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I walked into my cell and got out the book that I was reading. It had gotten to the section about mythical creatures, mainly about dragons.
I had gotten to the habit of reading about fantasy. It's always so intriguing and it just goes back to the memories as a child and the childhood I didn't have. So this is like catching up on the childhood I couldn't have because of...reasons.
I had to rummage around my stuff to find it because for some reason I didn't want anyone to steal it even though I trust mostly everyone in this prison.

I smiled as I walked to the door. That's when the cell door was locked. I forgot that the cell doors always locks on its own when you close it.
I pulled out my key and inserted it. Turning it, it made a soft clank, signaling it was unlock.
I opened it back up and I walked off and outside, going to the tree where I sat yesterday. I sat down, leaning against the tree and opened my book to the last page I was on last time.
I began reading and then I heard soft footsteps coming towards me. I looked up from my book to see Yancy with his hands behind his back and he had an innocent smile. And, also, the sun was shining on his back, making it look like he was glowing.
"What are youse reading?" He asked, taking his seat next to me.
"It's the same book you gave me a few days back." I said, continuing reading in silent.
"Youse know, I wanted to read that book but I was currently reading the other. I have a habit of finishing what I started." He explained.
I chuckled at his little habit.
"I don't want to spoil myself, but is it okay if youse can read me a bit of it?" He asked, leaning to his side, looking at the words.
I shifted it to my side.
"You just said you didn't want to spoil yourself." I said, with a smirk.
"Please?" He asked, making his best puppy eyes.
Now, that was the most cuteness I've seen in days and even years. I eventually gave in and stopped leaning against the tree.
"Okay, but only a little bit." I said.

Yancy changed his position by laying on his stomach, holding his head in his hands, and his feet kicked up. He looked at me with intriguing eyes.
I made a slight chuckle and I started to read the next chapter.
"Chapter 27: The Dragon. The sky was radiant in the mild morning light as Firedrake approached the village with Ben and Sorrel, and the sun was not yet too hot for comfort. Flocks of white seabirds circled above the dragon, announcing his arrival with excited cries.
The villagers were waiting for him, standing outside their huts with children in their arms. The beach had been sprinkled with flower petals. Paper kites flew above the huts, and even the smallest children were wearing their best clothes. Ben felt like a king sitting high above them on the dragon's back. He looked for the ravens, but there wasn't a bird in sight. However, the village cats — white, ginger, tabby, black-and-white, and tortoiseshell — were all over the place: on rooftops, outside huts, in the branches of trees. Firedrake walked over the flower petals and past the cats and the people until he saw Barnabas Greenbloom. When he stopped in front of the professor, the onlookers respectfully retreated a few steps. Only Zubeida and Guinevere stayed put."

I continued to read and Yancy had the look of awe in his eyes. I could tell he enjoyed me reading to him. It made me smile and it made me enjoy myself as well. Throughout reading the book, we changed our positions.
For me, I changed mine to where I laid on the grass with my legs resting on the tree and Yancy's was his hands behind his head, legs crossed, and looking up in the light blue sky.
"Chapter 45: The Eye of the Moon. Pretty big, this lake!" Shouted Lola through the noise of the engine. "Yes," whispered Twigleg. "As big as a sea." Looking out of the engine rang in his ears, and his knees were knocking. Flying in a tinny little plane! What a horrible thought. Nothing but a bit of metal and a whirring contraption between him and empty air. He wished he was still on Firedrake's strong back, on Ben's warm lap, in the backpack, anywhere but in this infernal machine.
"Come on, let's have your report. See anything suspicious, homuncupus?" asked the rat.
Twigleg swallowed. But you can't rid of fear by swallowing. "No," he said in a trembling voice. "Nothing. Only the stars."
They were reflected in the water like tiny fireflies.
"Fly closer to the bank," Twigleg told the rat. "That's the kind of place where he likes to hide, lurking in the mud."
Lola immediately turned and flew toward the bank.
Twigleg's stomach was doing somersaults.
The lake lay below them like a mirror of black glass.  Humming, the plane flew over the water. All was dark. Only the flowers on the bank glowed a mysterious blue.
Twigleg looked over his shoulder to where Firedrake had landed, but there was no sign of the silver dragon. He had probably hidden and was watching for their signal from a cranny in the rock. Twigleg turned again and glanced down at the water. Suddenly, as of coming out of nowhere, a strange trembling shook his chest.
"He's here!" he cried in terror.
"Where?" Lola clutched her joystick and peered into the dark, but she could see nothing suspicious.
"I don't know where," cried Twigleg, "but I can feel it. Quite clearly."
"Could be something in what you say." Lola pressed her sharp nose to the cockpit window. "There's kind of a suspicious ripple on the water there ahead. As if a large stone had just dropped into it." She throttled back the engine. "I'll turn off the lights," she whispered. "We want to get closer view of this."
Twigleg's knees were knocking again. The mere idea of seeing his old master once more froze his blood. Lola flew in an arc toward the suspect spot. She didn't need lights; like Twigleg, she had the eyes of a nocturnal creature, and starlight was enough for her."

Yancy was surprised at my fast reading skills and he was impressed with talking fluently in reading. I told him thanks and I used to read when it was my free time. And, also, the chapters are pretty short.
We didn't realize, but it was near the end of the day. We resumed to read a bit more.
After a while, we talked about how we thought about the book and it was adventurous and suspenseful. A prisoner, that was a friend of Yancy's, walked by and they yelled:
"Book geeks!" Teasing us.
We looked at each other and shared a good laugh. We got up and we walked into the building.

We both got ready for bed and I took off my shoes and I got under the covers.
Yancy is my favorite geek.
Was the last thing I thought before drifting into the abyss of my mind.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now