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We had arrived at our next destination and that was the carnival. Bright and fluorescent colors beamed everywhere and you could hear the screams of joy and fear of people and children as they ride down the tall drop on the roller coaster. The familiar smell of Cotten candy, popcorn, caramel apples, and peanuts filled the air. Along with several items of food like curly fries and hot dogs and just fries in general also accompanied with the common foods. Set ups of games also came along and people would say "Step right up, play the game right, and you may earn a prize!" Like an old timmey announcer.

I cling onto Yancy's arm in comfort and I could sense his happiness. It's crazy to see people are still up this late to enjoy a ride.
"What should we do?" I asked.
"Whatever youse want to do. I'm okay with it as long as your happy."
I smiled and blushed. We walked around the place, forgetting to buy tickets, and we stopped at a very high and scary roller coaster. My stomach dropped at the height. I was not a big fan of that.
"What 'bout that?"
Yancy pointed at the people getting in and there was only two more seats. And worst yet, it was in front. I didn't have time to respond because we were pointed at by the conductor to climb aboard. He asked where our tickets were. I thought that we didn't have our tickets and I was saved. But the conductor thought otherwise.
"Since y'all look like a very nice and lovely couple, I'll let you onboard for free."
My heart sank as Yancy cheered and we climbed on the cart and we took our seat. We, well Yancy, fastened his seat belt the fastest while I had some trouble doing mine because I was shaky. I got it on and the conductor pulled down the metal bar so we could grip onto it.

Yancy was waiting with anticipation while I was shaking and sweating. The conductor pushed the button and the cart started to move. And then, I started to lose my shit. I started to say 'NO' and I shook my head at the sides. We weren't even going up yet and I was freaking out. Yancy could see my nervousness and he rested his hand upon mine. I focused on him and he made a small smile. I smiled back and that's when we were at the top. I snapped back into reality and then the cart started to move down.

We roared down and people onboard screamed. But I bet mine was the loudest. I tried to close my eyes, but the speed of how fast we were going, forced my eyes open. I continued to scream while Yancy had his arms up, enjoying the experience. He laughed and sometimes when something unexpected happened, he scream and laugh. And when we go down from giant hills, you could really feel of how your stomach just drops. I squirmed one my seat, wanting it to end because it was thrilling, but scary. Feeling scared had won. But in the best way.

We gone through fast turns and we went down real fast. Soon I felt that I was going to throw up and when I thought that I was gonna, I could see the station in my tear filled eye. I breathed in and out, trying to compose myself.
"That was fun!" Yancy exclaimed.
I looked at him, tears coming down, my hair a mess, and I was shaky. But I managed out a smile and a weak thumbs up.
"I guess that's it. Can't wait to get off."
I started to wipe away the tear marks and I fixed my hair. Now, you would think that it would stop and you would hear that hiss sound, but it didn't. We were getting to where the conductor was and I scoot over.
"Why aren't we stopping?"
He stayed silent and gave a sinister smirk.
"We're going again." I heard Yancy.
He then lifted his arm up and he pointed his index finger and twirled it.
"One more go!" He commanded.
I started to freak out and I rigged at the seatbelt. I screamed 'NO!' and we started to climb up again.

I punched at the seatbelt and I turned to Yancy with a smirk. We were at the top and we waited. People's screams could be heard behind us and I glared at Yancy.
"I'll get you for this!" I yelled.
And then we drop down, feeling more desperate to stop in ever.

We had stopped at the station and my head was spinning. I couldn't move and it felt like I was in a coma state. Yancy undid his seatbelt and we punched the air and cheered.
"That was great!" I heard him cheer.
I undid my seatbelt and when I got out of the cart, I held my hand to my mouth, trying not to throw up. After recovering I fixed my hair to my original state and I climbed down the flight of stairs where Yancy had his hands in his pockets and he had a smirk on his face.
"That wasn't so bad." He said.
I gave him a look and he laughed. He laughed even more when I playfully pushed him. He looked at my face and he removed a tuft of my hair and he brushed it past my ear. Even though after that whole thing, I forgave him with a smile.
"What now?"
I looked at the tallest ride yet with a decoration of bright lights flashing from different patterns. I pointed at the ride.
"What about the Ferris wheel?"
Yancy looked to where I was pointing and he smiled.
"I love that."

We walked to the Ferris wheel and the same thing happened. The conductor let us have the ride free and the cart came by. We thanked her and we climbed aboard. She closed the door and waved at us as we started to higher.

We had gone all the way to the highest top and it gave a really good and beautiful view of the carnival and the lights of the city. I admired the whole thing and I started to drift away into its beauty. Yancy that was sitting across from me, rested his hand gently on my knee. I looked at him and you could easily get lost in those eyes. I grabbed his hand and he held my two hands in his. I could see the stars and how beautiful it is. I moved next to him a I set down my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and we started to snuggle into each other and we enjoyed the rest of this night.

The Ferris wheel ride for us was over and we climbed off. We thanked the conductor and my stomach started to growl. I became slightly embarrassed and my face heated up. Yancy heard my growling stomach.
"Let's get somethin' to eat."
I nodded as we went to one of the carts and we gotten a large popcorn and we each got a medium cup. I had gotten a (favorite drink) and Yancy got a lemonade. We went to the benches and we smacked on the popcorn and we drank our separate drinks. Around us, I could hear people saying:
"Sharing one drink would have been nice."
I looked down and we munched down our food.

We finished and we trashed the remains and we decided to go to the beach. We walked in the sand and nearby was a huge bonfire where a small band played and people dancing around the fire. Little kids played and some girls were up on the grass, making garlands with small flowers they had gathered.

[I know I said that the next few chapters were going to be short and this is the shortest version because I'm lazy. I planned this so much but all of a sudden I had gotten lazy and this is a short version. Just telling you that. -LJ]

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now