series?

A: As of May 24th, 2020, I am roughly 3/4 done with book two ("The Doomed Eternity"). There will definitely be a book 3. I might go for 4-6 books depending on my motivation and interest. But largely on how many people are actually interested in reading my stories.

Q: One reader was confused by Gideon's proposal and wondered if there was some sort of attraction to Tracy before she and Jonathan were together.

A: No. Gideon didn't have an Eternal One and saw an opportunity to gain a powerful alliance. There was no attraction. He was simply her teacher and nothing more. Everything changed when Tracy became pregnant.

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