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~ Few days later ~

I had finished my lunch that Jack have gave me. I have grown used to hospital food and to be honest it's not that bad. But that's besides the point. I have been in this same bed for what seems like forever and I am glad that I am going out today.
Mark and Amy have been visiting and they said that they'll look after me. Until my leg heals.

I drank the last bit of water and that's when Jack came inside.
"Good news, (Y/N). Looks like you are able to get out of here today."
Jack and some other nurses came in with some bandages and some crutches.
"We just need to take a look at your stitches, see if we need anymore touches, put on some new bandages and see if you can handle these crutches."
I carefully got out of the bed and they looked at them. Then they applied a new bandage and they told me to try out the crutches.
Jack and one nurse were at each of my side and they held out their hands for me for support. They instructed me on what to do and I did it almost perfectly. I just need to be aware of my placing and then I'll be good.
After that, the nurses gave me back my belongings and they told me there was a changing area just the end of the hall. They helped me get there and I made sure not to touch my wound because it still hurts like hell. I got out and I put on the my jacket that was clean instead of blood being stained on it. I thanked them as Jack and I started to walk the other way of the hall, to the elevator.
Jack guided me back to where Mark and Amy were waiting.
"Is there any medication I should take?"
"No. It's a gunshot wound. But, maybe try not to drink wine again. It may put you in another dangerous situation. If it wasn't for that guy..."
Jack mumbled as he looked through his clipboard, reading and squinting.
"Yancy! If it wasn't for him, that psychopath would have done more than just kidnapping you."
We continued to walk until we reached the elevator. Jack pressed the button down and we got in and he pushed the 1st floor button.
"So, something interesting is that your files say that you have also been in Happy Trails. Did you escape?"
I turned away, tears almost coming down my eye.
"No. Someone paid me out. That guy, Carl, he thought I was still out and wanted. That's why he attacked me."
"Well if he thought about turning you in, then why does he have to go far by stabbing you and damaging your eye?"
"Is there any medication for my eye?" I asked, trying to get off topic.
"No, we have provided all the medication for that. All you have to do is keep on replacing the bandage and try to keep it clean."
I nodded. Then I realized something. I checked my pockets and everything.
"Where is my necklace?" I asked, looking towards Jack.
"Yeah, it's a key with string wrapped in the top." I explained.
"You're personal belongings are with your friend, Mark. They suggested to take your other stuff so you won't have much being out on you when you are ready to come out."
I sighed of relief but was still crazy freaked out. I could use that key for luck.

We had arrived at the first floor and we walked until we arrived at the waiting room. Mark and Amy were looking through a magazine about video games. Mark likes to play video games in his past time. They looked up when they heard my crutches, clanking down on the floor.
I smiled as they got up and they walked over to me and hugged me gently.
"So, for the total cost of this is about $5000 for these wounds." Jack chirped in.
"Oh, no problem. I would go bankrupt to heal the heath of the people I cared about." Mark said.
We went to the front office and Mark paid off the cost. I was a bit concerned because I didn't want to waste too much money. But, then again, boss's manager gave about 50 million dollars to the prison.
I didn't mind because that's where Yancy lived and I would want the best for him and where he is comfortable at.
We exited the hospital and we walked to Mark's Tesla. They helped me get in the back seat and they got it and we drove off.

They didn't drop me off at my house because I was told that.
We arrived at Mark's house. It was raining and I shivered when the warm air hit on my skin inside. I asked where do I sleep and they said that I could sleep in the guest bedroom they had.
They helped me up the stairs and they turned on the light for me to my room.
The room had a queen sized bed with a TV in front of it. There was a book shelf on the left of that TV and a small table on the right.Next to the bed was a small nightstand with a small lamp and a small potted plant next to it.
I looked in the closet to see a few clothes. I closed the door and on the bed was my belongings. I could see my phone, wallet, house key, and they necklace. I grabbed the necklace, put it over my head and I tucked it under my jacket.
I didn't know what to pass the time, so I turned on the TV, carefully plopping down on the bed, and I went on Netflix.

I looked out the window to see it was getting dark and it was still raining. I continued watching the movie and that's when I heard a knock on the door. I turned down the volume.
"Come in."
Amy peeked through the door.
"Dinner is ready."
I nodded as I turned off the TV and Amy came to my side to help me. She helped me downstairs and I could smell the scent of REAL food. My mouth watered.
"You must have gotten sick of hospital food." Mark stated, getting a plate for me.
"It wasn't that bad but I can't wait to eat some well seasoned food."
Mark set down a plate with a seasoned steak, green peas, mashed potatoes, and a glass of cool water. Amy and Mark served themselves and I dug into dinner.
"So, how long am I on crutches?" I asked in between bites.
"Your leg should be almost healed in 4 days. After that, take it slow. You may still be sore and a bit in pain, but good enough to start walking. Then, when you have grown used to it, you'll be as good as new."
I nodded as I continued to eat dinner, not really wanting to talk but eat in peace.

After dinner, I walked up to my room to past some more time. The rain was still pouring and I was afraid that the roof was going to leak, due to the heavy rain. After, what felt like 30 minutes, I heard a knock.
"Come in."
Mark came in with some bandages in hand.
"Do you need help?"
"No, I can do it myself. I watched the doctors do this, and I can pick up things pretty fast."
"Well, if you need any, I'll be here."
Mark set down the bandages and I sat up and grabbed one. I unraveled the bandage on my head and I applied the new one. Next was the one on my leg. I looked at the stitching to see if it was ripped. Nothing. I applied the new one and I threw the old ones in trash.

I looked at the time to see it was near 10 pm. I went into the bathroom and I washed up.I walked out, watched a bit more TV.
I had became cold and I carefully got in the covers. My eye lid became heavy and I closed it, leaving the TV on.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now