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We walked along the road and we had eventually got back to the prison. We stopped at the parking lot and we stood there, just staring at the one story building. I didn't want all of this to end, but nothing can last forever. I looked to Yancy, seeing that he, too, doesn't want this to end.
"So I guess we're here."
"Yeah. This was a really nice thing youse did for me. Something no one has done for me."
I smiled. We shared a glance and we lovingly held each other's hands tight. But I took a sigh and I looked down at the ground.
"I'm really going to miss you."

Tears started to form at my eye and I tried my best to hold it in. But I failed. I was trying not to make that annoying sound when you stop crying for a moment to take a deep breath in. Yancy saw my sadness and he pulled me into a hug. My head rested on his chest and I tugged are his shirt. He held his hand on the back of my head and he lightly shushed me.

After several minutes, I pulled away from his chest and we got back to holding each other's hands. I took a deep breath, not knowing what to do when he leaves.
"Ya know, I wanted to show you something when youse were going to visit earlier. But youse didn't show up and I didn't have the chance to show youse."
He lifted my chin and with his thumb, wiped away my tear markings.
"But since this is the right time, I want to show youse now."
He gripped my hands and he led me into the forest. I didn't know where we were going, so I held myself back. Yancy could see I was a bit nervous and he comforted me by securely wrapping his arms around me.
"It's okay. I promise."

I nodded and he led me deep into the forest. The tall pine trees all stood high and confident. The thick branches that go out was long and thick enough to block the moon that was in the dark night sky. Around me were various sounds like the wind blowing and the hoots of owls. The twigs underneath our feet crunches and snapped along with the leaves. Pine cones were scattered around us and some were damp. I could hear squirrels chittering and scuttling up the trees. The forest noises and the setting of the time made me feel unsafe and queasy. Not only that, it was cold. Not that much of a shivering cold, but cold to make your body warm up.
"I hate to ask this question, but are we almost there?"
"We're close."

We walked a bit more until we had run into a small creek. And it was a bit bizarre but the trees were clear, giving the moon to shine of the water and make it glisten. I walked to the creek, dipped my finger in and I stepped back to how cold it was. I made a light laugh and I turned to Yancy.
"Thank you."
"Youse thought this was it? This is only the beginning."
I became confused and curious to what he has to provide next. He grabbed my hand and we walked upstream a bit.
"I wasn't always in the prison. Sometimes, curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to know some parts of the outside world. So I would go to the forest and walk. I didn't want to get too far from the prison and this isn't that far."

We walked and then the creek started to expand. We came across the starting of a mountain. I groaned inside my head because I didn't enjoy walking up mountains. But my surprise came to me when we were walking along it. The trees started to go across the mountain as we further got into the mountain. We walked and walked until there was a little path.
"I made this path so I can know where to go."
We followed it and it kinda had a small secret hideout. The rock had a hole in it and it was like someone drilled the hole and continued the path.
"Just to let youse know this was all natural."
We walked and that's when we crossed a bridge that Yancy made and it had a small waterfall in which formed the creek.

The scenery was beautiful because it had tall grass and flowers all around. Fireflies gleamed everywhere in the tall grass and I grazed my hand over it, causing more fireflies to emerge from it. They all surrounded me and I twirled so I could get the whole experience.

We walked some more until I could hear rushing water ahead of us. I started to walk ahead of Yancy to see the most beautiful and biggest waterfall I had every seen. The water was falling and behind it, the rock caved it, making a echo when the water comes crashing down. I gasped at how the whole thing was so beautiful. Tall grass surrounded the place and a lake below the water was up to ankle high. Smooth rocks had been placed and the moon shined down onto the water. A big patch of green grass was at the front of the little pond and a mixture of flowers were also there.

I held my hands to my heart as I felt big strong arms wrap themselves around my waist and I felt his head fall on my shoulder.
"This is what I wanted to show youse."
I turned my head and I hugged him.
"You are the best." I whispered to him.
He wrapped his arms around me and he picked me up by my waist and he held me high and spun me around. We both laughed out loud. He started to get childish by tagging me and running off. I smiled as I chased after him. We laughed and laughed at I was getting a playful frustrated when I couldn't reach him. He had gotten distracted by running so much and I took the opportunity to hide in the tall grass.

When he noticed I wasn't chasing him any more, he looked for me.
"Where are youse? Playin hide and seek now, are we?"
I held in my giggle and I waited for him to pass me. When he did, I made a loud roar and I pushed him, causing him to fall down and me on top of him. We laughed and laughed and then we started to calm down.

I laid next to him, hands behind my head, and looking up at the night sky. The stars glistened in the sky, making patterns and the constellations could be seen. I sighed out loud and I turned to Yancy.
"This has been the best in my life."
Yancy smiled as he leaned to me and he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. He snuggled his nose in my hair and I snuggled into his chest. I closed my eyes, taking in his scent.

We stayed like that for what seems to be forever and that's when I looked at my watch. I sighed as I saw the time.
"Wake up ya big doof."
"I'm not a doof."
"Yes you are."
"If I am, then I'm youse's favorite doof in the world."
"You are right."
I giggled as I got up first and I helped him up next. We walked back to the prison which was going to be a good 30 minutes.

We arrived at the prison and no one was now searching with searchlights. We got in the gate in the back and we walked in where the cafeteria was.

We arrived at his cell and I unlocked it for him. He walked in but stopped when taking one step in. He turned to me.
"Please...stay with me."
I looked down, shuffling my feet.
"I wish I could. But you know what will happen if I get caught. They'll probably transfer me to a different prison other than this one. I won't be there for you if I do."
Yancy looked down, nodding at my point. I didn't want to leave him like this. I walked to wards him and I hugged him. I was thinking of something different, but what if he thinks of me as a friend?
He hugged me back and he dug his nails into my back, making it obvious he doesn't want me to leave. A tear came down and I pulled away. I gave him a wave and he did also. I closed the cell door, locking and taking one more look at Yancy.
I put my hand through the bars and he put his hand against mine. We intertwined our fingers and we pulled away.

I walked into the hallway, out the front entrance, and walked away from the prison.

This was like the first time leaving the prison. I kept on looking back, my mind telling me not to look back. But my mind said otherwise. It also didn't want to leave. And saying negatively about Yancy. I wished I could take those thoughts back and let them die in a fiery pit. I couldn't go. I didn't want to go. I don't care what I pledged myself on. I needed him. I wanted him...

I loved him...

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now