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~ Yancy's POV ~

"Good shot!"
Someone yelled to me. I took the basketball in hand.
I aimed the ball at the hoop and I throw, but I missed.
"Good try."
"Heh, yeah."
I smiled but something felt missing. I looked around to see that (Y/N) wasn't anywhere near. I told the gang that I'm going to go out. I walked to the tree they always sit at, but no one was there.
I walked into the building, thinking that they're still cleaning up. But, still, no one was there. I started to get worried for them. The only person who can know is either Colomba or the warden. I tried to look for Colomba, knowing that they are scared for life when meeting the warden. Colomba wasn't near either. The only option is the warden's office.
I walked in to see packages everywhere and the warden along with Colomba talking.
"You know that this is the wrong decision."
"Nonsense! If you were warden, you would see and feel that this was not an easy decision. But I had to in order to keep this penitentiary alive."
The warden and Colomba were arguing. I sneakily took a peek at what was in the boxes to see lots of money.
"What is going on here?" I asked, taking out a stack.
They both turned to me and the warden gave a glare at Colomba to not speak.
"Son, this is not any of your business."
"I need answers. Where's (Y/N)?"
Silence came and I could see guilt in their faces.
"They...they are out. Out of this place. In exchange for this money." Warden confessed.
My heart became heavy and it started to beat faster at the second.
"What do youse mean? Why for all of this?" I asked, holding up the stack.
"I needed to keep this alive. If I didn't, where would we be at now?"
"That's bullshit! Youse said we are family! Why is (Y/N) no acceptation?!"
I threw down the stack and kicked the opened box.
"Now, this is no way to talk to me."
"After what youse done, I believe you deserve this!"
I stormed out and I ran outside, avoiding the gang. I ran to the fence and I saw the road. I gripped the bars to see it was the same gate that I helped them get out.
I turned to the gang to see they were still playing basketball. I fell down on the ground, criss crossed. If (Y/N) was here, they would help me up.
I ran my hairs through my hair frustration. I would have to make a choice. Life is full of choices. If I go out there, I might get too attached and stay. But I have to stay here in order to fulfill my deeds and I need to take responsibility. But (Y/N) is my responsibility. They need me. What if they are in trouble right now? They need me.

It was in the early evening turning into late. I was still sitting there, my thoughts a battlefield. I looked up to see they calmed down and now talking. I looked at the gate, standing up and resting my hand on one of the bars. I knew the right choice and it was heartbreaking for me, along with the other members of the family. Not gang.
I climbed over the wall and when I saw no one was looking, I started to run down the road to the city.

~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

The doorbell rang and I got up, rubbing my forehead. My eyes were sore from crying. I slowly walked to the door and I opened it to see a box. The mailman must've dropped this. I looked around to not see him near.
I picked up the box and it was from Happy Trails Penitentiary. I opened it to see my belongings. I set them down on the kitchen table, only grabbing out my phone. I unlocked it to see nothing but the notifications of my mailbox. I didn't even bother to look at the latest one that was around this time.
I looked at the time to see it was 7:58 pm. I sighed as a thought came in.
I put on my jacket, got out the house key and phone, locked the door and I began to walk to the bar nearby. I know I said I'm not a drinker, but at this time, it felt right.

I had gotten to the entrance and the time said 8:30 pm. This place close down at 10. So I have about 2 hours to drink and cry. I opened the door to see only two customers and two bartenders. The other two customers were on the other side. Where all the whiskey and stuff are over there. They were watching a game on a TV, which explains why they moved over there.
On the other was bottles of wine and a few beer bottles. I sat on down and I was helped with immediately.
"Welcome. Is there anything I can help you with?"
"Uh, do you have any red wine?" I asked, guessing.
"Yes we do." He responded.
His voice sounded awfully familiar. I looked up to see the same person who worked at the store. Carl. He poured my drink in a glass and I took a sip. To be honest, it didn't taste bad. After taking that sip, I spoke up.
"You look very familiar. Did you worked at that store nearby?"
"Yeah, yeah I did. Unfortunately, I got fired and now I work here." He explained.
"For me, I don't know you. What's your name?" He asked.
"My names is (Y..." I stopped, knowing I can't give out my name. I was shamed of my name for some reason.
"DJ. My name is DJ." I said. (I tried to think of a name that sounded like a boy and girl's name. I know not everyone that likes Yancy is a girl, so I'm trying to keep it gender friendly. -LJ.)
"Well, pleasure to meet you, DJ." He shook my hand.
"Why did you get fired?"
"Well, I easily get distracted and I got behind." He said.
"I'm so sorry." I said.
"No ones sorry."

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now