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I woke up on a sunny day in a nice and not populated park. Just the right amount of people that looked a bit faded and while the walked, dust particles came off of them. It was obvious that this was all a dream, but I couldn't help but feel it was reality. I walked around for a bit, taking in the view until I heard a giggle behind me.
I turned to see my little self running. I ran into my grown self, going through myself. I followed me running around on the green grass. I giggled and laughed along as I got on top of a jungle gym and I pretend to be what I forgot to be.
Just then, a yell came behind and we both looked to see father looking pissed.
"Come down from there, now!" His yell echoed.
If I was there, I would probably defend myself and not listen, but because I was scared, I gave in and walked to him.
I watched as I slowly walked to him and he grabbed my arm, yanking it and walking off into the vehicle. I walked along with myself and father opened the door and I got in. I also got in and I remembered just sitting and looking out the window, wanting to cry, but didn't because I knew that if I did, I'll get punished.
I looked at my father in anger. But returned to looking out the window.

We had arrived at the house and father didn't even bother to help me out of the car. I climbed out and father walked ahead of me, closing the front door in front of me. I remembered as I just stood there, staring at the door.
I could hear my breathing quivering as I turned the knob and I went inside.
"Took you fucking long enough!" I heard father yell.
Yeah, father didn't really care if he sweared or not. He had a bottle of beer in hand and he slumped in the couch, and watching the TV. I stood next to me as my body shake, not knowing if I should move or not.
I got the courage to go up the stairs and go into my room. I locked the door as I sat on the floor, legs curled up. I sat next to me and I could hear myself making quiet sobs. I rested my hand on my back and it didn't pass by.
I remembered something like this happening and I didn't know what it was. I gently took my hand off and I could feel myself waking up. I didn't want to leave my little self, but you can't change what Fate has in store for you.


I woke up to see I was still in the cell, wrapped up like a burrito. I got up, trying not to make any sounds. I succeeded and I put on my shoes and I walked over to the cell door.
I pulled out the key and I unlocked the cell door. I looked at a clock.
12:47 am
I opened the door and prayed it didn't make any noise. Thankfully, it didn't. I walked out and, thanks to Yancy's tour, I walked out of one of the doors and into the night.
I leaned against the brick wall and I looked up to the stars. This can be my chance to escape. No one is up and no one is on watch so, why miss a perfect opportunity? But something was holding me back.

Damn it Yancy! It's your fucking fault that I'm having these battles. If I had a wish, it would be for me to let all of this not happen again or at all!
I tugged at my hair, getting frustrated at the second. Eventually, I couldn't hold it anymore and I fell on my knees, holding my head in my hands and let my emotions take over.
Tears came down upon my hands. I sniffed and wiped my nose but nothing was working. I didn't know what to do. I need help.


No. I don't need help. This is my own problems and it is my responsibility to take care of them for myself. I don't need to leach on others for my problems. Maybe only a little. But that's not the point! I am not going to show people that I'm weak and I'm not going to let them get a chance to see my flaws.
But why do I feel lost? What is happening? Why is this happening?
I was so caught up in my emotions I heard the door next to me open. I didn't know what to do and I didn't have time to get up, but only to see Yancy in front of me.
My eyes widen as I got up and wiped away the tear marks that stained my cheeks.
"Yancy. What are you doing out here?" I asked, trying to cover up the quivering in my voice.
"I heard youse get out of bed." He said, enclosing on me.
I took steps back not wanting him to come closer.
"Are youse okay?" He asked, now gently holding my elbows in his hands.
"I'm f-fine." I said, tears starting to form again. I turned away and pulled back the tears.
Yancy gently grabbed my chin with his index finger and his thumb, and he made me look in his eyes. I didn't want to look at them so I closed my eyes and turned away. Sobs escaped my mouth as I collapsed on my knees. Yancy collapsed with me, still slightly embracing me.
I didn't have enough strength and I covered my cheeks and eyes with my hands and let the tears stream down again. I grabbed onto Yancy's shoulders and I hugged him tightly. He patted my back and made 'shh' sounds.
"It's okay. Tell me when you're ready." He said.
It took me several attempts to talk but what came out was just me stuttering and hiccuping.

Soon, I told him what was bothering me. And I mostly lied for the whole thing. I told him that I was worried for all of my friends outside of jail and I thought I was failure to my father.
He asked about him and I told him my whole story. I told him that I felt helpless and father showed myself as a weakling only to be used as a tool.
During the whole thing, Yancy rubbed my back, listening to all of my problems.
He grabbed my chin with his finger and thumb and he made me look at him.
"I know how youse's feel. Feeling your a bother to everyone. Only to be shunned. It is not easy to ignore. But I always be strong. No matter on how people say youse's weak. You're not." He said, embracing me once again.
"Youse's my friend. And I always help my friends." He said, rubbing my back while I cry on his shoulder.

I had calmed down a bit and he wiped the tears away from my cheeks. I smiled weakly and we both sneaked back into our cell.
He offered for him to sleep next to me, but I declined politely and told him I'm okay. He seemed a bit discouraged but he knew to respect my boundaries.
I crawled back into my bed, drifting back to sleep.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now