Plan B

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Keith woke up early, without waking up lance he got out of bed and went to the store.

"Excuse me, what's the pill for the morning know." Keith felt shy for some reason asking for a birth control, maybe omega's should be the ones to ask.
"Oh you're looking for plan B, it helps to get rid of any sperm inside to not get pregnant." Says the lady.

"Yes that."

"That shelf right there." She points a few feet away to a shelf that had all kinds of birth control.

"Condoms, I should grab more. Um, oh plan B. Great."

After the store he went to McDonald's and grabs breakfast.

When he walked into the house he didn't find lance anywhere.
"Lance?" He opens the bedroom door and finds him still sleeping.
"Lance I have food."
A small groan is heard and he slowly rolls around and finally sits up.

"What kind?"

"Breakfast burrito and hash browns from McDonald's."

"Oh heck yeah, my favorite." He jumps out of bed and runs to him.

"But first you take this." He holds the box of plan B.

"Right, gotta be extra careful."

"I also got more condoms." He blushed softly.

"My legs still feel week, don't be getting any ideas." He said after taking the pill.

"I wasn't."

After breakfast they went to the hideout to see how everyone was doing.
"Hey the boss is here." James yells and everyone comes out to greet him.

"Everyone, this is lance. My omega."

"James and kinkade told us all about him." Says a member of the group.

"Isn't it great? Boss finally has an omega." James was so happy for him.

"Thanks James, so how is everything?"

"Going good, we've made little sales here and there. Just some pocket money."

"You guys haven't checked your banks yet?" Keith smiled.

"No why?"

"Check 'em."

James was first to look and he could have died when he saw the numbers.
"No way!? Is this real?"

"Yup." Keith smiles.



"Fuck yeah."
The others cheered as they saw the numbers in their bank accounts.
"You each got 50,000 dollars."

"I'm set for a while." Said kinkade.

"We all are. Do we still have to make sales?"

"Only if you want too. Just make sure you patrol around. Don't want people thinking we're not around."

"Yes boss!" The group of 20 said in unison.

On the way back home lance was curious about the money. "So, how much did you get?"

"Well, everyone got 50k, 20 guys in total. Guess how much I got."

"Um, 100k?"

"Try, 200k. I get more because I'm the boss."

"That makes sense."


"Hey baby, wanna go out and have some fun?" James whispered to kinkade.

"What did you have in mind?"

"The cliche, dinner and movie, and a happy ending."

"Is that your declaration for being top tonight?" Kinkade gets close to his ear and kissed softly.

"Yes it is." James gave him a glare warning not to fight him.

"I like it when you get like that." He teased.

"Shut up before I take you here in front of everyone." James growls hungrily. They both run out the doors and into the car.

"Screw the movie I'll wine and dine you at home, and after, I'll make you feel good."
His hand was on Kinkade's leg softly massaging his knee.

"Fuck, James." He moans.

They get to James' house and don't even give enough time to turn the car off before they are on each other, lips tangled together.
"We doing this here?" James laughs once they pull away.

"No, the bedroom is more romantic."

"Oh, you want it romantic? Slow and passionate."

"Stop talking and take me James."

They stumble into the house, kissing and creating a trail of clothes leading to the bedroom.
By the time they get into the room, only boxers remained.

"James, ah." He moans as the alpha kissed down his neck.

"Tell me how you like it?"

"I like it when you kiss me, all over."
James trails his lips all over Kinkade's body, savoring his tiny moans.

"Tell me more." His voice lowers and is so sexy.

"I like it when you talk dirty."

"I'm going ravish you all night long."
Kinkade stiffens, if he wasn't hard yet, he definitely was now.
"Take me, James fuck me."

Keith and lance were back at home. Home; they both enjoyed saying that and meaning they'd get to see each other every day.
Currently the couple was cuddling on the couch with avatar:the last air bender playing on Netflix.
"You'd totally be zuko." Said lance.

"How so?" Keith questions.

"Fiery, sassy, hot headed, and can kick some ass."

"Ha thanks, you're like sokka.

"Hey." He acted offended.

"It's a good thing, a little flirt, goofy, cute, and all around sweetheart."

"You're so cheesy."

"So what, you like it." The alpha gets closer and kissed his omega on the cheek, but he gave a disgruntled sound.
"Is that not what the princess wanted?"

"No, kiss me like you mean it."

Passionate heat pressed into his lips, Lance melts and all he could do was hold Keith's arms to not fall into the depths of his realm of desire.
That kiss was unlike any other, he really did mean it, with every fiber of his being. Keith wanted Lance in every way imaginable, and he delivered all his feelings into this kiss.
As their tongues dance with each other, Lance was still holding on, tugging softly to make sure he was still in reality.
There was no dominance to be won, only showcasing how much love they had for each other.
Lance lets a sigh pass between their lips and Keith echos him contently.

They slowly pull away, panting softly.
Keith caresses Lance's face, "I love you, more than anything else."

"I love you too." Lance still felt dizzy from the kiss, talk about taking his breath away.
He cuddles into Keith again, eyes falling heavy.
"My princess." He pets his hazelnut hair.
"Sweet dreams."

Short and sweet and with a little spice...stick around for more.

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