Alpha vs alpha

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This is gonna be exciting...

Keith and Lance were cuddled together on the couch, not really paying attention to what's on the tv.
Keith was kissing Lance's neck making him giggle and moan softly.
"Stop it, that tickles."

"Do you really want me to stop?" His sultry voice gave the omega shivers.

"You're such a horn ball." He playfully pushed him away.

"Only for you princess."

He loved being able to lick and kiss on his neck freely, his instincts weren't going crazy anymore because of the bonding. All he felt was content and comfortable with his omega.
"I love you lance." He says sweetly.

Lance looks up at his alpha with bright eyes, "I love you too."
They kiss passionately, it didn't turn sexual at all, it was filled with love as Keith caresses his cheek softly.

They look into each other's eyes after the kiss, this feeling was the best thing ever. Nothing could ruin it.
Then Keith's phone went off.
"Ugh who's texting me?"
It was from James, when he opens it a photo was sent, it filled him with rage.
"What is it?" Lance takes a peak and gasped, tears started to well up in the corner of his eyes.
"Who did that?"

"Lotor, I know it." He stood up and paced around.

Lance looks at the photo again, it was Keith's whole crew; 20 guys cornered and tied up, James was in the front bruised and unconscious.
Lotor must have gathered a lot of guys and guns to be able to do this.

"Okay, you stay here and I'll go deal with him." Keith spoke suddenly.

"What? No, you can't take him and his whole gang on by yourself." Lance worried.

"My guys will know what to do, and you can't fight."

"Yeah but.."

"Lance, you would only get in the way. I'm going to end this and you don't need to see it."
Lance drew away from him and sat down looking very defeated.

"I'm sorry. But you have to understand how dangerous this is. I'll be fine I promise."

"You come back safe, got it."

"I will princess, keep the door locked I'll send some extra guys from my other hideout to watch the outside.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you more." They kiss deeply even if it was short and then Keith was out the door.

Lotor and his men held James, kinkade, and everyone else at gun point. Waiting for Keith to come, Lotor was hoping right through the front door. The windows were too small for him to crawl in, and there was no back door or hidden entrance, that he could find. But his guys covered all the sides of the building.
Keith would have to fight through them first before he got inside. Or so he thought.

Keith slowly pokes his head out of the "sewer drain" the hidden underwater passage that he had built in as an easy escape.
It was in the back so he didn't have eyes on Lotor or any of his friends.
He climbs to the catwalk hidden in the shadows, and finally sees them. In a corner with guns pointed at them.
"This ends now." He whispers to himself, then throws a smoke bomb, it fills the room fast and feet scramble to get out.

"What is this? Stay on your guard." Lotor orders.
Groans and shouts of pain were heard, before Lotor could even see what was happening he was kicked in the head and knocked out.

Lance was pacing around the house with a bag of Doritos, stress eating.
He looks out the window to see the guys Keith sent to watch the house.
He took a deep breath and ate a little slower.
"Please be safe." He rubs his bond mark hopefully sending his wishes to Keith.

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