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After that little performance, we all had a wonderful day afterwards. We laughed and played some games and we had some good conversations here and there. Something was on my mind and I wanted to ask Yancy if...
"Do you guys have any instruments?" I asked, kinda hesitant to ask.
"Yeah, we do. But ya have to ask the warden to play an instrument." Yancy said.
That was great news but the fact that I had to ask the warden to borrow an instrument kinda scared the shit out of me. So I changed my mind.

It was near lights out and we have gotten ready. I continued to read the book until it was time for bed. Soon the guards told us lights out and we put away our books and we fell asleep.


I woke up on now a rainy day. I was in my old bedroom where I usually hanged out the most. Now the whole thing looked different from white and pink to blue and grey. I saw my tween self working on my school work on the desk. I looked over my shoulder to see a math problem. My weakness.
I remembered struggling on it and I couldn't concentrate. And what usually helped me concentrate is a bottle of soda. I set down my pencil and I walked out of my room and down the stairs and into the kitchen.
I opened the fridge and grabbed a can. Just as I was about to go back up, I heard father snoring on the couch. He passed out with several beer bottles on the coffee table and the TV still on.
For the first time, I felt sad for him. He lost his love and it was my fault. The guilt built up inside of me and I continued up the stairs and into my room, making sure it's locked.
I opened the can and I put on some headphones and turned on the music. I always liked this one acoustic song and it made me feel better. I always dreamed of playing an instrument and I was studying music.
But that didn't turn out a reality since now I'm a worker of stealing.
I hummed out the tune and I began to sing loudly. I remembered this and I tried to shush myself but it was too late.
Through the headphones I heard loud stomps up the stairs and in front of my door. Father banged on the door, almost knocking it down.
"Shut the fuck up!!" He yelled from the other side.
I knew what was happening next and I tried to prevent myself from saying it but too late.
"Fuck you!" I yelled from my room.
I heard a loud grunt and that's when the door got knocked down and I screamed, and I sat on the other side of my bed to try and hide.
He found me quickly and he gripped my wrist, digging his nails into them.
"What did you say you little bitch?! I dare you to say it again!!" He yelled, squeezing my wrists.
I screamed and I cried but he muffled my screams.
"Say it again!!" He ordered, now cracking the bones in my wrists.
I screamed and I bit his hand to leave a deep bite mark. He screamed and I also poked his eye and I ran out of the house.
I could hear his yell and footsteps coming closer and closer.
I sprinted for my life, not caring if my legs got tired. During the time, I had met Mark in school and we knew where we lived. I immediately ran to his house and I knocked on the door.
Mark answered and he smiled but I quickly got in his house and closed the door locking it.
"You have to help me!" I begged, tears running down my cheeks.
"What?! Who's out there?" He asked.
"My father! He's after me!" I yelled.
His mother came down with a concerned face. I explained to her what's happening and she then called the police.
Just then, we heard a knock on the door. I yelped, scared. Mark told me to wait in his room and I did. I could hear him opening the door.
I heard my father's voice in a out of breath tone. He asked if I came here and Mark said that he has never seen me. Father called bull shit and that's when his mother came. They talked to each other for a while and that's when father started to attack her.
Mark fended him off for a bit and that's when I got in as well. Father pushed Mark off and he focused on me.
"This is all your fucking fault!! If it weren't for you, my love would have still been alive!! Now I want my revenge!" He yelled as he pulled out a box cutter.
My eyes widen as he stoked down and missed my shoulder. But he picked it up again and pressed into my face. I screamed as at knife was dangerously close to my eye. He cut the end of my eyebrow and he picked it up again and that's when Mark got the knife out of his hand and wrestled with him.
Father pushed him off and I began to punch him in the face. He threw one and I ducked and I punched him in the stomach, causing him to stumble back and I swiftly used my leg to get him off his feet.
He fell down and that's when the police came. Mark, his mother, and I held him down until the police came.
They took him in a life sentence at a far away place. Mark, his mother, and I were taken into the hospital and we weren't that seriously injured.

The police asked if I had any other family members near and I said I don't. They said that I needed to stay with a relative or a friend of my parents.
I remembered my mother having a friend around and she was a nice person.
They went to her house and explained the situation. She told them that she'll take care of me and she did. She gave me food, shelter, and helped me out with math which I had a hard time on.
And those years of high school was mostly on my own. I worked on my homework and I worked more afterwards, hanging up ads for to mow people's lawns, baby sit their children, dog walker, and some other things.
I graduated university as a valedictorian and I was super proud of myself.
After that, I applied to a university but my permission didn't go through.
So Mark offered if we could work together and that's when we came across the base and we worked together.


I was shivering in my sleep. Not from cold. But fear. I woke up and I could feel someone at the end of my bed. I looked in the dark room and to see Yancy on my bed, sitting up and laying his hand on my leg, sleeping.
I didn't really want this but I would rather have someone be with me than alone. I snuggled up some more and I slept with no dreams.

Dangerous Dancer {Yancy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now