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I had woken up to the guards clanging on the the metal bars to the cell. I had woken up to feel my eyes being really sore. I rubbed my forehead and I groaned softly.
"Wake up! Get ready before breakfast. You have one hour." The guard shouted.
I rubbed my eyes to see Yancy already on his feet. He was sitting at the end of my mattress looking worried for me.
"Did youse get enough sleep?" He asked.
"Yeah." I yawned greatly.
"Well, we have to go over to the bathroom, shower, and get ready some more." He explained.
"Okay, I'll get on it." I said.

We both walked out of our cell and we went into the bathroom. I decided to wash up first before going into the showers. My body eager for a hot shower. I turned it on to my desired temperature and I removed my clothing. I got out the bar soap and washed every inch of my body.
When I finished, I rinsed myself off and dried myself too. I put my clothing back on and I went into the cafeteria.

The line was already long and I had assumed that I was the last one. But Yancy changed my mind when he came up behind me.
"Long line, eh?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm starving." I said.
Soon it was our turn and we had gotten our food. It was the same thing. Oatmeal with a carton milk with fruit of the side.
We sat down with Yancy's friends and we ate, conversations in between. I was still a bit down from last night.
Yancy could see this and then his eyes lit up. I saw in the corner of my eye that he whispered to his friends and they all smiled and nodded.
I didn't feel like eating and I pushed my tray aside.
"Let me take your tray." Sparkles McGee said.
He took my tray and the others gone away from the table except Yancy. He let one of his friends take his tray. He planted his hand on my shoulder and I smiled, but got his hand off.
His friends came backs and they all nodded at each other. They started to make a beat with their hands and feet.
I grew curious.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

Just then, Yancy got on top of the table and snapped his fingers.
(Cue music above):

🎵The warden threw a party in the county jail
The prison band was there and they began to wail
The band was jumping and the joint began to swing
You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing

🎵Let's rock, everybody, let's rock!
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock

I couldn't believe that they were playing Elvis. I really enjoyed the song and I giggled and chuckled because the song fit perfectly.
The prisoners were egging me on to join in and I eventually gave in and danced along with them.

🎵 Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone
Little Joe was blowing on his slide trombone
The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang
The whole rhythm section was the Purple Gang

🎵 Let's rock, everybody, let's rock
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock

I had plenty of fun as I danced along with Yancy and the other family members. I laughed and had a pretty good time.

🎵 Number forty-seven said to number three
"You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see
I sure would be delighted with your company
Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me."

🎵 Let's rock, everybody, let's rock
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock

I was having a good time and when it got to the cutest jailbird part, Yancy actually turned towards me and sang that. But that was probably only for the show.

🎵 The sad sack was sitting on a block of stone
Way over in the corner weeping all alone
The warden said "Hey buddy don't you be no square.
If you can't find a partner use a wooden chair."

🎵 Let's rock, everybody, let's rock
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock

🎵 Shifty Henry said to Bugs "For Heaven's sake
No one's looking, now's our chance to make a break
Bugsy turned to Shifty and he said, "Nix, Nix
I want to to stick around a while and get my kicks."

🎵 Let's rock, everybody, let's rock
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock

🎵 Dancing to the Jailhouse Rock (4x)

The song had ended and we all cheered and yelled in excitement and hugged.
"Thanks to all of you for cheering me up! This is the most fun I had in a long time!" I said, hugging them all.
"You should thank Yancy. He was the one that planned all this out." Bam Bam said, gesturing out to Yancy.
He rubbed the back of his neck and I could see a slight red creep onto his cheeks. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you, for everything." I said, hugging him tightly than ever before.
"I just thought youse needed a pick me up." He said, patting my back.
Then all of the other prisoners gathered around and joined in for a big group hug.

"What is all this racket?!" We heard a southern accent voice yell.
We broke our hug and we faced the warden.
"We were just having some fun." Yancy explained, gesturing out to us.
The warden sighed.
"I guess I'll excuse all of you for now. Make sure to pick up after yourselves. Don't make this prison look like a pig pen." The warden ordered, and going back to his office.
We all shrugged and we started to clean up after ourselves.

Once we had finished, I looked over at Yancy. My face became a bit hot when we met eyes. He smiled and I smiled and I mouthed the words:
"Thank you."

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now