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I woke up to not metal bars, but a voice. I opened my eyes to see Colomba at the door.
"Get up, its time for another day."
I got up and put my shoes on. I looked on top to see Yancy still asleep. I tapped and shook his shoulder a bit. He woke up with a grunt and turned to me. He put on a tired smile.
"Mornin' (Y/N)." He said.
"Morning Yancy." I said with a bright smile.
He got down the top and we both walked towards the bathroom.

~ Yancy's POV ~

I walked into the restrooms to brush up. While brushing my teeth, I heard a 'psst' on my right. I turned to see my friends, Bam Bam and Sparkles. They gestured me to come towards them. I raised an eyebrow and I finished washing up before walking towards them.
They pulled me into the showers which was a bit strange.
"We have a surprise." They said in sync.
Of course, I loved surprises.
"I'm listenin'." I said.
"Do you think you can ask the warden for an instrument?" Bam Bam asked.
"Yeah, why do youse ask?"
"We know (Y/N) was wanting to play an instrument, but they are obviously terrified of the warden. So, we thought that you could get it for them."
"Well, if they wanted me to get them somethin' then how come they didn't ask me?"
"They thought they would be embarrassed."
I nodded, knowing them pretty well that was a solid answer.
"Ok, I'll go see what the warden has." I responded.
"And make sure not to mention that they wanted to ask you. Don't want you to embarrass them." Bam Bam smirked.
I nodded and they all walked out of the showers and into the cafeteria.

I began to walk towards the warden's office. I knocked on the door and I waited for permission.
"Come in." I heard him say.
I opened the door and greeted him with a smile. He returned the smile and stood up.
"Ah, Yancy. What seems to make you come in here?"
"I was wondering if I could borrow an instrument of youse's." I said, clapping my hands together.
"Ah well, I didn't know you had an interest in instruments." He said, walking towards his closet.
He opened the door and turned on the light to see a room filled with beautiful instruments.
Pianos, guitars, saxophones, trumpets, and many more. Last time I saw the supplies come in, there was only a few. Now there is many!
Now, they didn't say what instrument to be specific, but a guitar, polished, and with the etching of a rose. I picked it up and strummed the sensitive strings. I knew this was perfect.
I walked back to the warden.
"This one."
"Okay, son. What will you be playin'?" He asked.
I didn't want to say it was for (Y/N) for some reason.
"I'm not sure yet." I responded.
"That's okay, as long as it comes in one piece." He said, sitting back in his chair.
I nodded and gave him a handshake and I walked out.

When I did, I saw that everyone was finished eating. Which I didn't mind because I wasn't really that hungry. The bell didn't ring yet and it was going to be a while when it does, I walked straight up to the two guys.
(Y/N) was sitting on another table, talking to the other prisoners to get to know them a bit more. They seemed to get together well.
I had arrived at Bam Bam and Sparkles's table, gently lying the guitar down. They stared in awe. Then they both snickered to each other like little girls. Know I was wondering if they tricked me.
"Thanks Yancy." They said as they walked towards (Y/N).
I shrugged it off and I got a water bottle to pass the time. But I didn't get a chance to open it and that's because they yanked my arm and we walked towards them.

~ (Y/N) POV ~

I turned away from my conversation to see Bam Bam and Sparkles and Yancy coming towards me with something behind them. I raised a brow and I became suspicious.
"Hey (Y/N)." They greeted.
"Hi. What do you got there?" I asked.
They pushed Yancy to me and he gave them a glare. He rolled his eyes and he got out the most beautiful guitar I have seen. I dropped my jaw in awe and I got up and hugged Yancy.
"Thank you!" I said.
He patted my back and we pulled away. I grabbed the guitar and gently grazed my hand over the whole thing.
"Well, what are ya waiting for? Go play a song!" Bam Bam tried to convince me.
My face became hot. I haven't played guitar in a long time.
"Are you sure? I'm not that good." I said.
"You'll be fine. I'll be here, cheering youse on." Yancy said.
I smiled, and I walked to the front of the guitar. Everyone became silent and I looked at Yancy.
"Youse can do it."
I breathed out and I began to play the chords.
(Cue music above)
(If you're a male, then I'll put the original below.)

🎵 There's a shop down the street where they sell plastic rings for a quarter a piece.
I swear it.
Yeah, I know that it's cheap. Not like gold in your dreams.
But I hope that you'll still wear it.

🎵 Yeah, the ink may stain my skin.
And my jeans may all be ripped.
I'm not perfect.
But I swear I'm perfect for you.

🎵 And there's no guarantee that this will be easy~
It's not a miracle ya need, believe me~
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me.
But I will love you endlessly.
Wings aren't what you need.
You need me~

🎵 There's a house on the hill with a view of the town
And I know how you adore it.
So I'll work everyday through the sun and the rain.
Until I can afford it.

🎵 Yeah, you're friends may think I'm crazy
Cause they can only see.
I'm not perfect, but I swear I'm perfect for you.

🎵 And there's no guarantee that this will be easy~
It's not a miracle ya need, believe me~
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me.
But I will love you endlessly.
Wings aren't what you need.
You need me.

🎵 You need me (4x)

🎵 Ink may stain my skin.
And my jeans may all be ripped.
I'm not perfect.
But I swear I'm perfect for you.

🎵 And there's no guarantee that this will be easy~
It's not a miracle ya need, believe me~
Now, I'm no angel, I'm just me.
But I will love you endlessly.
Wings aren't what you need.
You need me.

🎵You need me (4x)

🎵 There's a shop down the street where they sell plastic rings for a quarter a piece.
I swear it.
Yeah, I know that it's cheap. Not like gold in your dreams.
But I hope that you'll still wear it.

I stopped playing and the whole prison erupted with cheers and whistles. I smiled and chuckled as I bowed.
I returned back to my table and they all patted me on the back. Yancy took the empty seat beside me. He was grinning cutely and I couldn't help but return the smile, red creeping on my face.
I didn't notice, but I saw the officers and the warden clapping along with the prisoners.
The warden gave me a nod and I nodded back. That's when the bell rang and we had the day to ourselves.
I gave the warden back the guitar and went to my cell, to grab something.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now