The question

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Keith makes his way to James' office in the hideout, there was a sign that said do not disturb.
He clicks his tongue slightly annoyed and knocks on the door.
"James, I need to talk to you."
Music was playing so he figured he couldn't hear, When he opened the door, he wished he had listened to the sign, but maybe the door should have been locked as well.

James; was bent over the side of the desk, with kinkade deep inside him.
"Oh shit." Said kinkade as he saw Keith.

"What-holy shit." James shouts as he looked to see Keith absolutely dumbfounded in the doorway.

"I'm sorry, I'll um talk to you later."
He turns the lock before slamming the door shut and running to his own office for a drink.

"Um, that was..." James was blushing softly.

"Kinda hot, being caught like that." Kinkade said with a grin.

"Well you do have kink in your name, kink-ade." James laughs. He earned a sharp thrust from the other alpha and he shuts up.
"Be a good boy, let me make you feel good."

"Jesus Christ, that's not something I wanted to see." Keith slumps in his chair with a glass of brandy in his hand.
"Maybe I should ask takashi."
He sent him a text then finished his drink, his phone chimes as the glass touched his desk.
"That was fast." He comments. He reads it, "awesome." He said out loud as he sent his reply and gets ready to leave.

"What a surprise, you're not attached to Keith's hip today." Pidge jokes.

"Haha, yeah. He has business stuff today."

"Sounds dangerous." Hunk worried.

"He doesn't do shady alley deals, hunk. It's legit business."

"Oh right. Well what are we gonna do today?"

"I have the new Skyrim online game, four player split screen capabilities." Pidge smiles.

"Oh heck yeah!"

Keith met Takashi at a restaurant half way between their two cities in a small town.
"Hey, it must be pretty important if you're wanting my help." Takashi smirks.

"Well, I was gonna ask James but I walked in on him and kinkade, so I figured you should probably be the one I talk to." He admits with a shudder while remembering.

"Ouch, not the first option. But I understand, we just started being a family again. Have to thank lance for that, he talked you into visiting mom."

"Yeah, this is actually about lance."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I um, I wanted some advice. I think- no I know I want to ask him to marry me."

Takashi's face lit up with pure joy, then the waitress came over to take their drink orders.
"Let's order food and then tell me all about it."

Food order was placed and Takashi was ready to listen to everything Keith had to say.
"So, what kind of advice do you need?"

"Well, you don't think it's too early to ask him to marry me?"

"How long have you been dating?"

"Five months."

"You've already bonded, I don't see the problem."

"But what if he's not ready? I don't wanna seem pushy." He rakes his fingers through his hair nervously.

"That's why you talk about this stuff, ask him what he wants to do in the future."

"We have, that's why I'm talking to you now. He brought up marriage and babies the other day."

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