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~ 2 weeks past ~

It's been almost 2 weeks and Yancy and I have became close. Just close, not really that close. We have always been doing the same old thing. I have been cleaning and working out and playing some card games and just eating meals.
Prison isn't like normal society, obviously. But it isn't that bad also. We all have been doing the same thing and for them, it never gets boring. But to me, sometimes I get bored of doing the same things.

Anyway, today was a third Sunday, which means it's visitation day. I doubt anyone would be here because the last I came here, no one was parked in the parking lot. And also, who would want to visit me after all the mistakes I did?
I was doing some cleaning duties when I saw Colomba walk up to me.
"Hey (Y/N). Someone has come here to visit you." He said, pointing his thumb at the entrance.
I was surprised that anyone would want to come and visit me. I nodded and put away the broom in the closet nearby and I walked over to the room.
There, I saw boss's manager. He was tapping his finger on the wooden table and when he heard the door open, he shot his head up.
"You only have 14 minutes. Don't try anything." And with that came a loud boom.
I faced him and I could see he was quite worried.
"(Y/N) why are you back in here?" He asked.
"I wanted to visit a friend, but I got caught." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, feeling embarrassed.
"Who is this friend I might ask." He said, staring into my eyes.
"Um, Yancy." I tried hard not to stutter.
"Yancy?" He asked, looking of his watch.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Looking up on his profile." He said, finding it and reading over what he did.
His eyes widen and he turned back to me.
"(Y/N). Listen to me. Don't trust this person." He said.
"I know he has done some bad things in the past but-"
"No, come on (Y/N)! He has killed his loved ones! You can't trust him. He even committed more kills with his bare fists. You can't trust him." He tried to convince me.
Though this is scary, I didn't know why but I trust Yancy. Not completely but enough for me to make him my friend.
"I know I can't trust him, but what else am I gonna do. I can't really trust anybody in the prison anyways, they all done some things bad enough for them to end up here."
"Fair point. But (Y/N), why are you still here? Are you even trying to break out?" He asked.
I didn't know the answer to that. Emotions became too overwhelming for me and I just wanted to get out of there.
"I'm still considering it." I finally said.
"Considering? What do you mean by that?" He asked.
"It's means I'm still considering it."
"No, are you saying that there is a choice that you WANT to stay here?"
"I don't know, too much pressure is upon me. I can't decide on whether I deserve this or not. And with that choice, it's putting a lot of pressure on me." I explained.
He understood by giving a small nod.
He told me that he'll give me until next visitation and by then, he won't accept an 'I don't know' for an answer.
He exchanged a slight hug and he walked out the entrance with a small wave. I gave the wave back and I went back into the cafeteria to continue cleaning.

I had finished al of my chores and I was excused to do whatever I wanted. Since there is nothing here to do, I decided a walk outside would help clear my memory.
I walked out the door to see some prisoners outside playing basketball.
I smiled at how when one person makes a shot, they cheer that person on by patting them on the back. It made me smile.
I began to walked along the bob wired fence and I glided my hands against the metal, looking out to the open world.
I eventually got to the gate where me and Yancy split. I looked at in and got out my key. I examined it for a bit and I looked at the keyhole.

As I was about to insert the key, a guard said for all prisoners to come inside.
I hid the key and ran back just so I didn't want to be left out.
I walked in to see the other prisoners in the cafeteria standing up straight and the warden in front of them. I started to shake, wondering what he'll say. I stood next to Yancy, shaking in fear.
"Hey, don't worry, you'll be fine." He whispered to me.
Says the guy who didn't get hits from this guy
I thought, turning my attention back to him.
He walked around, inspecting each of us.
"Now, I called all y'all to say that Happy Trails Penitentiary is now..." he eyed each of us, intimidating us with just a gaze.
I could see all of us trembling in fear as he prepared to what he was going to say next.
"The most successful prison in the state." He announced cheerfully.
Everyone calmed down and they all started to cheer. But I didn't. I didn't understood the words he said and I didn't make a move. But Yancy hugged me tightly along with his other friends.
"This calls for a celebration!" The warden announced and they started to clear the tables and bring in some music.
I wanted to celebrate and see all the happy faces around me, but something was holding me back. Was it that I have to make a choice? I already had too much laid upon me.
I sighed as I crossed my arms and sneakily walked out the door. Little did I know, someone was watching me.

I walked outside to see dark clouds roll in, along with the sound of thunder. Little droplets of water began to spill from the sky.
I would want to go back in and stay in there, but I didn't feel like being with or talking to my friends. I began to walk to a tree near and I sat underneath it, curling my legs to my chest.
I rested my head between them and just pushed all my thoughts away. I just needed to relax and hearing the pitter patted of the rain onto the leaves made me relax.
I have found peace in a long time and it was much needed. I lifted my head and I rested it upon the brown bark of the tree, feeling the water fall from the  leaves and onto my face.

Soon, I felt someone wrap their arm around me and on my shoulder. I gasped and I turned to my right to meet Yancy's face.
"You okay?" He asked.
I smiled and nodded.
"Yes I am. Just wanting a place to relax instead of hearing pop music in there." I said, gesturing at the glass door and the window next to it.
The party had escalated to people dancing around and seeing fluorescent lights booming everywhere.
"I could see that youse's not a big fan of crowds." He said, looking at me again.
"Not really, but when I'm in a good mood, I could be a real party animal. But that only happens rarely." I said.
He still had his hand around my shoulder and I didn't really mind since he provided me warmth that radiated from his body.
We talked and talked, getting closer than ever. There was times where we caught ourselves, just staring into each other's eyes.
I always turned the other way and hide my red face. I chuckled nervously and I waited until it came back to normal.

~ 3rd POV ~

"It's so clear that he's is falling for them." Bam Bam said, gesturing at the two outside.
"We can't assume that just yet. What if they are just friends?" Sparkles said.
"Come on! He always wants to be with them, he organized those two performances for them, and he is comforting them now." He said, while looking out the window.
"And look at them right now! Yancy has his hand over their shoulder and they don't mind. They are staring into each other's face with no blink. That is pure evidence that he has it. Bad!" Bam Bam yelled, but it was muffled by the loud music.
"I guess you're right. But how can he not express himself if he can't make a single move."
"He's making a move right now. He made a lot more moves than you think. You just have concentrate more just to see it."
"But how come he hasn't confessed yet? If he made that many moves, they at least would have given him a peck on the cheek."
"It's because he's afraid they don't like him back. If he confesses now, he'll be heartbroken if they say no and they might want to run away. That'll be double the heart break. So right now, he is trying to make them trust him. And once the moment is right, he'll make a move."
"Then how come are we doing this when he got this all covered?"
"You really ask questions, don't ya? Anyway, he just needs a little nudge into the right direction and he'll be ready to go."
"So what are you thinking?"
"What are some of (Y/N)'s favorite things?"
"Books for all I know. But they did asked Yancy about any instruments."
"Perfect." Bam Bam said and they continued to talk about the plan.
They went to their group of friends to tell them what they had in mind. Thankfully, they agreed to do this. They had all gotten ready and they planned to take action tomorrow.

Soon, the two came back inside when it was getting cold and dark. (Y/N) was shivering and Yancy still had his arm around them, giving all his warmth to them.
They nodded at his generosity and he said with a simple 'No problem.'
Soon, the day was ending and they all had to clean up the mess they had made from celebrating. Even the warden helped.
Before they were going to their cells, the warden gave a speech about how he wants the family to be together forever and never break apart.
Many cheered, except for (Y/N). They still had to make the decision and it was a complicated one because they didn't want to leave their friends but at the same time, they promised to follow what they put on themselves.
But they managed to give a fake smile along with a applause.

After that, they had gotten ready for the night and they soon turned off the lights and they all went to sleep, with a few snores here and there.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now