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~ 1 week later ~

The whole week was very good. We all had our good times and laughed and even danced a few times. And I feel like this is where I want to stay here. If I had a life sentence to prison, I wouldn't mind.
Anyway, I waked up in my bed with Yancy already washing up. I put on a new pair of socks, same shoes, and washed up as well.
Today, we had to do cleaning duty. Yancy was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen while I had to sweep the cafeteria.
We ate breakfast and then once we were finished, we dumped our trays and headed onto work. I walked to the supply closet to get the broom.
I moved the lunch tables first and then started to sweep. Soon after, I started to sway a bit with the broom. And after that, I started a full on dance. I played music in my head and I kept up with the rhythm. I didn't care if anyone was looking or judging, what I cared about was having the time of my life.
But that all ended when I bumped into a body, making me fall backwards. I groaned and I cursed to myself for getting distracted.
"I am so sorry." I apologized.
I looked to see Colomba and in front of me, situating his hat on top of his head.
"No worries, (Y/N)."
"So, why are you here."
"Someone wants to visit. Visitation day, remember?"
And that's when my heart sank. Today is the day for me to decide whether or not if I should stay or not. He gave me a week to decide and I made my decision to stay because, these past few weeks were the time of my life. But, at the same time, I felt that if I stay, I would be shamed on by my friends.
Mark won't even trust me if I stayed here. I nodded as I picked up the broom and stored it back in the closet. Colomba waited for me and he escorted me to the room.
He opened the door and I wasn't ready to see his face. But I looked anyways, and I saw his face. He was fiddling with his fingers and he looked up when he heard the door open.
I walked in and sat in the chair in front of him.
"You have 14 minutes. Don't you dare try anything." And then the door closed.
I gulped down the lump in my throat.
"So, I gave you a whole week to decide. What will it be?"
"Listen, I have no idea of what to pick."
"(Y/N), I already said that I won't take 'I don't know' for an answer. And I gave you a whole week to think about it. What have you been doing?"
"If you knew what I have been going through, you would react the same way."
"I'm not weak minded like you. You are better than this. What has gotten into you? The years you've been working with us, you never showed anything like this."
"Weak minded?! I am not weak!"
"Then how come are you behaving like this? We all pledged to put our mind on one task and you know we have to follow it. No matter the circumstances or consequences."
My thoughts ran to that message:
I wanted to be free. I wanted my freedom. And I want it. I put my mind on that topic and I have pledged myself to follow what I put myself on.
"Please, (Y/N). I know...we both know you are stronger than this. I know, you have made friends here and it's not easy leaving them. But we need you. Mark is worried sick of you. He is concerned for your health and mind. What will he do if he realizes that you are just going to stay here? What will he think? Will he ever think of you the same?"
The lump came back and tears started to form at my eyes.
"So, make the choice of getting out of here, and show people that you are not weak. That's what you want. Right?"
"Yes." I said.
I felt the outline of the key in my shirt. I held onto it tightly. I clenched onto it.
"But, there is one wrong thing."
"And what is that?"
"That I am not weak. I was never weak. I have become strong just because of this prison. I am not going anywhere. If this place makes me feel strong and loved, I will stay here." I said.
I could see the anger in his face grow, but he took a sigh.
"I know I can't convince you to get out of here." He admitted.
The door opened and Colomba came to my side.
"Times up."
I sighed in relief that I am able to stay here. Just as I was about to leave:
I turned.
"But I can force you out." He said, coldly.
"Officer, I would like to invest some money into this prison. I will give it to the warden in exchange you would give me (Y/N)."
"That all decides on how many money."
"Take me to the warden, I would like a word."
Colomba got behind me and locked my wrists into cuffs.
"What? No!" I yelled, trying to break free.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). But I have no choice. Boss's rules."
"You son of a bitch. You fucking piece of shit raised by a fucking bitch!" I yelled.
"I believe you can take those words on the boss. He's the main plot over this whole thing."
"You fucking helped!"
I shamed and tried to break free, but the metal only rubbed against my skin.

We arrived at the warden's office and he looked up from his paperwork.
"Good afternoon, Mr..."
"Wilson. But you can call me by my first name. The names Abe." The warden said.
We both sat down in meta chairs and I glared at him in envy.
"I would like to put some money into this prison in exchange for (Y/N)."
"How much you talking?"
"50 million."
"Impossible for a person to have that much money." The warden said, baffled.
"Is it?"
He snapped his fingers and that's when other workers brought in packages and packages of boxes. The warden got up and inspected the boxes. He looked in awe.
"Seems like I can approve your arrangement. You have yourself a deal."
And the warden stuck out his hand and shook his hand. I looked at them in disbelief.
"Are you kidding me, sir? You can't just sell me out! I thought you treated your prisoners like family!"
"And families sacrifice themselves in order to give the other family members comfort. I am trying to keep this business running and if you're in the way, I gonna have to make every sacrifice I can have in order to keep it running." He said.
I became mad as he picked me up, took off the cuffs, and we walked off. Before we walked out the door, I spit on his floor and I flicked him off.
He pulled me back and we walked off. Tears formed as I could see the whole gang outside playing basketball.
"Come on, (Y/N). We have to go."
"Don't tell me what to do, you don't know what I'm capable of."
"No, I don't. But I do know that you don't hurt your friends, and I am one of them."
"You don't know."
"Then why haven't you attacked me yet?"
I remained silent, not wanting to look at him.
We both got in his car and we drove off
I could see the prison go out of sight and I made quiet sobs. It's funny. I wanted to get out but now, I want to stay. I wiped away the tears as we became closer to the city.
"We're going to your house. After picking you up, boss wanted me to drop you off your house just to have a day off. Even thought you missed plenty of them. You should thank me."
"For what?"
"I had to work almost day and night for your papers not to pile up. Along with you not getting fired. Boss was almost going to fire you if it wasn't for me. I stopped him and handled him."
"I don't care if he fired me or not."
"Why does it sound that you are making a big deal out of it?"
"I've been through shit okay?! Give me a break."
"You had a break."
"Stop being a smart ass. You're just an ass."

We had arrived at my home and he dropped me off, not knowing that I didn't have my key. When I visited and got caught, they sold my car and everything in it. But they did not sold my driver license, wallet, or phone. Everything was gone and they still had my stuff.
So I had to pick lock my house and everything was the same. I closed the door and I waked into my room. The same.
The same.
The same.
The same.
I threw down everything in the house, smashing everything, leaving everything broken. The glass plates, cups, pictures, the lamps. Everything was destroyed. I was in the corner of my room, sobbing and crying. I didn't want this.
I just wanted to go back. I felt lonely and lost. I need help. I'm so weak. Give it up! You're weak!
Thoughts filled my head on giving up, but for some reason, I didn't.

I saw what had happened around and I started to clean up. The living space, the kitchen, my bedroom, and the bathrooms. Once everything was put back together, I went into my room, changed and I laid on my bed, crying myself to sleep.

(After a long day of work, I am finally able to relax while enjoying the sweet taste of spring break. Don't worry, I'll still update chapters.)

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now