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I had awaken to the sound of my alarm on my phone. I grumbled and I turned it off, staying in bed for a bit more. Eventually I got out and I went in my closet, taking out a white tank top, black ripped jeans, and some converse. I put my favorite jacket over the tank top and went in my bathroom, brushing my teeth, washing my face, and fixing my hair, which I forgot I dyed.
I went to my kitchen to grab a water bottle. I don't eat breakfast before going to work because work usually provides coffee, bagels with cream cheese, and some fruit, so I get whats over there and eat that for breakfast.
After drinking the bottle halfway, I put it back in the fridge and I felt that my phone wasn't in my pockets. I groaned as I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my phone. Next to it was the key. I looked at it, tempted to take it with me to work.

I eventually gave in and pulled it over my head, making sure it's hidden under my jacket. I got my house keys, and my badge (which is used to get into work). I made sure everything was locked up and nothing in on, and I walked out of my back door and I climbed onto the tree, and I jumped over the wall.
I dusted off some of the bark that had fallen on my shoulders and I began to walk into the woods.
I looked on my phone to see the time.
7:23 am
I'll have enough time to get to work. Work opens up at 8:00 am sharp and if you're not there until then, you can skip for today and miss out on the paperwork you were assigned on that day. And when you get back on time, you have double the work and that will take the whole day and night.
Each of us has a break day, which means we can have a break from the paperwork and that will not be double when you get back.
There is only 5 of us working there along with boss. We don't really have our social life there during work, but we do have conversations during lunch break.
I continued to walk when I heard rustles in the bushes. Since I walk through here mostly everyday, I have grown use to the noises. But this one was different.
I stopped and I looked in the direction. I wasn't seeing anything, and when I was about to start walking, I saw on the ground a pink flower. I examined it for a while.
I shrugged and I continued to walk.

I have arrived at the cabin and I pulled out my phone.
7:56 am
Four minutes early. I got out my badge and scan it on the lock. The light turned green and the door opened.
I saw that most of my co workers there at the break room talking with coffee in one hand and either a bagel or fruit in hand. Since I didn't talk to them about my change, I walked in.
They all looked at me and the air started to tense up.
"Who are you?" One asked.
"It's me. I'm (Y/N)." I said, holding up my badge.
They still weren't taking it.
"We need to make sure if it is them. What if they just stole (Y/N)'s badge?" Another whispered.
They all grabbed me by the arm and went into the room for a DNA test. They set me down in a chair and they pricked the tip of my finger. They gathered my blood and they opened my file to my information of my blood type.
They tested it and they had a positive it was me. They became shocked and they walked to me.
"(Y/N), you have changed. Also, aren't you supposed to be in prison?" One asked.
"I was supposed to, but I got out. I saw that Mark and I was on TV and we had to figure out a way to hide our true identities. So I decided to dye my hair." I explained.
"You don't even look like yourself. And sorry that we did all this. We needed to be sure if it was you. Hope you understand." One explained.
"It's okay. I knew this was kinda going to happen so it wasn't really a big deal. I knew you guys wanted to keep this base safe." I said, getting out of the room and into the break room, grabbing a bagel with fruit.

They hung out with me for a while until Mark came in just on time.
"Sorry I'm late." He said, setting his things down in his cubicle.
They all went towards him and said that he also looked different but not as much as me.
It was time for us to work and we all went to our cubicles. One went upstairs and towards his office because he was the boss's manager.
On my desk was a fair amount of paperwork. If I didn't have any interruptions, I'll get this done by an hour before work ends.
Just then, boss's manager came to my cubicle. He knocked on my desk getting my attention.
Shit. I forgot.
"The boss wants to see you." He said.
"Thanks for letting me know." I sighed out.
Guess I'm gonna have to stay at work late.

I walked upstairs and into boss's office. I knocked on the door which, to be honest, took a lot of gut.
"Come in." Boss boomed on the other side.
I turned the knob, legs shaking.
I opened the door to see boss working on some paperwork. He took a glance at me and gestured me to come and sit on the chair.
Mark didn't come up yet and I wondered if he just left me out.
But soon after I sat down, he came in. He sat next to me, shuddering in fear.
Boss continued on his work, which irritated me because I hate it when people bring you out of your business and then just do nothing that involves you.
He set down his pen and sat up with his fingers intertwined each other.
"You have failed this heist." He said in a deep voice, deeper than Mark's.
"Boss, we know we did but..."
"Silence. I didn't finish."
Then hurry the fuck up if you don't want me to say anything.
"Based on this, I don't know what to do with you two and your mediocre skills and poor decisions. Not sure to give you another chance or to just fire you." He said, holding his chin up with his index finger and thumb, thinking.
I didn't want to be fired. Before this job, I was a newspaper delivering person. I didn't want to go back to that.
"If I give you another chance, that's another way for you to screw up the next mission, but I fire you, I will be firing the two best workers I have." He sighed, getting frustrated.
I was hoping he chooses to keep us, because he said it himself, Mark and I are the best workers. So if he does, that'll be harm to the business and he is all about that.
"I'll give you two another chance, but if this happens another time, you'll be out." He warned.
I sighed of relief.
"Thank you, sir. Really." Mark thanked and boss dismissed us. We both got up and walked to the door. I was about to exit the door when I turned my head to look at him. He waved his hand off and I walked out.

We returned to our cubicles and I held onto my chest where the key laid. I didn't know what to do with this key. I don't really trust my boss because he has been a bit off and possessive lately. And with this type of power in his grasp, who knows what he might do with it.
But I can't hold this much power. What if this gets the best of me and it might take over my mind, controlling me. I didn't want to belong to anything. I want to be my own person.
I didn't know what to do so I just decided to hold onto it when I make up my mind.
I got to my paperwork and began to work.

It was near the end of the day and I was almost finished with my work. Some of my coworkers left early due to them finishing their work.
Boss's manager came to me and asked me if I needed anything. I told him no and he started to pick up a conversation.
"You know, boss is considering to give you and Mark another mission."
I became intrigued with this.
"I'm listening."
"Seems like he is really interested in this because yesterday, he stayed late to finish on a special event. I stayed until he left and I went into his office to see another heist." He explained.
"Yes, and I also eavesdropped on your conversation and him saying that you two are his best workers, there is no doubt that he'll pick you two for it." He said.
I went wide eyed.
"What if I mess up again on this. It was my fault Mark and I ended up in prison."
"Don't think that way, (Y/N). There is still some planning on it. I looked up on the date and it'll be in a bout a year." He said.
"Thanks for letting me know."
"Your welcome, (Y/N)."
I continued with work and I just needed one more paper to go.

Soon, I had finished and Mark was still working. I knocked on his desk, getting his attention.
"Need help?"
"No, I got it." He said, going back.
"You want me to wait here?" I asked.
"I know you hate it when people leave you behind." I said.
"Yeah, just keep me company." He said.
I walked into the break room to wait for him.

After a while, it was almost 8:00 pm and he was finished. Boss had already gone out and he didn't noticed me waiting.
Mark gathered all his things and we walked outside. I was about to walk into the forest when Mark spoke up.
"Do you want me to take you back? It's pretty late and I'm sure you don't want any creepers sneaking up on you." He said, chuckling.
"Well, that's really generous of you." I said.
We both got into his car and we drove off. Mark already knows where I live since we had been buds for years.

We had arrived and I waved him good night. I walked into my house, going into my room to change.
I had finished changing and washed up, slipping into the bed sheets, and rushed off into slumber.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now