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I nodded gradually when he said "No ones sorry." I found that quite odd and bit suspicious. It may have been the tone that he said it in that made me uneasy. I took a much larger sip than before and I coughed after taking the liquid. Carl poured himself a cup of whiskey. The smell gave me a image of an intense fire with smoke. The scent was so strong, enough to make me cough a bit more.
"My guesses is that you don't drink often?"
"No I don't drink until now. Thought it might clear up my mind."
"Yeah, it certainly isn't the answer. But it makes you forget the question."
I laughed only a small bit. It wasn't that funny but to show kindness, I laughed. I took another awkward sip and I turned to The Game the two other customers were watching.
"Unfortunately, this is the only channel we have so far."
"I don't really mind, actually. I don't really seemed interested in it." I said, taking a sip.
"What have gotten you into a bad mood?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"The way you talk and the fact that you had to come here in this dump? Pretty obvious."
"Really? I have moved too. It's not easy for moving away from your home town. I came here to find a job. Something to past the time of my life."
"Yeah, I am currently looking for a job to past my time as well."
"If you need to find one, there's always an open door here."
Carl pointed at a paper that was hung at the side of the main entrance. The usual 'Help Wanted' sign. I turned back to my drink, tracing my finger along the rim of the glass.
"I'm sorry, I'm just thinking. I act like this when something is bothering me or something that I'm overthinking."
"Well, I'm a good listener and I enjoy a talk."
I smiled slightly as I took a sip.
We both talked and talked for minutes. And those minutes turned into hours. It was time for the bar to close.
I talked about the cost of half of a wine bottle. But, Carl insisted that he would take care of it.
"It's the least I can do."
I gathered my things and I walked out the door, making another glance at Carl. He had a very creepy smile and he waved very slow. I didn't wave back.

I walked down the concrete sidewalk. The clank of my shoes was the only sound that could be heard. The moon was held high above in the black and navy blue sky. This looked like something that came out of a horror movie. Where something is just going to pop out of no where. The area around me was very unsettling. What did you expect? It's dark out, I came back from a bar, I'm in one of the areas of the city where there is alleyways, and now I'm starting to get a headache.
I pinched the bridge of my nose, wincing. I started to get confused at my surroundings which isn't good. I stopped and let my body and mind get back into conscious. Throughout this whole thing, I could have swore I heard footsteps. I looked to see nothing with the streetlights on. But, at the same time, my vision was getting blurry. I rubbed my eyes to a more better view and I saw nothing.
I waited for a while for my body to get back it's strength. Then, I started to walk again. But I heard footsteps behind me again. I turned to see nothing there. Now, getting the feeling I should run, and I did. But I could still hear the sounds of the footsteps getting closer. I turned around the see the silhouette of a black figure racing towards me.

But before I could go any more further, I could had stumbled on my footing and I tripped forward, hitting my knees very hard. I yelped as I held my knees up to my chest. In front of me was the shadowy figure of what appears to be a man. I started to crawl away but the person grabbed my ankles and dragged me towards him. I dug and clawed at anything like a crack in the sidewalk to prevent me from getting any closer. The ends of my fingers started to bleed, causing a red smear against the concrete. The man turned to face me and in the light above, I could see it was Carl.
I was about to scream until he put his hand around my mouth. I bit down on his hand, drawing that familiar iron taste, but that didn't make any effects. I kicked and punched at him, but he was too strong. He tore off a bit of his shirt and tied it around my head and over my mouth to make my grunts and screams and yells muffled.
"You mother fucker!!" I yelled, which was muffled.
"You think I don't know who you are?! You're wanted for Happy Trails. And when I turn you in, I'm gonna make lots of money."
I screamed and kicked but nothing was working. I managed to get the clothing off and instead of screaming for help, which was STUPID of me, I spat in his eyes. He grunted as he put the clothing back in and he wiped it off.
"You'll regret that!"
He then moved a hand to my face, near my left eye, and pushed his finger into it. I screamed in agony as he applied more pressure. Blood poured out and I was left weak. My body wasn't cooperating and I tried everything in my power to get back up.
"Give it up! You're weak! I don't think I have every met someone as pathetic and frail as you! I'll be the hero here! You'll will always be known as the thief who messed up on a robbery and will never succeed!"
Tears flowed down my eye as I continued to scream at the new pain.
"And now..."
I looked to see him forming a fist.
"Time to sleep!"
He was about to hit my face when another figure rammed into him. Carl fell back and he held his head. In the light, I could make out the person wearing a white shirt and...black and white stripped pants. Is it...
I recognize that Brooklyn accent anywhere along with the very masculine body.
"That's a really funny accent you have. Tell me, where do you live?"
"None of youse's business. I am going to enjoy breaking youse."
"If you can."
Carl got up and cracked his knuckles. The two started to fight and I tried to get up, but my body was so weak. I could hear the two fight and their grunts. Carl rammed into Yancy and onto the stone wall. He grunted as he brought up his knees to Carl's face, elbow hitting him on the back, and then grabbing his waist and throwing him aside. Carl got back up and threw a punch at Yancy. He yelled as I heard a bone crack. I wanted to help him but my body was fragile.
Yancy ran towards him but Carl dodged and punched Yancy in the kidney. He fell to the ground in pain. Carl grabbed something from his back pocket and I could the gleam of something that was metal. I could see a pocket knife and I became scared for my life.
"I had enough! No more playing games!"
Carl held the knife high and before he could slash down, I wrapped my arm around his neck, suffocation him. He soon clawed my arm off, swiftly turned around, and stabbed the knife in my upper leg.
Everything turned cold as I fell down. I could see Carl in front of me and a muffled scream. Everything turned to slow motion and I could see Yancy run into Carl and they both battled. I could see another person, a woman, come in and they came to my side. I didn't know who they were. I could another person, a man, run to the two. I could hear her say:
"It's going to be okay."
And she took out her phone, calling an ambulance. I looked at Carl, Yancy, and the man, fighting, while the man tried to break them up.
The woman laid my head on her lap and I could feel the blood come at the corner of my mouth.
"Stay with me." She lightly slapped my cheeks.
I could hear sirens and the familiar flashings of red and blue. I looked to see the two getting broke up. Yancy was on the ground, being held by two officers, while Carl was held by one officer and the man.

I could see two nurses come at each of my sides.
"You're going to be okay sir/ma'am." I heard them say in a slow and echoed voice.
I looked up to see Yancy slowing running at my side.
"No, (Y/N)! Goddamnit!" I heard him say.
"Sir, they are in a horrible condition. If they don't get to a hospital soon, they'll bleed to death."
"Let me come! They need me!"
"Sir, we can handle them."
"Bullshit! I care 'bout them! I need to come!"
I was in a ambulance and I could see Yancy at my side, holding my hand.
"Stay with me (Y/N). Please!" He begged.
"We need help to control the bleeding. Help me take out the blade."
I felt Yancy put his hands around the wound as the nurses took out the knife. I didn't feel anything. All I felt was Yancy's hands. I could hear ringing in my ears and the corners of my eye started to form black. Yancy noticed this and he put his blood covered hands around my face.
"No, stay with me! Youse's strong! Youse can do it!"
They started to put pressure on my wound and I could faintly hear the squirting of my blood coming out.
"It's out of control! Pick up the speed!" One nurse yelled out.
"Help us."
Yancy, again, his hands around my wound. The red splattered everywhere and I didn't care. Black started to fade in more and I could feel my eyes shut close.
"NO! PLEASE! Don't go..."

And those were the last words I heard before everything was going black.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora