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Glancing at the prison for the 10th time, I began to walk away with a heavy heart.
One final look.
My thought echoed, eager to look at the prison again. But I pushed it aside, knowing that he will just only bring me down and not let me focus on other things, like getting out of here for one.
But I couldn't just stop looking at it. It's like it is calling out to me. The aura around that just makes you wanna not go.
But I had things to do and take care of. I have a life to live. I have work to do. I have opportunities that can be life changing for me. I have choices to make...

Do I have the choice to live life? Or can I just not be free?
My body stopped and I was tempted to look at the prison again. My brain was egging me on to just take one little look. Just one.
I slightly turned my head to just see the penitentiary in the corner of my eye. But once I did, my eyes glued to the big, one story building. Now, my eyes looked at every feature.
The court.
The fence.
The entrance.
I wanted to go back so badly. But what about Mark? What if he is out there? And what if he needs my help? I know I want to go back and be with my friends again, but I have friends out there too. What if they need me more? What if they are in trouble and are in need of someone and that someone was me? I have to go back to my home.
It's the only choice.
I wanted to be free. I wanted my freedom. And I got it. I put my mind on that topic and I have pledged myself to follow what I put myself on.

I gripped on the key, held it up in my face, nodded and stuffed it in my pocket, walking away from the prison in a rather pissed off way.
I was, again, tempted to turn around, but that would waste my time and energy to get back to my city I called 'home.'
The penitentiary was in a forest, not far from a small town where you could, if traveling, stop and fill on gas, have a little sit down and eat joint, and a rest stop for walks and hikes along with restroom breaks. Also, it came with a police station. Explains the prison a bit better than just a random building in the middle of nowhere.
It was convenient for someone who likes to travel a lot. But I got the feeling that would go away when they realize a prison nearby filled with people who had done some bad things. For example, breaking laws. Pretty common thought.

I stayed near the forest because I didn't want people driving by to see me in a jail outfit. I took off my shirt, which had a white tank underneath, and wrapped it around my waist.
It's not a warm night or anything like that, but my temperature was rising just because of me getting mad at myself for thinking that I could possibly get back in that prison again.
Why would I do that?
I wanted to be free. I wanted my freedom. And I got it. I put my mind on that topic and I have pledged myself to follow what I put myself on.
I repeated in my mind. Yes, I am stubborn, but I use that for my strength along with weakness. Mostly strength.

But what if that is hurting me more than I think? Is this all the things I put on myself and I blame others for my thoughts?
No. I'm just overthinking. Just focus on getting back to the city and you'll be fine afterwards.

I have just arrived at the city. I looked over the whole thing and the lights and the noises was the right one all right.
I was lucky to live right outside of the city square. I like myself peace and quiet instead of people's anger and honks in traffic.
I lived in a nice but quiet neighborhood where no one really talks to each other. Sure, when a new neighbor comes, people greet them and bring some treats to welcome them, but that will die out soon.
The whole thing is a mixture of three to one bedroom houses. I, obviously, have a one bedroom. I have no one to share it with and I prefer to have it that way. I like to have my own things.
My house has a fine amount of furniture. Just like in the jail cell, I had that same luxury except it wasn't that comfy. I only had 2 couches, 2 pillows for each one, and a small wooden coffee table in the middle in front of my TV. I had put a potted plant in the middle to add some comfort.
I had 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 2 bathrooms (one for guests which I have only rarely and one in my bedroom), 1 bedroom and the back room where I wash my clothing.

For the backyard, it isn't much. I live in the far right top corner of the whole neighborhood which meant I lived where the stone wall is.
Along the wall was some bushes that had white flowers bloom in spring and summer. I also had a white gazebo with some lanterns hanging in the middle and I had a bit of a porch for the back sliding door. Around that porch was some cobblestone. I only put two beach chairs (I don't know why I bought two) and lined them up evenly. In between them was a small black table and an umbrella for those hot summer days.
Also, I had a big weeping tree where, if you don't know, the leaves hang. It's really nice and it provides some shade for me. I also use that tree to climb over the wall.

The place where Mark and I work at is in a forest that surrounds this city. From the main road, it takes about 15 miles in total from my house. But since it is in the forest and I'm at the end of the city, it's usually a 30 minute walk from my house to the work.
The place looks like a log cabin where an old couple might live and nobody wants to disturb them.
This is a perfect cover that the boss planned out. Now we can work with no body disturbing us. Now that I think of it, what will boss say to Mark and I that we have failed the mission?
Only way to find out is to go to work and wait for him to call us up to his office.

With all that explaining, I had ended up in front of my home. I walked over to a nearby stone and lifted it up to see my extra house key I had hid in case of an emergency.
I walked to my doors and opened it. I turned on a nearby lamp and turned up the temperature to a nice and warm air. It quickly got to my satisfied point and I went into my room to see my phone charging on my nightstand. I picked it up to see the time:
11:29 pm
That's pretty late. Seeing the time made my mind tired and I yawned deeply. I went into my closet to get my night clothes. I went into my bathroom, changed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and I picked up the prisoner clothes.
I then heard a clank below me, looked down, and saw the key. Memories played and I shook my head. I picked it up, opened the drawer to my nightstand, dropped it inside, and pushed it back in.
I hid the clothes in the back of my closet and I walked into my living space to turn off my lamp.

I walked back into my room, pulled the covers up, and slipped into it.
Now, I can't sleep. A few minutes ago, I had gotten really tired, now I can't even make a wink. Maybe it's just the stress and the thought of failing the heist is making me this way.
It's gotta be.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now