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Keith was currently holding a guy by his ankles off the edge of a tall building.
The man begged Keith to pull him up and spare his life.
"Why should I? Not only did you steal product from one of my clients, I heard from him that you tried to touch his son; who is only 15, is that true?"

"No I swear I never touched him."

"You tried to touch him, plus stealing the product I should drop you right now."
He jerked him around a bit, the man screams like a baby. "My grip is getting weak." Keith sneers.

"Please, what do you want? I'll give you anything."

"Give back the product you stole."


"Ugh I'm bored." Lance flops on the couch, he was only wearing boxers and one of Keith's shirts.
"When is Keith getting back?" He asked himself.
He pops up quickly, "oh he has Xbox."
Lance games out playing call of duty, he had the headset on and was shit talking and taking names the whole time.

He was already on his 8th round of playing, he had taken down a lot of people so far. His team won five rounds and this will be round six.
"Dude on your six. I'll take the tower." His fingers went fast on the buttons.
"Stupid bitch, you ain't gonna snipe me."

Keith was walking into the kitchen and could hear lance yelling from the living room.
He was too busy with the game and didn't hear him.
"Die camper, haha suck it... Don't bring my mom into this, you sound like a 12 year old."

Keith was enjoying watching him and stayed quiet as he leaned against the wall.
"Ha we won again. Good jobs guys."  He communicated with his team.
"Okay, yeah I need to pee, see you in a bit."
He goes to the home screen and mutes his headset, placing it on the table with the controller.
He turns around to see Keith by the wall and jumps slightly. "Keith. When did you get back?"

"A few minutes ago." He looks lance up and down and smiles seductively, lance blushed as he realizes why the alpha was looking at him like that.

"I'm gonna get some pants on."
Keith was quick to grab his arm and stops him.
"Or you could lose the underwear.." he trails off but lance still knew what he was talking about.

"But the guys are waiting for me." He pointed to the game.

"Why play that stupid game, when you can play with me."

The couple was spread out on the couch, panting and sweaty.
Keith got up to get some water, lance was euphorically tired and slowly drifted off.
"Princess..huh, you're so cute." He admires the sleeping omega.
He picks him up and goes to their room, where they went to sleep for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Lance finally invited Pidge and Hunk over.

"Wow dude, this is a huge house." Pidge gasped.

"Look at the kitchen, I want to cook so much food in here."

"Dude we could totally spend the night and get our own rooms." Pidge was running around checking out everything.
Hunk was still amazed by the kitchen and the very large pantry.
"Calm down your guys. Don't get so carried away." Lance scolded.

"Sorry, it's just wow." Hunk sighs.

"Yeah seriously, can we stay the night?" Pidge asked.

"I said chill out you gremlin. It's up to Keith and he's not home yet."

"Ugh fine." She slumps on the couch.

Hunk made lunch and then they played video games to pass the time.

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