Relax day

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Keith woke up first, feeling lance still Laying on him.
He pets his hair, a small sound almost like a purr comes from the omega and Keith's heart melted at how cute it was.
"Lance, wake up princess."

"Mm no."

"Come on wake up."

"No, sleep, cuddle, all day." He purrs and pushed his face into the alpha's chest.

"Fine just a few more minutes and then we get food."

Keith's stomach started to growl 10 minutes later, and lance was still peacefully sleeping.
"Lance, I'm hungry. Get up." He groans a bit.

"Kiss me first." He says with his eyes still closed.
Keith rolls his eyes then leans down kissing his head.

"Noooo." He whines and sits up, "a real kiss."
He grabs the alpha softly by his cheeks and kissed him deeply.
"Mmm, Lance." He moans softly between the kiss.
"I require sustenance, we can have fun after breakfast." He pulls away and smirks.

"No, just relax today. Nothing too physically stressing."

"Princess that's the best way to de-stress."

"Maybe." He boops his nose and then jumps out of bed.

Lance puts on some instrumental music as they cook breakfast.
He made himself scrambled eggs on one side of the stove and Keith cooked sunny side up on the other side.
Bacon was on another burner, and once that was done hash browns took its place in the pan.
Lance was dancing as he puts his food on a plate, Keith watched him contently.
"You're so cute."

"Dance with me."
Keith grabs his waist and slow dances with him.
A soft piano and violin was playing, it was perfect for a slow dance.

They sway around the kitchen, keeping eye contact with soft smiles.
"I love you." Lance puts his head on Keith's chest.

"I love you too." Keith reaches for his chin to lift his head up and gave him a tender kiss.
"The food is gonna get cold."

"I know. But that was really romantic."

After breakfast lance wanted to do face mask and a hot bath.
"Nope, this is too girly for me." Said Keith.

"Come on babe please. It's so soothing, this one is blue and it's exfoliating too. I have character mask too, this is a panda, and a tiger."

"I'm not doing character mask."

"Fine, but this one is really good for your skin, how do you think I have such great skin?"

"It is really soft, I love touching it." He caresses his cheek. "You're so beautiful, but I'm sure the mask have nothing to do with it."
Lance blushed from the compliment.

"Okay, so blue face mask?" He spoke up.

They undress and Keith runs the bath while lance got out the mask.
"How hot do you want it? Just warm or steamy?" He whispered in the omega's ear.

"Keith.." his voice was low and shy.

"I like to tease." His hands were on the omega's hips and fingers drums against his skin.

"Stop it, face mask time."

Lance puts the blue goo on his face first and Keith watched, then it was Keith's turn to feel the goo.
"It's cold."

"It feels good right?"

"I guess. Something else could feel good too." He smirks.

"Want me to wax your legs too?" Lance grins evilly.

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