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Thank you to @TheArtistEntertainer for inspiring me to make this chapter. Though, this will not have Illinois in it. I do like him but not in that way and I don't pick favorites for people or anything really.
Again, thank you for inspiring me. Now, back to the story...

The light outside was setting and I was laying below the same tree where Yancy and I sat at for reading/listening to the book. I enjoyed the sunset and the last warmth it gave to the Earth. I adored everything nature has to provide.
My legs were up to my chest and I rested my chin on my knees. The orange rays settled down into my whole face, sinking into me. I sighed as the sun slowly made its way down. Soon, we will all have to be called into the building and spend the rest of the evening inside until it's lights out.
By telling the time of the sun, it's about 6:39 pm. We have about 2 more hours until we get inside and 2 more until lights out. Giving me so much time I don't have any use for. At least not yet.
I leaned on my back, looking at the leaves above. One leaf fell from its branch and landed on my chest. I picked it up to see it was still green and healthy. Maybe just the wind. It's not that windy or chilly, probably the branch that this leaf connected to wasn't that strong. I just placed it back on my chest and inhaled the fresh air.
Near me, I could hear the faint steps of feet. I opened my eyes to see the dancer himself.
"What youse doing?" He asked in sing song.
"Nothing, just laying around." I said, closing my eyes again. Yancy laid down on the opposite side of me, sighing as he did.
"So, anything in mind to past time?" He asked.
"No, tryna' to think of something." I responded.
"Have ya ever danced before?" He asked.
"School dances?"
"My school didn't provided us one. Not even prom. And, plus, if they did have one, I doubt back then I would be interested."
"Back then?" He asked.
"Yeah, now I have been wanting to learn, but I couldn't fit time into it." I said.
Yancy made a 'hmm' sound and we went back to being silent again.

Couple of hours passed by it was time for us to go back inside. I brushed off the dirt that may have gotten on my back from the ground and I helped up Yancy as well. We both walked in and we sat next to our friends, talking of random stuff.
Throughout the whole thing, I was bored and not active. I wasn't tired or anything, just bored out of my mind.

Soon, we had to go to our cells and wash up. Brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took a quick shower. I laid on the bottom and I pulled out my book and began to read.
After a while, I noticed that Yancy hasn't come back yet. I didn't think of it much when I saw Bam Bam and Sparkles at the cell door. I closed the book and walked to the door.
"What are you guys doing here? You're supposed to be at your cell." I said.
"Yancy needed you. He said that he wants to teach you something." They responded.
If it involves Yancy, then I'll go. I nodded as they picked the lock for me and they said to met Yancy at the same tree we always go to. I thanked them and walked carefully, avoiding the officers on the night watch.
I got pass the door with ease and I walked outside and towards the tree.
I saw Yancy leaning against the tree, admiring the moon. I walked up to him, lightly touching his shoulder. He turned to meet me and a soft smile glued on his face.
"Youse ready?" He asked.
"For what?" I asked, chuckling a bit in the question.
"I wanted to teach some lessons on how to dance." He said. Red overcame my cheeks.
"Are you sure? I don't think I'm good at it." I said.
"I know you can do it. I believe in youse." He said, lifting my chin with his index finger. I looked away, smiling.

Yancy took me out in the open and we started off as planting our feet on the ground.
"Now, follow my lead." He said.
"This is series of steps and it's easy to count in youse's head. This is seven, five, one, seven, five, one." He said.
He did a whole dance steps and made sure to make them slow for me to recognize the foot work.
"Okay. Seven...five...one. Seven, five, one." I said, stumbling a bit on the placement of my feet.
"Not bad for youse's first." Yancy said.
We both repeated that sequence until I got the whole thing in the normal pace which was fast. During the whole bit, I had some trouble with timing and a bit stumbling but I always catch up or plant my feet down to balance myself.
"Good job! Now this next goes with it but it's completely different than the other. Don't get them mixed up."
"Okay, I'm ready."
"This ones five, six, seven, eight. Five, six, seven, eight."
He did another sequence that looked nothing like the last one. I don't know if I can keep up with it.
"Got it?"
"Yeah I think so." I said.
I repeated the sequence but got lost some where. Yancy corrected me and he and I danced along side each other so he can be on time with me.
I got the whole thing down and now we had to put them together.
We got the first down and now the second one. During the whole thing, I lost count and my ankle went to the side and I fell down, messing up the dance. Yancy got down to my side.
"Are youse alright?" He asked quickly.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just clumsy." I said.
I didn't worry about my ankle, it was fine. But I just thought about the failure. I didn't want to fail.
"Maybe we should try a different technique." Yancy requested.
"It doesn't involve any hard counting."
"I'll give a try." I said, getting back up.

Yancy got up and he took a while to do what he wanted to do.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"I need your permission first." He said.
"Uh, sure."
He then slowly walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I was shocked as he took ahold of my left hand in his right. He took his left off of my waist and guided my right hand to his right shoulder, and he rested it on it. He returned back to his arm wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.
I was out on the spot there because there was no where to look instead of his eyes. It was a bit awkward and I turned my head down and to the left. We started to rock softly around and I let Yancy guid me in the dance.
I still looked down, processing what is happening right now. My face became red and hot along with my body. I was shaking because of the new feeling. I felt Yancy's arm get off my waist and he gently grabbed my chin and made me look in his eyes.
I shyly looked into them chocolate brown eyes. I soon became comfortable and I smiled softly.
"This...this is nice." I confessed.
"It is." Yancy said.
The moon was in the background in the back of us, turning our bodies in black shadows from a different angle.

Yancy started to get a bit faster at the dancing and soon he twirled me. I laughed as he did so and so did he. We continued to rock side to side and soon, I laid my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating and it soothed me. Soon, he let go of my hand and let his arm join his other hand around my waist. I rested my other hand on his shoulder and soon I moved both of them to his neck, wrapping my fingers gently around his throat.
Our foreheads touched as we listened to the wind, singing it's beautiful whistled. The sounds of the forest nearby created the sounds of nature and I'm surprised to hear morning birds sing. Together, they created a beautiful harmony.
We looked in each other's eyes and we started to lean into each other. Just then, we heard the radios of the officers talking.
"Hey, something is over there." We heard.
"Point the searchlight there." Another said.
We saw the light come our way and we ran to the big tree that provided the cover for both of us.
"Nothing there. Get some new glasses Gray."
"There is something there. I know it."
"Please, get your new prescription."
"Hey, I like this one."
And the searchlight moved from the tree. We looked at each other and we shared a quiet giggle. We both ran back in the building and we sneaked past the officers and into our cell, perfect timing for lights out.
"Good night, (Y/N)." Yancy said.
I moved in my bed, red coming over my cheeks.
"Good night, Yancy." I said.

And the lights came out.

Again, thank for @TheArtistEntertainer for inspiring to make this. The book I got this from is Dance for me (Yancy x Illinois). Check out their profile and their other books because they are great!

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