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I could faintly hear the ringing of a heart monitor, telling me I was in a hospital. I struggled to open my eye and if it wasn't the open curtains to let in the morning sun, I wouldn't be able to succeed. I slowly opened my eyes, wincing at the sun's rays. I groaned softly as I looked around to see I was in a hospital bed, with the usual white covers. I had a IV stuck in me. I looked around to see Yancy next to me, in a chair, staring into nothing. I felt his hand on my leg. I moved my hand to his and he got out of his trance. His eyes had bags under them and his eyes were red. He looked at me and tears filled his eyes.
He got up and gently hugged me.
"I thought youse were gone." He whispered in my ear.
"It takes more than a fucker to get me out of this world." I laughed but coughed.
"There...there was so much blood. I thought youse were going to bleed to death."
"I'm here, and I will always be."

I heard the door open and a doctor came inside with a clipboard.
"I see you're awake." The doctor said.
He had pale skin, dark brown hair along with a beard, and blue ocean eyes. He was like 5' 10" and he had a mask around his mouth. He pulled it down and looked over the clipboard.
"My name is Sean. But, most people call me Jack."
"Hello Jack." I said weakly.
"You are pretty lucky to be alive. That knife was stabbed near your artery. If you haven't gotten here later, then you would have lost too much blood. We had gotten the bleeding under control and we added stitches to that wound. And for your eye, the orbital was destroyed. We weren't able to do a scan and we could only hope that when you wake, we would see if there is any damage to the brain. And it's obvious now that you are cooperating just fine. Are you?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
"Good. I'm not allowed to say this to my patients, but you're a lucky bastard."
"Heh, thanks." I laughed.
He chuckled as well.
"You'll have to be for a few days so we are sure that you are able to go out without any complaints."
He turned to Yancy.
"As for you, sir, we have gotten your files that you're a prisoner from Happy Trails Penitentiary? Am I reading this correctly?"
I looked at Yancy, not wanting him to go anywhere.
"Yes, yes doctor. I am from that place."
"Okay, it says here that you're there for a life sentence and murders? Is that correct?"
"Yes, it's all true."
"I hate to break the tender moment with you two, but I'm afraid that he will have to go back."
I looked at Yancy, with an tear filled eye. I gripped his hand tightly. He looked back at me, tucking some hair behind my ear.
"Please, don't leave me." I said, now hugging him.
"I don't want to leave youse too. But I have to go back." Yancy said, holding both of my hands.
He gave me a last smile as two officers came into the room, walking to Yancy's sides and cuffing his hands together. They walked off and me and Yancy took one more glance. And then he left.
Tears came down my eye and I sobbed quietly.
"I'm so sorry that you had to be pulled away from your spouse." Jack said, coming to my side and inspecting the heart monitor.
My eye grew wide when he said 'spouse.'
"Heh, he is not my spouse."
"Boyfriend?" He asked.
"No, he's just a good friend."
"Can't prevent true love. To be honest, you two make a great pair. Minus the fact that he's a murderer."
"I'm not sure."
"He did protect you from that guy, right?"
My mind went to Carl.
"What happened to Carl?"
"We took him in for any injuries. Just some bruises here and there. But he was soon after took away to another prison. Not Happy Trails. We knew that if we put the both of them in the same penitentiary, they would only cause havoc."
"Where did he go?"
"All I know is that we was put in a prison in another state. More high classed. With more guards and more strict rules."
I sighed of relief to here that.
"You should rest. Even thought it's in the morning, that wound must've gotten all the energy out of you."
I yawned and I laid back.
"See you in a few hours."
And Jack closed the door.

I opened my eyes to hear muffled voices outside. I yawned and I stretched. I heard the door open to see Mark and Amy. Along with two other people who I didn't know. Mark came to my side and hugged me. I hugged back and patted his back.
"I am so worried for you." Mark said.
"It's okay. I survived and that's what matters." I said, now hugging Amy.
"Who are they?" I asked.
"They are the couple who called the ambulance." Mark said.
They were a young couple and they both had a smile of their faces.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good."
"We got this bouquet of (favorite flowers, if you're a male then just choose a flower) for you."
"Oh, thank you. These are my favorite." I said, getting the bouquet and taking in the fresh smell.
"We just wanted to stop by to see how you are. We heard the news and we immediately came here." Amy explained.
"It was terrifying. I actually thought you weren't going to survive."
"Nothing is strong enough to get rid of me." I said.
Jack came in with a clipboard.
"We will need to run some more tests on their health to see if they're able to go out again. When they are able to, we will print the total and then you'll be good."
We all thanked him as they all started to have some conversations and soon it was time for them to go. We al said goodbye to each other and they all left.

Soon after, Jack came in with a table of food.
"Hope you like hospital food."
I made a disgusting look and Jack chuckled.
"Yeah, I don't like it either."
He placed the tray in front of me to see celery and potato soup, bread roll, green beans, and fresh fruit salad. The drink was just plain bottled water. But it was cold which I liked.
"This doesn't look that bad." I said, taking the plastic spoon and dipping it in the soup.
"I don't know."
I took the spoon to my mouth and let the hot liquid go down my throat. It was oddly soothing because sometimes you get sick of eating the same thing for weeks.
"This is actually good."
"Never met someone saying things like that about this kind of food. We always try to keep it low in fat and sugar free. You know, healthy."
"Well, healthy isn't that bad."
I started to take in more sips until I ate the whole thing.
"You were really hungry." Jack said.
"Yeah, I am."
He took the tray away and before he could walk out, I spoke up.
"Thank Jack."
"I'm just doing my job." He smiled and he walked out.

I laid back in my bed and I got the remote and I turned on the TV. Soon after, I started to fall asleep and my eye lid began to be heavy. I closed my eye and into the abyss of my mind.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now