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"Man, I don't wanna go to school today." Lance whined.

"And why not sweetie?" His mom looks up at him while she does laundry.

"Because this group of alpha's and one beta always pick on me, calling me names and pushing me around."

"You should tell a teacher, that is no way to behave. I'll call those boys parents myself if no one stands up for my baby." She gets up to hug him tightly.

"Mama, I'm not a baby anymore. Stop with the hugging." He whines.

"You will always be my baby, no matter what." She pinched his cheek.

"Alright, alright. Ugh, I guess I'll go to school."

The only good thing about high school was that it was almost over. Lance would be graduating in a few months and he can plan on what to do with his life.

"McClain, come over here."

"Oh god." He groans to himself.

"Yeah travis, what do you want?"

"Is that any way to speak to an alpha? I think you need to be taught a lesson."

Travis grabs lance by his shirt and drags him into the bathroom. The rest of the group follows.
"What are you gonna do to him trav?"

"A good old fashion swirly." Travis answered proudly.

"Oh yeah."

"Do it man."

"This is gonna be good." The other laugh and watch it unfold.

"Adam, help me hold him down." Travis ordered.

"No no! Please! Don't do this." Lance begged, trying to fight them off but they were stronger. Adam grabbed the back of his neck and Travis held his shoulders down.
"Shut up and take it bitch. You deserve it. Next time don't talk back to an alpha."

Once they were gone, lance went to the sink and washed his face. He took his shirt off and went into his bag for a new once. They like to do things that involve him getting messy so he learned to bring extra clothes with him.
He also took out disinfectant wipes, lavender scented, wiping his face and head clean before going back to the sink.
Once he was all dry he put his new shirt on.
"Ugh can this day please get a little better?" He stared at himself in the mirror, hair styled the best he could do.
"I hope I don't get sick from the damn toilet."

His last class was math, he didn't really care for it, but he friends pidge and hunk were wizards at it so they would help him.
"Oh I smell lavender." Hunk smiles.

"Did Travis stick you in the toilet?" Pidge asked.

"Yeah." Lance flops in his seat defeated.

"He did that last week."

"And? He'll probably do it again if I step out of line again." He used his fingers as air quotes.

"You need to tell a teacher, they are bullies and that is so danger to stick your head in a toilet." Pidge sounded like his mom.

"I'm scared, what if it makes it worse?"

"They can be expelled, even if they are about to graduate. They won't get their diplomas either, so no jobs out of high school, or going to college." She smirked.

"I don't know, I think I can handle it until school ends, they won't bother outside of school. I'll be fine."

Pidge and hunk both rolled their eyes, but were also worried for him. But he was stupid, stubborn, and too kind hearted to ever hurt someone else. If they got expelled that would seriously ruin their lives, and would come back to find him and do god knows what to him. Maybe lance was overthinking, but he didn't want to chance it.

Once the bell rang, Lance was slow to get up. He knew Travis and his gang would be waiting for him by the doors.
Pidge left first, hunk stayed with him and also finished his homework.
"You're gonna be fine buddy, just ignore them the best you can, or maybe leave a note on the principles desk saying they guys are being bullies to a few other students."

"I don't know man, what if someone finds out it was me who wrote it. I don't want to get beat up any worse than I do now."

"Im sorry buddy, I'm too scared to get in anyone's face, I just want to make everyone happy." Hunk frowns but fixed it quickly, trying to be happy for both of them.

"And you do, that's why no one picks on you. You bake cookies and sing songs all day."

"Hey, just think it's only three more months, and then freedom." Hunk; the optimistic one.

"Yeah, three long ass months."

He finally left, and sure enough they were there. Standing at the doors like guards, Travis and his little gang waited for him.
"Hey lance, did you learn your lesson?" Asked Travis.

"Oh did you change your clothes?" Adam mocks.
Lance ignored them and kept walking out the doors.
"Hey, I was talking to you McClain." Travis yelled.

"Someone wants another lesson Travis." Laughed Adam.
The group surrounds him, walking with him and then Travis came up from behind and punched him in the back of the head.
As he fell to the ground they laughed at him and then started to punch him.

All of the sudden Travis was knocked over as someone had punched him.
What the fuck? Who are you?" He yelled.

"Dude, I think that's..." Adam starts but stopped as the stranger takes his helmet off.
When they see his face they all freeze in fear.
Lance was so scared he didn't hear what was being said, he didn't even realize they had stopped hitting him.

He finally snapped out of it when he heard a raspy yet kind voice say, "hey, you're okay now."
Lance slowly lifted his head to see beautiful purplish eyes staring at him, his chest pinged but he ignored it.
"They are gone." The guy continued.

"Thank you." his hated how quiet he sounded.

"I'm Keith."

"You're that mafia boss."

"Ha, yeah."

"I'm lance. Thanks again for helping me. You're not at all like what people say about you."

"Those little brats are lucky I didn't want to get my hands dirty. But I can be nice sometimes."

"Thanks, I can't say that enough." He chuckled.

"No problem. They won't be messing with you again. Trust me."

Once they said goodbye lance watched him go back to his bike and race off down the street.
Something about him made lance happy, maybe it was because he saved him. Or maybe it was how soft his eyes looked. Whatever it may be, lance felt good and went home with a pep in his step.

And now the show begins.

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