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~ Le time skip one day ~
(Nothing happened in the time skip. At all. Just a regular and platonic friendship...)

Hot and summer day. Beautiful day really. The sun was out, pouring out their warm and bright rays of sunshine. I was in desperate need for a pick me up and the day is acceptable. Not saying these past few days weren't, they are, but days like this don't come daily. Outside of prison life, I would go out and walk in the park. Sometimes, I would meet up with Mark along with his girlfriend, Amy.
All three of us would share a conversation or get some refreshments and sit down on the big area of grass.
Now, I can't do that since...I don't know why I haven't broke out yet, but since I had arrived here. I honestly have no idea why I didn't escape yet. It was just so easy for me to walk out of here with no troubles. And yet I stay. Why?
I don't know and now I only have about 4 days (including this one) and one more week to decide on whether or not to stay here.

Stress all of a sudden just poured onto my shoulders and it slowed me down. Yancy noticed when we were standing in line for consuming of the food.
"Youse okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm good." I said, putting my hand on my forehead, breathing out a sigh.
I could tell Yancy wanted to get it out of me, but he knew that I don't like when people ask me over and over again. He left me alone and quick being at my side, but his aura of concern still raged on.
We had gotten our breakfast and I didn't feel like eating. After 5 minutes, I threw my untouched food in the trash and sat back down, resting my head in the palm of my hand.
Our friends all talked and didn't notice that much distress around me, so they left me alone. But I could just feel Yancy's eyes just staring at me. I knew he was concerned. More like upset. Not angry, but I guess sad. I wanted to tell him about what I have to make, but I just don't want him to be sad. Or even worse, he might not even talk to me. I would never want to put a friend in that state. I just hate for me to see them that way.
But also, a good friend tells your others the truth. If not, then you might just hurt them more than ever before. But still, I just can't stand the thought of seeing them sad. I guess it's a lose lose if you tell them either way.

The bell had rang, getting me out of my train of thought. I had some chores to do before getting my free time.
I walked into the kitchen and I began washing the dishes of pots and pans and bowls and cutlery. I filled the sink, added in some bleach just because I hate the dishes not being covered with disgusting bacteria. Just before adding in the soap, I squeezed the bottle, giving out some bubbles. I giggled and, finally, added in the soap.
I put on the rubber gloves to prevent feeling the wet food. I started to scrub and scrub until all were washed and dry. After some time, I put away the dishes away in its rightful spot. I heard the door creak open, indicating me that someone has entered. At first, I thought it was one of the officers that was coming to check in.
But that was not the case. The person who came in was none other than Yancy. He came in with a smile but his facial expression told me that he didn't have happiness.
"Hey, Yanc. Everything all right?" I asked, cleaning off the counter.
"Yeah, just wanted to help youse with some cleaning." He said, putting an apron on.
"Heh, sorry but you're too late. I already finished washing." I responded.
"I know youse have more chores than that." He said.
I rubbed the back of my neck.
"I would like someone to accompany me in chores. Gotta admit, it gets boring when doing chores. Also, I could use some help." I said, now going into the laundry room.

We walked in to see the clothes that the last prisoner washed, hanging on the thin ropes. We both grabbed a basket and started to put the clothes in.
A new batch had arrived in and we thought, first, to fold the clothes.
Finished, and now cleaning the rest of the clothes. We both took a break by sitting on top of the washer and dryer, just sitting in silence as the clothes paced around and around making the familiar 'hum' sound. I fiddled with my fingers, not knowing what or how to past the time.
"Anything on youse's mind?" Yancy asked.
"No, not really." I lied.
"It's just, but lost on where to go now. I don't know how long I am in this prison." I said.
"Parole is in about a few months. I was considering of doing it." Yancy confessed.
I turned to him.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah, mostly because...youse a good friend and I wanted to get to know youse more." He said, turning away from me. I smiled at the thought and I could feel my face get red.
Soon, we found ourselves with our shoulders touching each other. If we haven't spent all this time together, then I would've said something like, we should catch up on some more folding, or something like that, but no. I would want this other than anything else.
My head leaned against his and he leaned his against mine in return. I closed my eyes at the experience, feeling the corners of my mouth curling upward.
What is this?
I feel sick. But in the best way!
Is this a symptom of some sort of sickness?
No, it's not.

. . .

Am I falling in love?...

Welp I didn't know how this came out. Not sure if it's good or not. I planned something in comfort in theme for this and what comes to mind was soft. So I thought the setting of this would fit? I don't know. Please let me know if it was good.

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Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now