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I had woken to the metal door opening with a loud creak and clank. I got up from the floor and I rubbed my eye with one hand. There, I saw the same officer in the doorway.
"24 hours is up." He said.
Did I just sleep for a whole day?
I got up, yawned and stretched, and I walked out.
"Come with me, let's see how your wounds are." He said, closing the door behind me.
We then walked into the health office and he checked on my wounds. He rummaged through the cabinet, looking for a new bandage.
"By the way, the name is Colomba. Colomba Hunter." He said, now taking out a new bandage.
"At least I now know your name, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). If you didn't know before."
"I did, on your profile." He said, applying the new bandage. I flinched at the first touch and Colomba stepped back. After recovering, I nodded, signaling for him to go. He quickly applied the bandage and led me out of the office and into the cafeteria.
"The prisoners are currently in line for breakfast. I know you have friends here so I won't feel that alone." Colomba said.
I thanked him as I stood in the back of the line. Nobody recognized me and I didn't expect them to. The only person who knows it's me is Yancy. But I can't see him.

It came up to me and I grabbed a tray. I held it out to the cafeteria staff and they gave me some oatmeal with a carton milk and a green/red apple.
I thanked them by slightly nodding my head and I turned to walk to sit at a table.
Seeing that everything was full and there was only one small round table, I walked over there and I sat down, holding my head in my head, elbows on the table. Just then, I heard a tray next to me.
"Youse know, no elbows allowed."
I recognize that voice anywhere and I looked up to see Yancy again. I quickly hid my face for I was embarrassed. I heard him chuckle and he set his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him, face red with embarrassment.
"May I ask, why are youse here? I thought youse left yesterday." He said, taking a scoop of the oatmeal.
"Yeah, but the thought of going out failed and I got caught." I explained, hiding my face.
I grabbed my spoon and dipped it into the oatmeal and stirred it in for a bit, before lifting it to my mouth. The oatmeal tasted old and plain. I struggled to gulp it down and once I did, I opened the carton milk and took a swift sip.
Yancy noticed this and chuckled once again.
"Yeah, the food here isn't like the well seasoned food youse used to eat." He explained, taking in another spoon.
"But, youse get used to it." He said afterwards.
I didn't want to take another spoon front when oatmeal and I decided to eat the apple. I took a bite and it was really sour than sweet. My cheeks puckered from the citrus and I didn't enjoy that feeling. I chewed it slowly and I realized it wasn't that bad. I ate the rest of it and set it down and I was finished with my tray. I dumped it and I came back to the table where when I sat down, Yancy took his tray away.
He came back with his body facing me.
"So what do we do here?" I asked.
"Well, not much. We usually play cards, lifts weights, play basketball, and sometimes do shows, obviously prepared by me." He said.
"Remember when youse came the first time here along with that guy, I overheard youse's conversation and I quickly planned the whole thing."
"And why did you do that?" I asked.
That seemed to put him on the spot because he rubbed the back of his head and a drop of sweat formed on his forehead.
The bell rang and that's when everyone started to dump their tray.
He got saved by the bell.
I thought as he stood up and dusted himself off, even thought nothing was on him.
"May I give you a tour of the prison? Just so youse can know where youse's going?" He offered with his hand out.
I was hesitant but got up, not taking his hand. I saw him smiled a bit and we walked off.
"Since I'm considered the warden's son, I'm able to roam around the prison. I also keep my reputation around here high, giving access to mostly everything." He explained but silence came and the air tensed up.
"Except for the exits." He pointed a finger at me.
"Yeah, I already know. You don't wanna be free." I said, tempted to sing the last part but I didn't.
"Yes." He said.

Yancy took me on a whole tour of the prison. He took me to the inside gym, the courtyards, the cells, and where we would get the cleaning supplies.
Yancy told me that after that whole show, they had to clean up since they made a mess larger than usual. I chuckled at that and he kinda glared at me but laughed afterwards.
It was near noon and he said everyone gathers around and eats lunch that is a big meal and they eat outside. I thought that was cute when my mind reminded me that this is prison and nothing is happy about prison.
Noon came and sure enough, we all gathered around got our lunch and we ate outside.
I sat with Yancy and a lot of his friends came and sat down with us. They asked who I was and Yancy explained that I visited the prison before and I, unfortunately, got caught.
They said that I didn't look like myself and I explained that I didn't want to get caught in normal society. They understood and they joked that I got caught. They made some jokes and they laughed and I, surprisingly, laughed along with them.
We continued to eat and it was almost time to end lunch and we all went into the gym to work out. I worked out as well so the weights weren't really very hard.
Jimmy was really impressed with my strength and we both worked out together. We saw Yancy with the bench press and we both cheered on for him, counting. Soon, his arms got tired and we counted a total of 47 ups. Yancy wanted me to try and he doubt that mine would not get even close to his number. I told him that he underestimated my strength and I started to pull up and down quickly.
They counted my ups and my arms started to get tired but not enough for me to give up.
Soon they got tired and I had gotten to 50 ups. I smirked at Yancy's shocked face and I walked away, feeling like a badass. I went over to where all the dumbbells are and worked out on them.

Soon we all had gotten tired and we decided to end the day with playing cards. Nothing is more entertaining than the classic Crazy 8.
Yancy shuffled the deck and it was me against him. His friends warned me that whenever they played him, he always win. I told him that he has never played me and he doesn't know my strengths.
My mind thought but I brushed that to the back of my mind.
He put the deck in front of me and I split the deck in two. He put them together and he, sneakily, added another card to his hand and covered it with another to look like a eight. I had a whole kingdom (which means, I say this, the king, queen, jack, and the 10 which is the same suit in this case club), 3 hearts, and the last one a spade of eight.
Yancy set down the first card and it was a diamond. I groaned as I picked up a card from the deck, with a diamond of the first try. He set down a 4 diamond and I had a 4 heart. I set it down and Yancy groaned as he looked through the deck, trying to find the heart. He glared at me.
"What did youse do to this deck?" He asked me.
"You shuffled it." I said, smirking slyly.
"Well next time, youse shuffle."
After obtaining 10 cards, he finally found the heart. This was a king and I set down my club king, him setting down an ace, my queen, his 3, my jack, his 9, and then my 10. He could see I only have 2 cards left and he smirked. He set down the eight which I assume he had picked from the deck.
"Spades." He commanded.
I chuckled as I put down my eight of spade. His eyes widen and they looked up at me.
"What? You wanted a spade so here it is." I said.
"Well it isn't going to be anymore."
I smiled.
"Hearts." I said.
He groaned as he set down a king of heart and I set down my ace of heart. Everyone cheered and laughed as I hit the air in victory. Yancy made a pointed face and I chuckled.
"Sorry Yanc, but seems like you need more training." I said, laughing afterwards.

It was near nigh and they don't give us any dinner. So we all walked to our cells. I didn't know mine so I went over to Colomba to ask where my cell is.
He guided me to my cell and I could see it was the same cell before. On the top, I could see Yancy. He smiled brightly and I made a little wave.
"Good night, (Y/N)." Colomba said.
"Good night." I said, him walking off.
I turned to Yancy, now behind me.
"Well, seems like we share the same cell." I said.
"Yeah, youse can have the top if ya want." He said.
"No, I'm okay. I like the bottom more." I said, sitting on the bed.
Yancy returned back to the top, reading a book. I then dig in my shirt to reveal the necklace I still had on. I held onto it tight. Even though I wanted to stay with Yancy, I knew I wanted to be free.
I wanted to be free. I wanted my freedom. And I want it. I put my mind on that topic and I have pledged myself to follow what I put myself on.
I repeated in my mind. During the whole time, I didn't know I was tightly gripping on the key. I tucked it in my shirt and I laid on my bed.
Yancy could sensed my boredom and said from the top:
"Youse wanna read my book?" He offered.
I became intrigued by this.
"Do you have another?" I asked.
"I do, but I haven't read it yet." He explained, dropping the book on my lap.
I read the cover to see that this is the same book that I read in my house.
"This is the book I'm reading." I said.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah!" I said, turning to the page I was last on.
"It's a really good book." I said, reading the page.
I heard him chuckle as we returned back to reading.

After a while, the guards said it was almost lights out and we needed to get ready. Yancy told me that they have disposable toothbrushes and toothpaste in the bathrooms along with towels and face wash.
I thanked him as I walked in the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face and dried up and going back to our cell. I got under the covers, reading the book a bit more.
Yancy came back and he got on top and that's when the guards yelled:
"Lights out!"
And then it went black. I put the book on the stand next to my bed and I snuggled up in the covers and I slowly closed my eyes and into slumber.

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