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I woke up in a very dark room, laying on the concrete floor. This didn't feel like a dream or anything. It felt just as real as reality an be. Just to be sure, I pinched myself on the arm and I rubbed at the spot, making an 'ow' afterwards.
Then it hit me that this wasn't a dream. Was this solitary? Who put me back in here? No, this is nothing like solitary.
I got up on both feet and I wanted to walk, but it felt as though I wasn't making any progress. The floor below me moved when I walked, making me go nowhere. This irritated me and I wanted whoever was doing this to stop.
I stood there, tapping my foot on the ground, and crossing my arms across my chest. And waited. And waited. And waited.
But nothing happened.

The longer I waited, the more cold and alone I became. I didn't get the feeling I was safe. I felt lost and helpless. And the only thing to do is to help yourself to whatever situation you put yourself in. I started to rub my hands against my arms, creating friction and then heat.
This helped only a little bit and after a while, I heard a spotlight come on behind me. I turned to see Yancy's back facing me. I sighed, obviously not in the mood for any games.
"God damnit, Yancy." I said, walking towards him.
"How many times do I have to say-" but I was cut off to see the white shirt he had on, turn to a bloody red and it spread like a virus in a body.
I stumbled back in horror as his shirt magically got torn off and the image before me was heartbreaking and horrifying.

In his back was two places where it looked like he had wings on and since he didn't want to be free, he had to cut off his wings of freedom.
The crimson poured and skin was torn off and it was horrible to see. In the background I could hear his song 'I don't wanna be free' playing but in a slow and slurred voice and it was so deep you could mistake it for the Devil himself speaking.
Tears flowed down my cheeks as I curled up in a ball and prayed that this will all go away and let them go away. All my doubts and regrets and arguments and judgments go away and leave me be. I held my head in my arms, starting to hear whispers around me, saying:
Do you still wanna be free?
Give it up! You're weak...
Then don't!
I wanted my freedom.
I'm lost and alone!
Help me!
I can help myself!

Don't go...

I screamed and it started to get disoriented and then everything faded to black.


I woke up to shuffling on top of the bed and down onto the floor. I open my eyes a little to see Yancy at the cell door and using a hair pin to get out.
This reminded me of when I got out of the prison cell.
Even though I was still mad at him for yesterday, there was this aura around him that made him feel sad. Which is surprising because he was always the happiest person in the whole penitentiary.
After a while, I got out from under my bed sheets and I walked after him, making sure to leave as little noise as possible.
I followed out of the building behind it again. It was a warm night and I appreciated that. I looked up at the stars to admire them but the click of a lighter got my attention.
I walked over to a corner and I saw Yancy lighting a cigar and blowing out smoke. The smell of cigarettes made me gag and I pinched my nose.
I waved off the smoke surrounding me a I crept up behind him.
"I know youse is right there." He spoke up.
Knowing it was useless now to try and run off, I got out of the shadows and leaned against the brick wall while crossing my arms.
He continued to blow smoke out and it just made an awkward silence between us. Then finally I had the courage to say something.
"Why are you out here?" I asked, not wanting to put it that way.
"Youse didn't want to be bothered, so why should I respond to youse?" Yancy asked, crushing his cigarette.
"I don't know. I guess I was...afraid." I said, turning away, thinking if afraid was the right term.
I saw Yancy's eyes on me, burning into my skull.
"I was afraid that if I get too attached, I might get hurt." I admitted.
"I can't relive that..." I finally said with a tear going down my face.

"I had dream, and it involved you. You were in a dark room with your torso exposed and on your back were two bloodied marks. Where it looked like someone or something cut off a part of you." I said, trying to wipe away my tears quickly.
"And I became so worried for you. I shouldn't have get my anger the best of me and I wasn't thinking about what you have been through and I may have caused harm to you more." Now crying with what seemed like waterfalls from my eyes.
"And it was wrong for me to do that. I just feel like I'm lost and in need of help. But I don't want help because I want to prove to people that I am strong and not let them see me weak. Because, when you're weak, it gives whoever is bringing you down a chance to execute you in the worst way possible." I began to cry and I was embraced by Yancy, but not as tightly as before.
I cried on his shoulder, squeezing my hands in his back.
"It's hard when they bring youse down. But youse know what's great of being brought down?" He asked, looking into my eyes.
"That there is only one way left to go, and that's up." He said, embracing me once more.
I continued to cry on his shoulder until I calmed down. I began to apologize about my words yesterday and he said it doesn't matter. Just not to do it again. I nodded but didn't promise.
When we were all ready, we walked back into the building and back to our cell to sleep again.

This time he didn't ask if he needed to sleep with me. Which I guess I deserve. I got under the covers and once again had gone to sleep.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now