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I had eventually went to sleep around 1 am and I had woke up the the sun rising. I rubbed my eyes and stretched, popping a few bones and joints.
I got out of bed and stretched some more. I got out my phone.
7:12 am
Pretty early for me.
I set it down and I got up and made my bed. After I was finished, I went to my closet and picked out my outfit which is a plain black shirt with ripped denim jeans and some combat boots.
I wore my favorite jacket and I zipped it up. I grabbed my phone and went into my kitchen to eat some breakfast. My stomach was growling, craving anything just so it could be filled.
I looked in my refrigerator to see nothing but some leftover Chinese food, an egg carton with only four eggs, oranges and apples, and six plastic bottles of water.
I made a 'hmm' sound as I closed the door and opened the pantry door. In there was canned fruit and vegetables along with several other non perishables, rice, and two whole packages of warm plastic bottled water.
I made a 'blegh' sound as I suddenly lost my appetite and I just went for one bottle of water from the fridge.

I collapsed on my couch and I opened the water bottle. I looked on my phone to see some mail from around the internet. I opened the app, hoping to see anything special. Nothing too special, but something caught my eye. On one was a topic, saying:

Two fugitives from Happy Trails Penitentiary wanted. If you see these two people, contact us immediately at ###-###-####

I nearly choked and spit out my water to see Mark's and my face on it. I didn't want my face to be on the internet. I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned on the TV, instantly going on the News channel.
There, I saw Mark's face, then mine. My body slumped into the cushioning, almost looking like I was a deflating balloon. My phone slipped out of my hand and onto the floor.
We fucked up big time. Boss isn't going to be happy about this.
I thought. I went on my text messages, texting Mark.

(Y/N): Seems like we fucked up.

I texted.
Soon after, my phone vibrated. I looked to see Mark's profile picture.

Mark: (Y/N)? I thought you were still in the prison, I was planning on getting you out. How did you get out?
(Y/N): Someone helped. That doesn't matter. What matters is that our identities are on the big screen.

There was some minutes between that text until my phone vibrated again.

Mark: Holy shit, our faces are on TV. I always wanted my face to be on it, but not in this way.
(Y/N): I know, but we fucked up really bad and we need to fix this. Now.
Mark: Maybe change our hair color? It usually works that way.
(Y/N): Like the time you dyed your hair blue?
Mark: Yeah.
(Y/N): To be honest, you looked a whole lot different from that time to here.
Mark: I have experienced on where my limits are. Not saying you didn't, you definitely did.
(Y/N): Thanks for the tip. I don't know what I would do if you weren't my co worker.
Mark: Glad I could help.

We ended our conversation there and I began to think about what color I might change my hair. Obviously, I can't go to a hair cut salon and ask if they can cut my hair because people in this city always watch the news. So, I'm just gonna have to go to the store I always go to and get a hair dye and dye my hair myself.
I got up from the couch and went into my bathroom to find one of those face masks whenever someone gets sick. I always have one with me because I hate getting people sick and I am the one to blame.
I found one in the cabinet and I put it on, making sure my face isn't recognizable. This way, people will think I have a sickness and I didn't want to spread it. Also, it'll make people stay back which I kinda prefer all the time.
I made sure some parts of my hair cover one of my eyes because I take extra measures to not be caught.

Once I was satisfied, I got my phone, car keys, house key, and locked the front door. I opened the garage to see my white Tesla model s. I unlocked it and closed the door after going inside. I turned it on and I started to drive off when I saw something in the corner of my eye.
I looked towards the direction, curious to what it was. But nothing was there.
After looking and waiting some more, I put the car into drive and drove off.

I have arrived at the store and I walked in, nervous to how populated it was. I am not a crowd person and I don't like that much attention.
Just to my luck, once I stepped foot inside, everyone had their eyes on me. Mostly at my mask. I made a fake cough and they returned back to their shopping. I grabbed one of those baskets and began to look.
I speed walked to the hair department. They had all sorts of colors, but I just needed one that made me not look like myself anymore. I grabbed one that had the color of (jet black, blonde, dark brown, light brown, ginger, or burgundy) dye.
I made a slight nod and put it in the basket. I decided to get some snacks because I admit that my diet is quite dull. Just some water along with a canned fruit or vegetable.
I walked to the snack section and grabbed a big bag of chips and some microwaveable popcorn. I also got some salad just because I wanted to. I don't know, I have no idea on how to shop.

After getting what I needed, I went to go pay for it. I had greeted the person who looked like a young adult. The name tag said Carl. He greeted me back and began to scan my items. I got out my debit card and waited for him to finish. I saw that my payment was $91.58. That was expensive. But I didn't want to care about the financial price if it meant for me to hide my identity.
I swiped my card and did the whole cash back and PIN number thing. Carl waved me goodbye and I did the same. But what I saw afterwards is that his facial structure change to a suspicious face. I then became nervous and I just speed walked out of there and went to my car.
I quickly turned it on and I drove off, taking off my mask.

I came back, parked the car in the garage, closed the garage door, and went inside, taking out the hair dye first.
I went in my bathroom and I followed the instructions on the box. I took it out and started to apply it to my hair.

It was a few minutes and I successfully changed my look. While looking in the mirror, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a text from Mark.

Mark: Changed the look, how is it?
He asked and a picture came with it. The top of his hair was a color of pink, the color he said it was his. I giggled and I texted back.
(Y/N): Looks good! How 'bout me?
I took a selfie and I posted it.
Mark: Wow! Looks good! You don't even look like yourself!
I giggled again and texted him back a 'thanks.' We texted for a fair amount of time when he said that he needed to go back to work.
He mentioned that when I get back tomorrow, he and us will have a talk. I knew we were in trouble and we had no excuse.

Since it's a Monday and I have no work on Mondays, I decided to just sit in this house and do nothing.
I went in my bedroom and sat on my bed. I opened my drawer to get out my book and that's when I saw the key again.
Memories came back. I grabbed it and I held it close. I rummaged through my stuff and pulled out some string. I tied the string to the top of it and I pulled it over my head, and under my jacket. So that way, it can be with me at all times.
I looked in my drawer again and pulled out the book I was reading. It was a nice book filled with adventures of all sort. In between chapters, I would wonder if something exciting like that would happen to me.
I guess I'm getting it right now because I'm currently a fugitive from the police and I'm doing everything to not get turned in again.
I opened the book and began reading to past the time of day.

It was near 9:00 pm and I was getting pretty tired. I put away my book and walked into my bathroom, forgetting to put away the dye. I cleaned it up before washing up. I did my night routine and I went to my closet to pull out my night clothes.
After putting them on, I slipped into my bed sheets, and slipped into slumber rather quickly than usual.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now