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Here comes mama. What kind of things are gonna happen?

Monday; the start of the week, and a great day to meet your boyfriends mom.
Lance was excited, Keith had already met his parents and friends, so of course it was his turn to meet Keith's mom.
He would probably see Takashi again too since he lived in the same neighborhood.

After school like always Keith was waiting for lance.
"Hiya babe." He jumps into the alphas arms.

"Hey princess." They kiss tenderly then pull away.
"Ready to meet my mom?"


"It's two hours to Dallas, wanna get some snacks before we go?"

"Heck yeah. I didn't get much at lunch."

They stop at the gas station, Keith filled up while lance was inside getting food.
He gathered Doritos, cookies, a KitKat bar, sprite for him, and dr. Pepper for Keith.
He payed and then met Keith outside.
"What did you get?"

"Snacks." He smiles.

"I see that, dork. What kind."

"Doritos, cookies, those are for you. KitKat, oh and a pop for you."

"How did you know I liked dr. Pepper?"

"I noticed it in your fridge, looks like it's your favorite."

"Awe, you're so sweet." He kissed his head.

Half way into the drive, the snacks were gone and lance was singing about wanting more food.
"Food food, glorious food, oh how I love ya oh how I miss ya. I want some food." He sang out.

"Oh my god, you're a bottomless pit. Haha. You can wait a little longer right? We'll have dinner there."
Keith laughed at his ridiculous boyfriend.

"How much longer? My butt is falling asleep."

"45 minutes. If you can't wait I'll pull over and wake it up for you." He smirks as he slides his hand up the omega's leg.

"What does that mean?"

"If you have to ask then you shouldn't know yet. The innocence is so cute." It was cute whenever he blushed, Lance was so easy to tease.
But this time he didn't blush.
"Well excuse me for being just 18 and never dating someone before. Mr. mafia boss, who's probably had a few relationships, you got more experience than me." He ranted, and realizing what he said slaps a hand over his mouth.

It was silent for some time Keith focused on driving, Lance was figuring out what to say.
"I'm sorry." He started, "I didn't mean anything bad. I, I don't care that you've dated before. You're mine now. But I know I don't have experience with a lot, and you teasing me all the time doesn't help."
He takes a deep shaky breath.

Keith pulls off on the side of the road without a word, he puts the car in park and takes off his seat belt.
"Keith?" He was getting anxious of his actions.

"I'm sorry." He hugs the omega. "I shouldn't tease you so much. I can't help myself sometimes, you're just so cute, and..." he pulls away to look him in the eyes. "I'm going to be completely honest with you, I don't have much experience either."
Lance raised his brow confused, looking at the alpha with lots of questions in his mind.

"What does that mean?"

"I've only dated Allura, and we never had sex."

"So, you are a virgin?" He didn't know why he whispered, but he kept his voice low.

"Yeah. But my instincts are getting stronger. So I tease you to see your reaction." He felt ashamed of himself, but it was only natural to feel like this.

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