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~ 1 month later ~

It was a Sunday morning and I had woken up on my regular schedule. I didn't know what to do for today. The sun was bright and it was a really nice day today. No wind, no dark clouds, and it's a Sunday so you could sit around at home and do nothing. I thought about going out to walk around the park and maybe grab a cold iced drink. Seeing that I have nothing else to do, I got up and started to get ready. I went into my closet to get my clothing pick for today. And inside I saw Yancy's leather jacket. Well, MY jacket. It's been a while when I saw him. Each visitation is once a month. Next visitation is about a week away.

I sighed as I pushed it away to see more clothing. I put on a black T with denim jeans and converse shoes. I put on my favorite jacket and I walked into my kitchen to get out a can of sweet fruit. I opened the container, grabbed a spoon, and dipped into it. Soon I drank the sweet juice and I trashed the can. I also got out a bottled water because it was too sweet and I needed something to neutralize it.

I finished and I walked into my living room. Same couches, same TV, same pictures, same coffee table, everything is the same. Nothing has changed. Last time I saw everything, I got so mad and turned everything upside down. Now, I feel that everything was missing something. Now I know that I found that something and it will probably be out of my reach for a while. Maybe not a while, but for a long, long time.

I went into my room and pulled open a drawer from my nightstand. Inside was the book I had finished. I smiled as I remembered how Yancy and I would always go outside and read this book under the tree. But now, I have finished the book and there is nothing else I could do. Maybe when I walk out, I'll stop by the book store and get a new book. I reached for my phone, unplugged it, and started to walk towards the door. I locked it and walked out. I had gotten a new house key. Before, I was using the other Skeleton Key to open inside. Now I don't need to do that. I still have it, wrapped around my neck.

The sun was shining down, giving me plenty of Vitamin D. I could see everyone was in their house except for joggers and people walking their dogs. Some dog walkers pass by and their dogs always stop to get a sniff of me. I smiled and I would pet them. Then I would continue on.

I had just arrived at the book store. Inside, there wasn't much people. I walked around and I walked downstairs to where they had the electronics section. I don't have anything to get from here, but I just wanted a quick peek at what was different. Everything was the same and now to look for another book.

Walking back up the stairs, I looked through the section where it had a bit of a biography of someone. Not someone who used to live in real life, but a character and going through something.

While going through the section, I came across a book that sounded interesting. "A Place to Stand" was about a poet who creates life in youths and years in prison: a "brave and heartbreaking" tale of triumph over brutal adversity. Sounded like a very good book.

Thinking this was the one, I walked over to the register counter and they scanned it for me. They told me the cost and I swiped my debit card. They put it in a bag but I told them it's okay, I'll take it without the bag. They handed me the book and they wished me a wonderful day. Giving the same statement in return, I walked out the door.

Next to the book store was a small cafe. I walked in to see no one really there. I walked to the counter and they asked what I wanted and I ordered a caramel cappuccino. They asked if I wanted it on the go and I said yes. Soon they gave me my cappuccino and I wished them a good day. I saw that their tip jar was empty. I got out a 5 dollar bill from my wallet and put it inside. The person looked up at me and smiled.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome."
And I waked our.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now