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My body shook up when I heard the bars of the metal gate shake. There I could see the officer there, clanging the bars vigorously.
"Wake up ya lazy pieces of shit!" He yelled.
I looked at his badge to see the name Robert. I yawned and I put of a fresh pair of socks and put my shoes on afterwards. Yancy climbed down from the top and he gave me a slight hug.
"Morning (Y/N)."
"Morning Yancy."
"Ya ready for a new day?"
"What has gotten you in a good mood today?"
He smiled cutely and he jumped up and down.
"Today is a special day for me."
"What is it?" I asked, eager to hear what he wanted to say.
"Today is my birthday!" He exclaimed. (Just to be clear, I have no idea when his birthday is and I just needed this to be put in to fit the story. -LJ)
My eyes widen and I smiled widely and brightly.
"It is?!"
He gave me a big hug, making it obvious it is. I hugged him back and patted his back.
"Now we can celebrate after breakfast!"

We both headed to the bathrooms to wash up and I showered because I wanted to be fresh for this new occasion. I also noticed some perfume/cologne in a nearby closet. I took off the cap and sprayed only a little bit on and I coughed at the scent.
I put it away so no one can get suspicious of it.
I waked to the cafeteria to see Yancy surrounded by the prisoners, all cheering and patting him on the back.
"Now we have to slap him." One said.
"On the ass." Another said.
Yancy quickly covered his butt.
"Not going to happen." He said, laughing.
I walked to the group and Yancy quickly went to my side and hugged me tightly again. I laughed as I patted his back. In the corner of my eye, I could see the prisoners making faces. I pulled away, slightly blushing.
We all got in line and we sat down with food in hand and we all talked about the birthday boy. He got the pats and the joking slaps from people. We all had a got time, laughing and bonding. It was really good.

The bell rang and we dumped our trays and that's when the warden came in.
"What a wonderful day it is! So nice to see my prisoners having a good time. And you should because we have a special day for our boy here." The warden said, coming to Yancy.
"My boy, today we celebrate his birthday. Whip up some snacks, out on some music, and go nuts." He said.
The kitchen staff started to get out the snacks, people put away the tables, they made a music booth, and they inflated some balloons in only a matter of seconds.I stayed by Yancy's side. He smiled and if he's happy, I'm happy.
The DJ put on some music and everybody started to party. And, for a first, a started to party as well. We all drank some refreshments and snacked on chips with salsa or other food. We all danced and danced and here and there did some musicals.

Soon, the music died down and we all calmed down for a bit. I was talking to Yancy with a drink in hand. It wasn't alcohol because it's prison and I'm not a drinker. I took a sip and that's when the DJ spoke up. But then I realized it was Bam Bam on the booth.
"I hope you all are having a great time. And I want to give honor to our birthday boy over there. Give him a hand." He said.
Everyone irrupted into applause and some whistled and cheered for him. I put down my drink and gave him a small applause with a soft smile. He paid more attention to me than everyone else.
"And, I want to dedicate this song to him along with someone else." He said.
I saw that he pulled out the same guitar that I played the other day. He looked at us and winked.
"Why don't everyone find a partner?" He said.
Everyone got together and it was only me and Yancy left. We looked at each other and I laughed.
"Um, I don't think I can do it." I said.
"I'll be right here." Yancy said.
I smiled and I looked away as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I rested my hands around his neck, just like last night.
Once everyone found their partner, Bam Bam began to strum the cords into the microphone in front of him.
(Cue music above. I know this song is Spanish, but I needed to find a song that sounded like him. And this is the only song that I found that is close. Okay, goodbye.)

🎵 I love you too much.
To live without you loving me back.
I love you too much.
Heaven's my witness and this is a fact.

🎵 I know I belong.
When I sing this song.
There's love above love and it's ours.
'Cause I love you too much.

🎵 I live for your touch.
I whisper your name, night after night.
I love you too much.
There's only one feeling and I know it's right.

🎵 I know I belong.
When I song this song.
There's love above love and it's ours.
'Cause I love you too much.

🎵 Heaven knows your name, I've been praying, to have you come here by my side.
Without you a part of me is missing.
Just to make you my own, I will fight.

The whole thing was magical. I loved every second of it. Our foreheads, once again, touched and I closed my eyes at the sensation.

🎵 I know I belong.
When I sing this song.
There's love above love and it's ours.
'Cause I love you too much.

🎵 I love~ you too much.
I love you too much.
Heaven's my witness and this is a fact.
You live in my soul.
Your heart is my goal.
There's love above love and it's mine 'cause I love you.
There's love above love and it's yours 'cause I love you.
There's love above love and it's ours.
If you love me...
As much.

He finished off and we all cheered and applause. Tears came to my eyes and I quickly wiped them away before anyone could notice. But one did.
"It's okay." Yancy said, embracing me.
"I'm fine." I said, laughing.
"Thank you for listening and I hope you all enjoy the rest of this wonderful day." Bam Bam said.
He got off the stage and winked at the both of us. My face became red and I pulled away from the hug.
"That was...something." I said.
"And I loved every moment." Yancy said, rubbing the back of his neck. I blushed and I fiddled my feet around.

Night came and we all helped clean. We put away the stuff, put the tables back together, and sweeper the whole place up because someone decided it was okay to use confetti.
After that, we were beat from having all that fun. We all washed up and walked to our cells. Yancy and I were still weren't tired and I read a few chapters of the book to him.
After a while, I heard his snores on top and I smiled, putting his book away. Colomba said it was near lights out and I took my shoes off and I got under the sheets, sighing of comfort.
The lights came out and I drifted off to sleep, feeling better than ever.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora