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~ 5 days later ~

Mark and Amy have been looking after me since the day I left the hospital. They kept me entertained, feed me, and aided me in times that I needed to be. I couldn't thank them enough. They would go out at some times. Amy would hang out with her friend, Katheryn, and Mark would go out to work. So during those days, I would sit in the house. But not alone because Chica and Henry would also comfort me. Whenever either of them come back, they would always see Chica with her head resting on my lap and Henry laying beside me. I loved those dogs!!

Anyway, today is a Sunday and it isn't visitation day, sadly. Next week is visitation and I dreaded that day to come, for an odd reason. But all for a good cause? And some good news, I'm finally off of those nightmarish crutches. It was agony to walk up and down the stairs, so I always stayed down. I'm limping a bit, still in a bit of pain, but that's the process of healing.
While exploring the house a bit, which I was hesitant to do at first, I noticed that Mark had a guitar in one of his back rooms. I asked him when he came back that if he still played. He did but that was rarely. He still new some songs and he played them like "Say you won't let go," "Thinking our loud," and "Dangerous Woman," original by James Arthur, Ed Sheeran, and Ariana Grande. He would play them but not in front of huge crowds yet because he always gets terrified.
However, I had my fair share of musical encounters and stage fright was now a familiar thing I have grown used to. It actually gets better when you play and not have a worry in the world.

It was a nice day and we were all inside. I wanted to go out because I was getting tired of sitting all day in the house. Mark, Amy, and I were all sitting on the couch, along with Chica and Henry, watching some movies. I took a deep sigh when something came in my mind. I turned to the two, four if you count the pups.
"Why don't we go to the park?"
They looked at me.
"Are you sure? You're still recovering from that nasty wound."
"I'm good enough to walk and run. Still bit in pain, but I should be good."
They turned to each other, concern in their faces. I know they wanted me to to get hurt, but they have no choice because if I spend another day inside, I'm going to lose my insanity. (Talk about the C***** virus.)
"Okay, well do it. But be careful. We don't want you to get hurt."
"Whatever you say, dad." I rolled my eyes and made a chuckle.

We all got ready. I packed my phone and wallet, put on my jacket, and carefully walked down the stairs. Mark had started up the vehicle and Amy and I walked out.
"Should we take the dogs?" Amy asked.
I looked back to see their puppy eyes, whining and laying down in front of the door. I smiled and I walked in, getting their leashes. They started to pant, letting me know that they are excited. I put the leashes on and I walked out. But before I could close the door, a gleam in the corner of my eye appeared. I turned to see the guitar. I looked at the vehicle.
He wouldn't mind.
I walked over to the guitar and I took a firm grasp on it, then waking out and closing the door.
I opened the door and let the dogs in first. They sat on the seats and begged for the window to be down. Mark chuckled and he let down the window. I buckled in my seat belt and we drove out of the lot.

We had arrived at the park, the dogs barking at the people passing by. Amy took a hold of Henry and Mark to a hold of Chica, while I had the guitar in hand. It was a while when I performed and I want to relive the moments I did.

We walked past many people and they were curious why I had a guitar in hand. Some people stopped to look behind while we continued to walk. But it may not be the guitar and they were just wondering why I was limping. But, they looked anyways.

After walking around the park, we stop to rest under a tree for shade in the hot, spring day. Amy was playing fetch with the pups and Mark was leaning against the tree.
I sat on the grass, tuning the strings. I stunned the delicate strings and the vibrated off the walls of the hallow inside. Not did it vibrated off of the inside, it also vibrated in my eardrums, making an echo that I very much enjoyed. It was, literally, music to my ears.
"Why don't you play?" Mark asked.
"Well, you gotta tune the strings to your desired song before playing it." I replied.
After strumming it a few more, I got up and I positioned my fingers to the chord. Amy had stopped playing and let Chica and Henry play together. She sat by Mark and he wrapped his arm around to her shoulder. Mark nodded at me.
(Cue music above. If you're a male, vid is below.)
(Also, don't mind that it's Shrek. I LOVE the movies!)

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