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~ 1 week later ~

[Sorry if there is a lot of time skips. I have a case of writer's block and it's hard to focus when you have that. So I'm going on the top of my mind. -LJ]

A week has passed and Jack said that I should be fine of doing things on my own now. Mark was a bit hesitant to just leave me alone, but he trusted me and that's all I needed from him. They dropped me off at the front of my house and I opened to door to a very cold inside. The crisp air nipped at my cheeks, making them a little rose red. I walked towards the thermostat to turn up the heat. I didn't know that I had left the setting to a cool temperature. It may have been the rain that had passed through this week and it was freezing cold.
I turned it up to a nice temp like 75 degrees. Not too hot, nor too cold. Just right.

While waiting, I walked into my room and put on a thick coat. Yes, it was also cold, but my body heat will soon warm it up. I put it on and rubbed the sides of my arms to give friction, providing afterwards warmth. The air slowly became warm and I was starving. I walked to my fridge and opened it to see very little. I looked in the cupboards to see the box of popcorn I had gotten a few months back. Figuring that I needed it, I opened the box, and put one bag in the microwave, setting it to the given time.
The building now had gotten heated up and I put away my coat. The timer came off and I opened the microwave, carefully removing the bag, and resting on the cushioned couch. I turned on the TV, going on Netflix, and watching a mystery movie.


Of course, many mystery movies involve an unknown death of a person who had a very fond reputation of everyone he had met. The main characters were the mayor, his sister, the cook, the Butler, the colonel, and who can't complete the picture without the detective. The setting is at an adoring, stone brick mansion that has a beautiful but mysterious aura around it.
The person who owns this mansion invited all of his friends over for a poker night. And, poker usually involves the friends becoming wasted and it doesn't end well. After the main character wakes up from the night and go downstairs, they run into where the owner falls from a place outside of the camera frame and onto the floor in front of you, causing thunder and rain pouring down. The other characters, except the mayor's sister, run in assume that you have killed the owner.

With no evidence proving that, the detective pulls you along with him to find out who had done such a tragic thing. To be honest, everyone was quite calm how everything was. You would expect someone to freak out and cry, but no one did. While searching the house for clues, you noticed that someone has been awfully...quiet about this. The Colonel. You have some time with him and he acts like nothing has happened. You don't know why. But it's just bone chilling on how he takes this whole thing so childish. While outside having an assumption of who was the murderer with the mayor, inside rang the noise of a gunfire. Sprinting in to find the detective and the Colonel, pointing guns at each other. The other friends gather and as they were both about to pull the trigger, the mayor's sister barges in, making the two stop...at arguing.

The friends gather in a room at a table and assume that you have been quiet, more quiet than the Colonel. But she senses something more different and powerful from you. Pulling you into a room and scanning your memories, you stumble upon the groundskeeper. Most likely a distraction for talking to the groundskeeper, thunder comes in and bright light is being shone through the windows of the mansion. Running inside with a frantic heart, opening the door but pushed on the other side to see Celine with a red outline around her.

Everyone has gathered and the groundskeeper runs away, telling the others that this mansion is cursed. And as soon as one person leaves, everyone goes. The chef has worked for them for too long, the Butler is too overwhelmed of what is happening, the Colonel refuses his friends to die, and the detective goes after him. Now you are alone, but now wondering where Damien and Celine are at.

Everything around turns a color of black, blue green, and white. Sentences that are disoriented around your head echo and echo, each getting more and more unclear than before. As though as you were about to pass out, you stumble on a messy room, papers being hunted and laying around. The place was so unorganized, but it had pictures of the colonel scattered around. Being the curious person you are, picking up a photo of the colonel, giving the sense that someone had planned this whole thing out. The colonel walks in, wanting to talk, but stops as he sees his name and pictures of him. His anger washes through him, and he points at the detective, putting the pieces together that he had planned the whole thing out.

The colonel and detective are now at each other's throats, arguing back to one another, and the guns are held out. The detective has gone too far, driving the colonel into a murderous path. Without any mere word, the colonel shoots the detective. Thunder claps as you try to get the gun away from the colonel but you don't get the chance as he shoots you as well, leaving your blood on your hands and you falling down the staircase and watch as the colonel in a desperate attempt to grasp you.

. . .

Waking up from what appears to be a dream with Damien and Celine with a blue around Damien and red around Celine, talking that they can help you get back into the real world. Getting up, confused as to why you don't feel alive, you turn to see the colonel sitting. He gets that this was all some sort of twisted joke run by Damien and Celine and he imagine that death is just not what it seems and that people will always get back up.

Walking away, you walk to the table that has Damien's staff resting and your hand glitches from a woman's to a man's. The camera pans to the mirror in front and you could see Damien. But, he is empty. He snaps his neck, breaking the glass, and with one cold gaze, he leaves. Leaving your soul trapped in the mirror and forever trapped in this GODFORSAKEN house.


It's all good and classic and somewhat cliche, but many other theorists say that this movie has more to it. This wasn't the detective's doing. It was his plan. His plan by faking his death and framing the colonel for his end. The execution was successful, but it wasn't how he planned it to be. The vengeful quest turned out to be a bit of a waste but it came out and that is all what he matters about.

I turned off the TV when the whole thing ended and I looked on my phone. My eyes widened to see that today was a Sunday. Visitation day. It even gave a reminder to that. I really wanted to visit him, but I'm so nervous. I can't even think about him without butterflies forming in the pit of my stomach. I was afraid I was going to puke out the popcorn I ate while watching through all that. And I don't like cleaning. I considered giving him a visit, but I don't have a ride to take me over there. I could ask Mark for some assist, but something tells me he wouldn't be so pleased with me visiting Yancy who murdered his parents.

My mind gave in and it was getting pretty late. I changed my clothes into something black, made sure I had the key tucked under my shirt, grabbed my keys, and walked out, locking the door.

Get ready for a 2 hour walk!

[Well, like I said from the beginning, I made this from the top of my mind. I don't like spoilers but the end is coming to this story and I am so sad for ending it. But that will be all saved when the end actually arrives!! -LJ]

[Also, I'm not sure how this whole thing planned out. I had some trouble with finding words to describe the "Who killed Markiplier" project. If you haven't watched it, then I just have you GODDAMN spoilers to that. Anyway, on YouTube search up "Who Killed Markiplier", no question mark, and you'll go on a mystery to this mysterious quest with people other than the star, Markiplier. -LJ]

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